World Domination System

Chapter 394 Prioritizing

A few hours later.

[Power Insufficient.]

[Power Insufficient.]

[Power Insufficient.]

[Power Insufficient.]

[Power Insufi....

As Daneel heard this notification for the umpteenth time in his head, he tried to shake off the intense pain he felt in his mageroot while casting a simple fire needle.

The needle was easy enough to create, however, no matter how much he tried, he just couldn’t move it fast enough.

As for the motive behind his action right now, it was the new level of the insanely useful Phenomena Analysis Module that had been obtained due to the upgrade of the system.

[Phenomena Analysis Module-3: Allows host to analyze phenomena up to peak Champion level complexity.

Additional Feature Unlocked: Battle Simulation.

Battle Simulation: Host can choose a memory which comprises of an individual attacking. By deeply analyzing this memory, system can build a virtual environment where host can test whether his attacks will be enough to counter the move made by the individual in the memory, while taking into account all factors.]

After obtaining the items in the core of the Dragon-Heart formation, Daneel had first been badly shocked when he saw the system tell him that there was an item here which perfectly matched an unidentified item he had found in the Hidden Kill Sect.

He had no idea what it meant, but something had told him that this discovery was very, very important.

However, the most disconcerting thing was that the system had been unable to identify even one other item found in Lanthanor.

When asked how it had been able to do the identification in Lanthanor, Daneel had been told that it was due to data extracted from the information obtained about the rules. Apparently, there were certain rules written down regarding those two items that the system had been successful in identifying.


Right now, Daneel felt as if he was in possession of a divine weapon whose strength was unfathomable, however, because he wasn’t able to feed it with what it wanted, it was reduced to nothing but a paperweight.

Practically nothing within the Central Continent could stop the system.

This felt really surreal, as it felt that it had just been a minute before when Daneel was worrying about not having enough EXP to upgrade the system.

Now that the system had been suddenly upgraded, even Daneel had to take some time to get used to the fact that it was now essentially all-powerful in a way.

If there was something limiting it, then it was him.

First, he needed more data about this world. Since he had absorbed all that data in the Kingdom of Lanthanor, there had been very few instances where Daneel had been able to obtain more.

So, basically, he was bounded by what the Central Continent knew, and this irritated him to no end.

Of course, most irritating was the fact that he didn’t know just what the hell he had obtained in Lanthanor.

Hence, he sadly had no other option but to store them and bide his time until he could find out just what the heck he had been fortunate enough to find.

It felt so unsatisfying-like there was candy hanging in front of his mouth that he could even smell, but not eat.

In fact, it had felt so unsatisfying that Daneel had moved the objective of obtaining data to top priority in his mind.

As for how two similar objects could be present in the cores of the formation of both sects, Daneel had a few suspicions, but he decided not to think about it until he made two more stops in the Central Continent first.

After all, that had been just...too shocking. If he started to jump to conclusions without investigating in every way he could, Daneel knew that it might only lead to doom.

Coming back to the matter at hand, the most pressing item on Daneel’s agenda was the fight he was going to have with the Mad Doctor’s sons, and also the fact that news about him having a very valuable inheritance would be spreading throughout the continent, pulling out possibly hundreds of experts who might all attack him at once.

To be frank, it was terrifying. Hell, it was suicide.

However, Daneel had no option but to face it.

Marcus had said that he would be following Daneel, but Daneel had found no indication of the man-until the system had been upgraded.

With the system’s upgrade, all tools would automatically increase in capability by a level.

One such tool was the Anti-Surveillance Tool, which let him know whether there was anyone spying on him.

When he had realized this fact, Daneel had asked, "System, is there anyone watching me right now?"

[Except for certain moments of time like during when the host accessed the cores of the two formations, system has detected that host was being watched from a remote location. System has also identified that the purpose of this surveillance was only to ensure host’s safety. No attempts at seeing what the host is doing or seeing were made.]

This had made Daneel heave a sigh of relief, because news about the inheritance in the Hidden Kill Sect couldn’t get out.

It was only after this had he started to go through the descriptions of the upgraded tools, before finding this really practical perk of the Phenomena Analysis Module.

After that, Daneel had returned to the Hidden Kill Sect after running the small errand of shifting back the Natural Energized Training Chamber from that spot in the ground where the Ker Gem mine had been found.

How could he forget this treasure of his?

Back when Daneel had found the ultra-high energy source but had been stopped due to the lacking power of the system, he had been told that placing the chamber at the source would speed up Ker Gem formation exponentially.

Now, he had access to the core, which, according to the system, was a natural area of high-energy confluence.

So, after placing the chamber here and looking forward to the piles of Ker Gems it would produce which were very crucial to him, Daneel had

secluded himself in the sect after telling the system to choose that memory when the Mad Doctor had moved in the Olympic Stadium to cut off all the severed organs of those from the Big 4.

Since then, he had been trying to launch an attack which could at least have a hope of hurting that man.

At the end of the day, Daneel knew that he might have to face off against this Mad Doctor, too. He wasn’t naïve enough to think that someone self=proclaimed to be mad would stand on their words.

No matter what he did, it was futile.

As he was now, Daneel was simply too weak. He was weaker than a leaf that couldn’t even stop itself from being blown away by the wind.

However, he was determined to change that.

The matter of the Hidden Kill Sect had been pressing, but it was now handled.

So, Daneel had decided to completely put his focus on getting stronger.

Five and a half months were all he had. What he did in that time would dictate whether he lived or died afterward, and he had no intention of wasting even a second.

He already knew where his focus had to be on: he had to target a breakthrough to the Warrior realm, and he also had to master the inheritances he had, while using the system to obtain more if possible.

As sect leader, he had already taken the full copy of the Basilisk’s Breath, along with all the top techniques of the sect.

Now, the only thing needed was practice. After all, the system couldn’t do everything, no matter how powerful it was. It was a tool, and using that tool, he was going to skyrocket in power enough so that he could really drive the Mad Doctor, well, mad.

As Daneel decided on this, a resolute expression came on his face, which would definitely make anyone watching him understand that nothing would be allowed to stand in his way when he walked on his path.

Taking a rest, Daneel realized that he was ready to leave. Those from the Big 4 had already left during the events of the war after congratulating him, with both Sister Xuan and Percy stunned that he had pulled something like that off. Of course, he was still in touch with them, but there was nothing tying him to this sect any more.

Except...the duty of sect master.

He needed a subordinate, and it was time to choose one.

Initially, Daneel had decided to choose either Skrrag or Luther to command in his stead. Both had their own shares of pros and cons, but Daneel would definitely have opted for Luther if it weren’t for the problematic fact that he was associated publicly with Lanthanor. Placing him directly in command would just be like asking for trouble from all those who were already unsettled that Daneel’s best friend was ruling the Black Raven Kingdom.

However, now, he had gotten an idea.

Taking out the oathstone, Daneel sent a message to the top assassins and officials of the sect.

"Everyone, I have decided to go into secluded training. The threat is past, and I’m not really needed in the sect anymore. However, I want to choose a replacement who will represent me. To be fair and impartial, we will be hosting a battle royale between all those eligible and interested in taking the post. They will have the same authority as you lot, but they will be sitting in for me. Make the announcement."

While the members of the Hidden Kill Sect reeled at the sudden news, Daneel looked at himself in the mirror and smiled coldly.

Time was short, but he didn’t want to be sloppy.

It was best if Luther took the spot, but he needed to make it happen in a ’just’ way.

So, it was time for some good ol’ rigging.

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