You Are Just Making Up the Exercises, My Disciple, Have You Really Mastered Them?

Chapter 558: Reminder from Hades, knowledge exchange

Chapter 558 Reminder of Hades, Knowledge Exchange

 Jade Court!

Another powerful force outside the Fuhua Temple!

Xu Yan looked at Mingyu, then at the Qingling Yuzhu in Mingyu's hand, and asked curiously: "During that battle, Yuting was also involved? Why is the Qingling Yuzhu here in Yuting?"

Ning Yu's expression was solemn, "This is also what I am confused about. I don't know how Qing Yu died in the first place and why her remains are in the Jade Court."

After a pause, he continued: "If Qingyu died at the hands of the Immortal Temple, the remains would not have this chance of survival. Perhaps there were strong men from the Jade Court who secretly took away Qingyu's remains."

Xu Yan thought for a moment and said, "Is there a possibility that she is not dead?"

Ming Yu was stunned for a long time, and then said: "I can't sense her presence anymore, but since you are in the Jade Court, you may be able to avoid my sense. I hope you are really alive."

Xu Yan looked at Mingyu and said with a smile: "When I go, I will probably enter the Jade Court. Maybe I can find out whether she is alive or not. I am very curious. If you have the chance, will you betray the Immortal Temple?"

Hell was silent for a long time, "I don't know, now that I have entered the Temple of Immortality, can I still turn back? I won't participate in the attack against Tai Cang Tian Di. The next yuan is about to be opened, and that is an opportunity.

"If it's possible..."

Hades said no more.

Xu Yan understood, after all, Hades is one of the seven lords of heaven and earth. Even if the seven lords of heaven and earth will quarrel with each other and have some conflicts, they will travel to the land of immortality together and gain the opportunity of purple light. Let’s open up the world together.

The feelings between each other must be deep.

Originally, the vigorous development of the seven heavens and earth would inevitably become the land of immortality, an extremely powerful existence, and it was even possible to become the center of the land of immortality.

All of this was destroyed by the hands of the Immortal Temple.

It is obviously impossible to say that there is no unwillingness or resentment.

But the reality is this. The unruly Hell has bowed his head, can he become unruly again?

If the next element is opened and he has the opportunity to seize that ray of light, his strength will skyrocket, and he can surpass the Invincible God Lord, then Hell will naturally not be willing to surrender to the Invincible God Lord.

But all this is unknown.

Moreover, Hell knows the power of the Immortal Temple, and it may be difficult to gain the strength to betray the Immortal Temple.

The strong men who do not transform into the temple will definitely be on guard against him.

"I hope there won't be a day when we are hostile, otherwise you will die in my hands."

Xu Yan said with a smile.

Ming Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he stopped laughing, but he did not feel that Xu Yan was arrogant. A young man who was less than a hundred years old already had such strength.

It is not impossible to surpass oneself.

"I, Hell, will not participate in the action against the Great Wilderness, so I will naturally not be your enemy."

At the beginning, when he devoured the **** world, he just wanted to get back what belonged to him.

"I killed the blood maniac."

Xu Yan said with a bright smile.

Hell was startled, shook his head and said: "Kill him, kill him. Although Blood Maniac follows me, he is not my closest follower. He... doesn't tell me."

But after a pause, Ming Yu said in a deep voice: "If you meet Ming Yu Yu, I hope you will show some mercy. Of course, I will also tell them not to take action against you, but because I have a mission, I'm afraid I haven't yet Tell them and they will meet you."

Xu Yan smiled brightly and said: "I never show mercy to my enemies, but now that you have spoken, I will give you a face. It depends on how much your face is worth."

The Underworld Blood Lord and the Underworld Blood Lord are named after Underworld Prison, which shows that they are the true confidants of Underworld Prison.

Hell Prison smiled, raised his hand, and a picture scroll flew out, "This is the map of the Immortal Land that I followed the Immortal Temple in these years. There are several special places in it. Maybe you can see it. It contains some of my experiences.”

Xu Yan made a move, and the picture scroll fell into his hand, and he said with a smile: "It's easy to say, I will be merciful."

If you want him to be merciful, you have to pay something.


Xu Yan waved his hand and prepared to continue escorting Mingyu back to the Jade Court.

"Although I don't know what Dahuang's confidence is to fight against the Temple of Inexhaustibility, but I need to remind you that the Lord Inexhaustibility has survived for at least four yuan, and it is unpredictable how strong he is.

“Furthermore, it’s hard to say how many Lords of Heaven and Earth there are in the Temple of Unchange, and it’s even hard to predict how many old guys there are who have followed the Lord Unchange to this day.

