World Domination System

Chapter 386 A Forsaken Hope

Only 30 minutes had passed since the giant ball had come into being. However, to the sect leader, it felt as if at least a few ages must have gone past.

He had been watching with bated breath as each of those from the Big Four tried to use their trinkets to take control of the formation to no avail. Each time one of them failed, his heart would drop but he would keep telling himself that they were still another chance.

If he had to be frank, he would admit this telling himself that was something that had been keeping him going for quite a long time, ever since he had found out that they were under risk of being conquered by the Kingdom of Axelor.

What many didn’t know was that he was the bastard son of the previous sect leader, and that he had grown up in a very hostile environment due to the jealousy and scorn of all the official offspring. However, as luck would have it, he turned out to be the most talented among all of them, thus winning his father’s support and encouragement.

Yet, his tough childhood had already had a very adverse effect on him, making him someone who did not let people or things into his life easily.

For the longest time, he cared only about two things: his father, and the sect.

The Hidden Kill Sect was more like an autonomous organization which trained assassins and functioned using the commission obtained from accepting contracts. It almost never ordered someone to take a contract, but the rules stipulated that successful assassinations increased the rank of a sect member, granting them access to more powerful techniques and finally, even an inheritance.

The information about the inheritance was something that was guarded with the lives of the top assassins and the sect leader, so there were always less than just 10 people who even knew that the sect was in possession of something so precious.

The only oath that a sect member would have to swear was that they would stand by the sect in terms of crisis and also listen to orders if the rules deemed it necessary. Also, it was to ensure that their techniques would not be leaked out.

His father had been a proud man, so even though he had been at an age where he should have retired and just led the sect, he kept accepting contracts until one day, he did not return from a mission.

This completely broke him and made him work harder than ever to take back the position that was his father’s. In his eyes, now that he only had the sect to love, he would give it his everything, just like his father had done.

After succeeding to become the sect leader, he had been contented for a long time, and had even taken a wife who gave birth to Skrrag but died during childbirth.

That death made his heart even harder, but he at least still had his sect and his son to take care of.

When the news about Axelor’s actions had become known, he hadn’t been able to sleep for many nights, knowing that his sect was in danger.

He had searched frantically for even the slightest whisper of someone talented in formations all across Angaria, until finally hearing mention of a man who had managed to take control of the Dragon-heart formation of Lanthanor, and that too remotely through his disciple.

He knew that he needed him, so the sect leader went to extreme lengths and even promised something that was unprecedented in history. Of course, he was still following the rules, but there was still a lot of backlash which he handled.

The closer they came to the auspicious time, the more desperate he became. In fact, he hadn’t slept a wink in weeks.

That was why when he heard the news about the food stores, he had reacted in that way and scolded his son whom he loved deeply.

As for the news of two more kingdoms marching on them, he hadn’t even been able to comprehend it for a long time, and when he did, his desperation reached new peaks.

All of his hopes had been pinned on this one hour, and this one man.

Hence, when he saw him walking away from the eye of the formation, it was as if he could hear his hopes being crushed by each footstep of the man.

He completely lost it.

As if all the energy had gone out of him at once, the sect leader stepped back and leaned against the wall, with his eyes wide open and bloodshot.

They were still staring at Master Novrain, who did not seem to have even a shred of regret at letting him down.

The sect leader considered taking out the anger that had been building up over a long time on this master by attacking and killing him, but he knew that it was futile.

He was a Warrior level mage assassin who had seen so many things in his long life, but none of it had prepared him for the crushing knowledge that he had let down his sect.

He was the sect leader, but he hadn’t managed to find a way to save them from being taken over by a hostile force.

Thousands of years of glory. All gone in a flash.

It didn’t even cross his mind that this Master Novrain was bluffing for some reason, as after this hour was past, there would be no more chances to take control of the formation. It was also not possible that he had taken control and decided not to reveal it, as it was clearly written in the records that the ball made by the snake would unravel and reveal the precious treasures of the sect as soon as anyone took control.

There was nothing more to do. They were slowly going to be whittled away, and the Hidden Kill Sect would go under the control of someone else.

