World of Beasts: I Can See Their Hidden Stats!

Chapter 90 - The Secret Of The Bats

Chapter 90: The Secret Of The Bats

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“That’s great!”

“I can’t wait anymore!”

“I want to slay the bats just like Locke!”

“Darn, Locke is pretty smart!”

“I can’t believe that Bronze Class students like us have been assigned onto a mission!”

The students were excited, and their hearts were filled with gratitude towards Locke.

After all, they no longer needed to sit on the sidelines!

Tristan then added, “1 Diamond Class Student, 2 Gold Class Students, 7 Silver Class Students, and 15 Bronze Class Students!”

“Form groups with these numbers! Each group will be led by the Diamond Class student! Prepare to set off!”

Diana adjusted her black-rimmed glasses and stepped forward, “Don’t worry! I will do my best to provide everyone with the bats’ coordinates!”

“Set off once you’ve formed your groups!” Tristan gave the order, and the students immediately began to form groups. After a dozen or so minutes, all the students had left the academy.


“Freezing Arrival!”

Locke was already bored with killing the bats. As such, he ordered Lil’ White to expand Freezing Arrival to its maximum range.

Countless bats began to fall.

Moto’s face was filled with anger. He really wanted to cut Locke into pieces!

Not only did Locke guess the nature of his Battle Beast correctly. He had even figured out where he was obtaining his bats from. Moto felt that he had taken a huge blow to his dignity.

To nobles who valued their pride above all else, this was no small matter.

In his anger, Moto had even changed the way he addressed Locke. “Kid! It seems that you have a death wish! I hope you’re ready to get your blood drained dry!”

“Oh... You’re angry, huh? You nobles are really hypocritical. However, your Battle Beast is quite suitable for your noble identity. After all, you nobles are no different from vampires... Unfortunately for you, your supply of bats will deplete soon.” Locke flashed a cheeky grin at Moto.

Locke realized that the bats were weak. Moreover, Moto was only relying on his numbers advantage to overwhelm his opponent. Once his opponent had depleted their mana, Moto would then land the final blow!

Unfortunately, Moto’s advantage in numbers was useless before Locke..

After all, he had picked up Principal Hobrick’s Incantation technique!

Locke’s mana core had already expanded by dozens of times. He had an abundant supply of mana.

“You’ve really p*ssed me off now...”the scarlet light on Moto’s body intensified, and his eyes turned blood-red.

His face also turned pale.

He was resorting to his stored blood once more.

The remaining bats on the scene began to transform according to their master’s will!

The gray bats gradually turned dark red!

“Don’t waste a single drop of blood...”

As soon as Moto gave the order, the battlefield was suddenly filled with the screeches of bats!

They were ready to pounce on Locke!

Naturally, Locke knew that he was facing a different breed of enemies. As such, he steadied himself, ordered Lil’ White to guard his back, and struck a battle pose.

After transforming Infinite Fire Element into a crossbow, Locke fired several shots of fiery arrows at the impending bat swarm!

Lil’ White synchronized with its master and unleashed Freezing Arrival on the encroaching enemies!

Just like that, the master and servant had fended off the bats’ two-pronged attack!

Under the influence of Moto’s blood, the crimson bats had become faster, and they had become much tougher!

Despite that, they still could not approach Locke!


The Holy City was under siege by bats.

The situation in the civilian districts were dire!

There were at least 10 thousand civilians who had fallen prey to Moto!

“Beast Tail Cannon!”

The Black Tortoise’s cannonball killed more than a thousand bats.

“Don’t force yourself. The Black Tortoise hasn’t fully recovered yet...”Jacques reminded after eliminating some bats.

“There are too many bats here. I can’t ask the students to come here and risk their lives. This is my responsibility...” Tristan responded seriously.

“Sigh, you bastard. Fortunately for you, I’m here. Otherwise, I doubt you’ll have enough mana to sustain yourself,” Jacques heaved a sigh.

At this moment, reports from various Diamond Class students were coming through via his earpiece. “Instructor Jacques! The southern part of the city has been cleared. We wish to join the fight at the center of the city!”

“No! Moto is there. It’s too dangerous. Listen up, support the groups up at the north. They’re having a hard time fending off the bats there!”

“Understood!” After issuing the order, Jacques laughed and said, “Hehe! This bunch of brats. They aren’t so proactive when it comes to studying. To think that they cleared the southern part of the city that easily...”

Tristan, on the other hand, walked up and said, “Of course. Studying is a boring affair. Who wouldn’t leap at the opportunity to join a live mission? Plus, weren’t you the same in the past? Sigh, a Beastmaster’s true home lies in the battlefield...”

“Hurry up. The Northern District is a disaster zone. Once we’re done here, we need to hurry to the northern zone. Should anything happens to the students, the old man will definitely skin us alive...”

Although it was a joke, Tristan knew that it was not the right time to mess around.

Under Tristan’s command, the Black Tortoise launched yet another cannonball at the bats...


Half of the arena was already filled with bat corpses.

Noticing that the number of new bats supporting Moto was decreasing, Locke knew that the academy had already made their move.

“I really underestimated you...” Naturally, Moto was aware of the happenings outside the arena. After sensing that there were only a 1.5 thousand bats remaining on scene, he immediately ordered them to withdraw.

He had to use them rationally. He could no longer play the numbers game.

“Continue sending them at me! I’m having a blast here!” Locke taunted.

“Hmph... I’ll show you a great time alright!”

With a thought, the bats in the sky dispersed and formed a net-like structure.

Locke was not concerned. Instead, he was trying to locate the blood elemental’s location.

‘Could it be in Moto’s body?’

He thought that the possibility was very high.

After all, no one had specified how big the body size of an elemental Battle Beast was.

‘What if it’s hidden in his clothes?’

Just as he was thinking that, Moto shouted, “Take this, kid! Crimson Slash!”

With that, red light flashed in the eyes of the bat in the sky, and red rays were unleashed at the arena!

The tiles on the platform began to split apart!

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