"If Dahuang really resists the Fuhua Temple, and if Jade Court also has a plan, they will join forces. When the next element is opened, both the Temple and Jade Court may have some plans.

"The Witch Demon is still alive. If you can find him, it will increase his power, but there are already strong men chasing him in the Fuhua Temple."

Hades suddenly spoke up and reminded.

"The Witch is still alive?"

Xu Yan looked surprised.

"Yes, but the injury was serious. How much he has recovered is unknown."

Hades nodded.

"Taicang is dead, but the Witch Demon can survive, and the Fuhua Divine Lord didn't take action against him?"

Xu Yan was surprised.

As powerful as Tai Cang, he is dead, and the witch demon is not like Hades. He has a younger brother in the Temple of Unchanged God, and he can beg for mercy from the Lord of Unchanged God to survive.

When faced with the Immortal Lord, the witches and demons should have no chance of escaping.

"It was Tai Cang who sent him off the battlefield when he fell."

Hades was actually surprised.

"When Tai Cang fell, he could still send people off the battlefield. The gap between him and the Infernal God Lord is not very big."

If Tai Cang's strength was too far apart, he wouldn't be able to send people off the battlefield at all.

"Taicang was only half a step away from breaking through to become the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Perhaps at the last moment, he tried his best and took this step before he was able to do it.

"Although the Lord Fuhua is strong, I only obey Tai Cang. Unfortunately, time is not on our side, otherwise the outcome will be unpredictable."

Hell sighed, turned around and disappeared instantly.

"Taicang is indeed remarkable. No wonder Master said that Taicang is a very talented child."

Xu Yan murmured in his heart, even his master praised him, which shows Tai Cang's talent.

Although the witch demon is alive, his whereabouts are unknown. Xu Yan will naturally not deliberately look for him. Besides, where can he look for him in such a vast and immutable place?

"Yuting, interesting!"

Xu Yan looked at Mingyu and found that the silvery-white brilliance in Mingyu's eyes began to slow down, which meant that he was starting to recover.

Taking out the flying boat and placing Mingyu on the flying boat, Xu Yan took out the map given by Hades and looked at it. The flying boat continued to fly in the direction Mingyu was going.

After reading the map given by Hell, Xu Yan had no intention of exploring for the time being. Instead, he looked at Mingyu. At this time, the circles in Mingyu's eyes had disappeared.

It's just that the pupils have not returned to darkness and are still in a downtime state.

"The people in Yuting are really weird. They just don't know if my guess is correct or not."

Xu Yan looked at Mingyu and thought deeply.

"Shenhun? It seems familiar to me."

Mingyu blinked his eyes, tilted his head slightly, and started thinking.

"The soul is the seat of consciousness. If the soul dies, the body will be left with only a shell..."

Xu Yan explains the soul to Mingyu.

"When the soul dies, only a shell remains..."

Mingyu said slowly and clumsily, his thoughts seemed to be stuck again, and his dark pupils began to turn white.

At a certain moment, he seemed to think of something and asked a question. "If the body is gone, where is the soul?"

Xu Yan smiled brightly and said: "Miss Mingyu, knowledge is very precious. Although you and I are friends, the knowledge involved is too deep and cannot be used for free!"

Mingyu blinked, seeming to be thinking and understanding the meaning of Xu Yan's words.

The dull and cute look made Xu Yan's mouth twitch slightly, but Mingyu seemed to grasp the key point from these words.

"Whoring? I don't sell myself!"

Mingyu shook his head with a determined look on his face.

Xu Yan:…

Xu Yan was stunned by his understanding. After thinking for a long time, he finally came up with this meaning?

Is that what you mean?

However, Mingyu's brain cannot be viewed normally after all, and it is reasonable to understand mistakes.

"Miss Mingyu, what I mean is that knowledge is very precious, especially knowledge involving the soul. It cannot be obtained for nothing. It does not require you to sell your body."

Xu Yan explained helplessly.

Mingyu tilted his head and thought for a while, "Then how can I obtain your knowledge?"

"It's very simple. Knowledge is exchanged for knowledge. That's fair."

Xu Yan smiled brightly.

"How to change?"

"It's like changing formations, but this time the knowledge we exchanged covers a wide range of topics. Before that, I want to know, Miss Mingyu, where are you from? Is it the place I know?"

Mingyu blinked, "Me, I'm from Yuting."

"As expected, he is from Yuting. I have heard about Yuting for a long time, but I don't know much about it. In that case, how about exchanging an introduction about Yuting?"

