World Domination System

Chapter 310 Shock

"The Kingdom of Axelor would like to take part in the Olympics to show Angaria that no-one on this continent can match them in the matters of skill or strength. We have a few demands that are listed below. If they are met, we will be sending teams to participate. Know that if you refuse, your cowardice will be known to all. And if you have plans of ambushing our best warriors when they are participating, the whole continent will be witness to your treacherous nature, and there will be swift retribution."

As this message resounded in the Royal Court, a shocked silence followed where many ministers were holding the urge to let their jaws drop.

Another Kingdom? What was going on?

First, it had been a miracle that the Kingdom of the Elves had wanted to participate, but now, even Axelor, their sworn enemies wanted in on the event?

What spell was the King weaving? How was he drawing in so many forces?

In fact, if Daneel were asked this, he himself wouldn’t have an answer.

He had started the Olympics as a means to show the people of the Black Raven Kingdom the strength of the Lanthanorians so that they would be open to an alliance. Now, two more Kingdoms were added in.

"Estimate the new number of expected attendees."

Analytics was the most important thing for any organization, be it a Kingdom or a company. Hence, Daneel had given the assignment to the talented financial advisors of Lanthanor to keep an eye on the interest and the approximate number of people interested in attending the event. They would use inputs from the spies placed all around the continent to estimate the same.

After a few seconds, a minister held out a communication trinket and magnified its output so that it could be heard by the entire Court.

"Conservatively speaking, the announcement that the Kingdom of Axelor is taking part in the Olympics will result in a 20% overall increase in number of attendees. This brings the approximate total attendee number to 3 million. Detailed analysis is required to estimate the number of people willing to buy a ticket."

Hearing this reply, Daneel was at a loss for words.

The capacity of the stadium being built was a whopping 250,000. When he had decided on the number, the others had actually been shocked and had advised him against it, saying that it would only be a loss as the seats might not be filled.

Yet, now, this number paled in comparison to the humongous number of people that would soon make their way over the Black Raven Kingdom.

And when they saw that there wasn’t enough space, Daneel didn’t even want to imagine what would happen.

Yet, this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Besides, if he really did reject Axelor, the image of Lanthanor would indeed take a hit.

Hence, taking a decision, he said, "Send a reply saying that they are welcome, and agree to their demands if they are nothing excessive. Also, call the owner of that construction company. I need to have a talk with him."

Leaning back with a tired expression on his face, Daneel felt a headache coming on as he began to think about the logistics of handling so many people.

It was a nightmare, but it had to be done well.

Although he had hoped that the Olympics would grow in scale someday, he had never expected that the first iteration itself would be so momentous.

Still pleasantly shocked, he said in exasperation, "What’s next? Is Arafell also going to ask?"

This sentence which he said as a joke actually made the other ministers look at him with wide open eyes.

All 5 Kingdoms of one event.


Realizing the enormity of the implications behind his casual words, Daneel hurriedly said, "Send an invitation right now. And tell them all the other 4 Kingdoms are participating. Nothing like the feeling of being left out to push one to action."

"But, My King, they are giants! How will it be a fair competition?"

As one of the ministers asked the question on many people’s minds, Daneel said, "You are mistaken if you think every competition comes down to raw size or power. Each species has a weakness and a strength. If the latter is used well, the former can be overcome. Still, we can put in place rules to ensure fairness, such as placing a handicap on giants in a few competitions. Just imagine it. 5 Kingdoms, 3 races. An event unprecedented in history itself. Send the invitation."

As a fire rose in the eyes of those in the Royal Court at just the mention of such an event, the minister nodded before sending a message.

After ironing a few more miscellaneous details, Daneel stood up from the Throne, preparing to get back to his training.

Yet, hearing a message through the oathstone, the King sat back down as an expression of disbelief covered his face.

The next second, the minister who had sent the message before spoke out the reply that had just been relayed to the King.

His tone was high-pitched and his eyes looked like they would pop out of his head.


Hearing this, those in the room collectively felt their minds go blank.

They had actually...accomplished it?

As one, they all bowed to the man who had made it all possible.

Seeing the ardent admiration in their expressions and the sincerity in their bows, Daneel felt a thought coming into his head that he tried to shake off.

’Hey, I don’t know how it happened myself! Now stop bowing and feeling as if I’ve planned all this out! I DIDN’T!’


"It needs to be bigger-much bigger. I would love it if you can triple the capacity. Don’t worry about the money; it’ll come. Just make sure that it doesn’t encroach on the free sitting area."

As the King of Lanthanor said these words to the head of the construction company that had taken the contract to build the enormous stadium in which the Olympics would be held, his jaw dropped open and he couldn’t control the shock in his mind.

Owning one of the companies which was in the forefront of the construction business in Angaria, this man had been in many, many strange situations and he had never thought that he would ever be overwhelmed by a customer’s demands.

After all, he always prided himself on the fact that he could satisfy any customer’s needs as long as they had the money.

This adage had worked well for the company, letting it rise from a small shop in the Black Raven Kingdom to a multi-kingdom organization that had offices in all major cities.

When he had been approached with this project to build something that would make his mark on the Continent of Angaria, he had jumped on it with enthusiasm, knowing that such an opportunity wouldn’t come again.

He had done everything he could to make sure that the stadium would be built in the period of time specified. Overworking employees, poaching Mages, threatening other companies to send supplies faster- he had done it all.

Yet, now, when the stadium was days away from being completed, he was being asked the double the seating area!?

The stadium as it was could already support 250,000 people. The plans had been made with this number in mind, and everything had gone more or less perfect. Now, he was supposed to change everything?

"King Daneel, forgive me if I am being rude, but you are making preposterous demands. It will take a long time to reassess the structural stability itself. After that, what about the materials needed? What about the mages who have been pushing themselves day and night, with the thought that the work will be over soon? How am I supposed to tell them that their dream of getting more than 4 hours of sleep in a day will not be fulfilled any time soon? Tell me how!"

Seeing the helplessness and the frustration in the man’s face, Daneel scrunched his eyebrows and bent back in his chair.

He had called this man to the Palace with the intention of discussing the financial details needed, but it seemed that expanding the stadium wouldn’t be so easy after all.

"If I may ask, why the need to expand?"

Hearing the question, Daneel looked at the man and answered, "All 5 Kingdoms are going to participate. This isn’t public yet, but it soon will be."

The answer made the man freeze where he stood while his face became red.

"Well, why didn’t you say that before?! I’LL DO IT! I DON’T CARE IF IT WILL KILL ME, BUT I’LL DO IT! I NEED TO GET TO WORK!"

Screaming these words, the man stormed out of the room, leaving behind a bemused King.

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