World Domination System

Chapter 253 Journey 2

"He says it was delayed because the money was needed for the Army... We can fix it ourselves in the meantime. Get the bowls out, dinner is almost ready."

"The Army! That’s great! I hope the soldiers can train better to protect our kingdom! Yup, we can fix it ourselves. Mama, you said we can go visit the barracks soon! When can we go? I wanna go, I wanna go, I wanna go!"

Faxul felt quite surprised hearing the high-pitched excitement in the little kid’s tone as he heard the mention of the Army from his mother.

Intrigued, he quickly freshened up and walked out without waiting for Daneel and approached the kid who was taking out some bowls from the cupboard.

Helping him by handing down the bowls which were a bit higher, he asked, "Why do you want to go to the barracks?"

As if saying the most obvious thing in the world, the kid replied, "To see all the brave soldiers who protect our kingdom and serve the Almighty Black Raven, of course! I can’t wait to grow up and join them!"

Hearing the answer, Faxul was surprised to see this sort of enthusiasm in someone so young.

"Is your father a soldier? Do you want to become like him?"

Remembering that it might be because of inspiration a family member, Faxul chose to ask this question.

Yet, the answer surprised him.

"No, he’s a miner. Just like all the fathers of my friends in the village. They all failed the test and still regret not being able to become a soldier and take part in the ultimate service, so I am training every day to make sure that I pass! No one will be able to harm our Kingdom when I’m on the border!"

Seeing the shining zeal in the kid’s size, Faxul realized that pride and duty was even more important to these people than he had imagined.

Indeed, this desire was clearly borne out of the pride which made one want to defend it by even giving their lives if needed.

Enchanted by what he saw in the depths of the kid’s eyes and the confidence in his posture, Faxul froze for a few moments, captivated by these pure feelings which had definitely also been in him once.


To the side, Daneel watched the interaction between Faxul and the kid and smiled helplessly realizing the same thing as Faxul: patriotism truly was more inherent than he had imagined in the people of this kingdom.

Yet, knowing more about the general condition of the kingdom, Daneel was also aware that this could be attributed to the unique deity which all the citizens worshipped single-mindedly.

From the conversations they had had on the journey, Daneel was starting to understand that Faxul was slowly becoming a copy of him with the Black Raven Kingdom in his heart rather than Lanthanor.

This wasn’t wrong in itself, but the problem would arise if there came a time when a choice needed to be made.

And if everything went according to Daneel’s plans, the time to make this choice would come soon.

Hearing the sloshing that came from the broth being served in the bowls, he sighed and turned around to see that dinner had been served.


In the ancestral grounds of the Black Raven Kingdom.

Watching the sparring ground he had walked through that was on the display trinket in front of him, the old man had an irritated expression on his face while he waited for the king’s new friend to follow him into the forest.

As someone whose age would shock anybody in this generation, he had long learned the lesson to never take anything on face value.

He was someone who suspected everything and everyone, and of course, Elanev was also in this list.

Yet, as someone who was regularly seen sparring with the king, needless questions would arise if he disappeared without any reason.

Hence, he had decided to put out the bait to find the true intentions of this man, if any existed.

If he really was a spy, he might choose to follow the old man when he hobbled through the spot which was visible from the man’s balcony.

Even though this was a simple plan, the old man had trusted that it would work mainly because of his suspicious behavior when he passed through the field.

Yet, seeing the man just reach the field and look around before deciding to spar while waiting for the time of his fight with the king to arrive, the old man realized that he was possibly dealing with a smart individual.

After all, he couldn’t count the number of spies and enemies he had led into traps simply by using their curiosity.

Deciding to think of more ways to test him, he went back to the Natural Energised Training Chamber and resumed absorbing the dwindling energy before looking with a frustrated expression at the last pile of Ker Gems which would barely last him a few months.

It seemed that the time for dire decisions would come soon.


Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Lanthanor.

After coming home from school, Dalia was shocked to see her mother lifelessly lying on the black box which was the embroidery trinket.

Running forward and hurriedly shaking her mother’s shoulders, she sighed with relief seeing her groggily open her eyes.

"Mum, you can’t do this anymore! You’ll work yourself to death! It’s not worth it!"

Slowly picking herself up from the chair, Helena shakily walked towards the kitchen but fell on the sofa on the way due to losing energy.

Realizing what her mother wanted, Dalia quickly ran to the kitchen and got her a glass of water.

Sipping the water and finally regaining some color on her deathly pale face, Helena said, "What can we do? There are so many orders, and unless I work at least 16 hours a day, there’s no way we can fulfill them all!"

"I know Mom, but burning yourself out is not the answer. Haven’t you found anyone yet to help you?"

"No. I’ve asked around, but there aren’t many who can be employed. There are only other small embroidery shops which have no interest in being employed by us. I’ll keep looking, but I need to keep working while doing so."

Going to the kitchen and getting another glass of water, Dalia watched as her mother gulped it down before thinking for a bit and saying, "No mom, you rest. I’ll go searching. No matter what, I’ll find a way for us to finish all the orders without you having to work so hard."

Seeing the determination in her daughter’s eyes, Helena smiled sweetly, knowing that a 10-year-old kid wasn’t at all likely to come up with a solution to solve all their problems.

Still, she looked forward to what her daughter would do.


In the slums in the City of Lanthanor.

Two women walked through the meandering streets with one looking around as if searching for something, while the other had a disgusted expression on her face.

"How much longer, Sister? Why are we even here? You said you will explain after we get somewhere... Where is that somewhere?"

Receiving no answer, she started grumbling to herself while following behind Sister Xuan who continued to search.

Finally, the two reached a small shack which had been cordoned off and had soldiers standing around it.

"The Humble Beginnings of our King"

A banner with these words could be seen on the door of the shack, while many people had formed a group and were looking at it while speaking excitedly among themselves.

Seeing Sister Xuan walk forward and read a plaque which had been set up near the entrance to the shack, Molan followed.

"The house where the King of Lanthanor, Daneel Anivron, spent his childhood. Page 167. "

"Page 167? What’s that?"

Beside her, Sister Xuan also frowned before looking around and taking a book from the table of a store which was to the side.

As the two were under the effect of the spell which allowed them to pass anywhere they wished unhindered, it was as if the book had vanished into thin air.

"The King that Saved Lanthanor: Daneel Anivron"

This was the title, and after turning to the indicated page, Sister Xuan started to read about the oppressed kid who grew up while training as hard as he could.

Seeing this, Molan was just about to ask again when Sister Xuan finally opened her mouth and gave the answer she had been waiting for.

"We are going to find out everything about the past of this King. Maybe then, I can find out whether the suspicion I feel is true or not."

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