This is exactly Xu Yan's purpose.

Mingyu was thinking about it, and after a while he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll introduce you to Yuting, and you can explain to me what happens to the soul without the body."


Xu Yan nodded.

"Miss Mingyu, let me explain it to you first. After I finish, you can introduce Yuting."


Mingyu nodded his head and blinked his eyes with an expectant look on his face.

"When a creature is weak, it may have a soul, but it is extremely weak and empty. Only by cultivating to a certain level can the soul be condensed and transformed into reality..."

Xu Yan did not directly tell Mingyu what would happen to the soul that lost its body.

Instead, he started from scratch and explained the knowledge about the soul to Mingyu, also to confirm a guess.

"The martial arts practiced are different, and the souls condensed are also different. Generally speaking, when the soul is condensed, the sea of ​​soul consciousness must be opened. There are also martial arts that open the spiritual platform...the sea of ​​soul consciousness is in the mind."

Xu Yan raised his hand and pointed at his head.

Then, I saw Mingyu blinking his eyes, and gradually the dark pupils disappeared, turning into jade white, and the silver brilliance turned in circles.

"Sure enough, Mingyu has no consciousness about the soul, but she also has some vague feelings. Once she touches the soul, she will be unable to react. In other words, in her consciousness, the soul is too profound..."

When Xu Yan saw Mingyu, his brain shut down again, and the suspicion in his heart became more and more confirmed.

Mingyu's brain went down this time, and the time was shorter than the last time. After recovering, he tilted his head slightly, blinked, and watched Xu Yan thinking.

It seemed that she had forgotten some of what Xu Yan said and did not remember it.

"Miss Mingyu, it's your turn to introduce Yuting."

Xu Yan said with a smile.

"But, I don't remember much of the knowledge you mentioned."

Mingyu looked a little depressed.

"Profound knowledge cannot be remembered once or twice. Just remember it a few times. The more profound the knowledge, the greater the value and the more effort it requires. Since we have reached a knowledge exchange, we cannot Because if you can’t remember it, it doesn’t count.

"If you introduce Yuting knowledge and I don't remember it, I will continue to ask you to introduce it and continue to exchange knowledge until I remember it.

"The same goes for you. If you feel you need me to continue explaining, then just continue the knowledge exchange until you remember it."

Xu Yan said with a serious face.

But she felt secretly happy in her heart. It was good if she couldn't remember, so that Mingyu would exchange more things and ask for more information about Yuting.

"That makes sense!"

Mingyu nodded.

"What do you want to know about Yuting?"

Xu Yan pondered for a moment and then said: "Although I have heard of the name of Yuting, I know very little about it. Miss Mingyu, where is the Yuting? What is your strength in the Yuting?"

Mingyu tilted his head slightly, thinking, "Yuting has no fixed location and is always wandering. But normally, Yuting has a wandering direction and will change direction every once in a while.

"I'm not strong in Yuting. If I were strong, I wouldn't ask you to **** me."

Xu Yan immediately understood that the Jade Court, like the Infernal Temple, was not fixed in one place, but had been wandering in the Infernal Land.

Mingyu has Realm Lord level strength, which is not considered strong in Yuting. From Mingyu's tone, we can know that Realm Lord level strength is very common in Yuting. This shows that Yuting is very powerful.

"It's my turn. It's my turn."

After Mingyu finished speaking, he spoke happily.

Xu Yan smiled hoarsely, and Mingyu became smart and lively at this time.

"Let me explain again, what I just said?"

Mingyu tilted his head slightly, then nodded: "Yeah!"

Just tilting his head slightly means that Mingyu is thinking, and Xu Yan has figured out some of Mingyu's habits.

The dark pupils disappeared and turned jade-white, which meant that Mingyu was either entering a state of fighting or entering a state of deep thinking and sorting.

The silvery white light in his eyes was spinning in circles, which meant that Mingyu's mind was stuck.

Xu Yan explained the soul just now and said it again. After Mingyu listened, the dark pupils disappeared and the silvery white light turned in circles, but this time the time was much shorter.

"it's your turn!"

After recovering, Mingyu felt a little depressed. He raised his hand and scratched his hair, looking unhappy.

"Miss Mingyu, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Yan saw Mingyu in this state for the first time and couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I feel stupid."

Mingyu looked frustrated.

The corner of Xu Yan's mouth twitched. This is no longer a question of your stupidity.

He smiled and comforted: "Profound knowledge is always difficult to understand. It is normal for you to be unable to remember and understand it once, twice, three, four or even five or six times."

(End of chapter)

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