In this moment of extreme depression, the sect leader heard Master Novrain speak, but the contents of their statements were so shocking and out of the blue that he wondered whether he was going crazy.

"There is one way I can take control, but it will decrease my power, and have long-time negative effects on my strength. Normally, I wouldn’t even mention it. But, right now, I have a reason. I have to admit something, and although it may sound far-fetched, just bear with me. After the crash course which you graciously gave me, I...gained something. And that something has also made me take a liking to your sect. I have fulfilled your prophecy. Let me become the sect leader, and I will take control of this formation without caring what happens to me and I will drive off all those other Kingdoms. I’m not just doing this because I want your resources and techniques. Heck, I already have your inheritance. I could leave happily right now. Yet, I am someone who values debts very seriously. Your sect gave this to me. And I shall repay it, by saving it. Stefan, I think you should speak now."

"We would like to invoke the bylaw and call for a no-confidence vote. Right now. And as a replacement, we nominate Master Novrain, fulfiller of the Basilisk Rider prophecy."

What?! He had gained the inheritance and fulfilled the prophecy?! And Stefan was calling for a no-confidence vote?

What the heck was going on?!


A few minutes earlier.

After coming back to stand in his initial position, Daneel watched as the sect leader completely collapsed.

He had heard a bit about the man’s past, so he actually felt sorry for him. However, this needed to be done, as they were simply no other way.

Touching the communication trinket in his pocket, he saw that there was already a message waiting for him there.

"Master Novrain? Are you serious? Tough luck? I thought we already discussed this! Even if you want to become the sect leader, you have to take control of the formation now, or you just get a sect that is going to be conquered!"

This was from Stefan, and there was also a much ruder message from Jaggrv with the same meaning.

Touching both the communication trinkets discreetly, Daneel sent a message to both of them.

"You two, just trust me and get ready to vote."

Without even giving them a chance to respond, Daneel had given his speech which astonished everyone.

Thankfully, Stefan had been ready to take the lead after him.

The sect leader was too shocked to do anything, so after both of them spoke and saw no response from him, Stefan took charge and said, "Representatives of the Big Four, I request you to please leave the premises. Quickly. This is official sect business, so please comply."

Daneel had used an anti-eavesdropping spell to make sure that only those from the sect had heard him, as the information about the inheritance could not leak.

The four had already been staring with puzzled expressions till now, but this statement from Stefan only confused them more.

However, with everyone else glaring at them with stern expressions knowing that they had to first make sure that outsiders weren’t present, the four had no choice but to nod and leave.

When just the members of the Hidden Kill Sect and Daneel were left, Stefan spoke once again.

"Everyone. I know you all think that both of us are silly for believing in the prophecy, but believe us when we say that this man is truly the one who has fulfilled it. He wasn’t lying when he said that he obtained the inheritance. For you all to believe, here’s a quick demo."

Daneel had no idea that this was going to happen, so the only hint he had was the message "Dodge" from Stefan.

It was a blade made of ice, and it was so fast that it was barely a fraction of a second away from him even before he received the message.

Hastily, Daneel activated the Inheritance through the system and watched it slow down, before commanding his body to leap to the side.

Of course, as he wasn’t used to it yet, his legs did their part but the rest of his body moved in weird directions, making him land spreadeagled to the side.

As he disabled the inheritance while cursing Stefan, he looked up to see that all of the top assassins and the sect leader were staring at him with awe.

The signs of someone who had obtained the first part of the ’Basilisk’s Breath’ and hadn’t trained in it yet were unmistakable.

Just like the sect leader, they had also felt hopeless when Daneel had said that he couldn’t take control of the formation.

However, now, this hope shone through the darkness. A hope that they had forsaken, but one that they needed to accept now, as they had no other choice.

"Agmar, it’s time for your favor. Vote for me."

No more words needed to be said. Three top assassins walked forward, and said, "We vote for Master Novrain to take control of the Hidden Kill Sect, as is his right as the Basilisk Rider."

As Daneel heard this, a smile inadvertently came on his face while he heard the notification from the system.

[Achievement unlocked...]

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