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Chapter 63 ~ Terrorist Strike

Chapter 63 ~ Terrorist Strike

3:20pm Yokohama International Conference Center Hall.

“As the distance closes between them, the electric repulsive pulses increase geometrically…”

Wearing noise canceling headphones, Suzune explained her team’s designs fluently with the spotlight shining upon her, Isori Kei, and the large device which consisted of two massive steel columns suspended horizontally in mid air by four steel beams connected by a steel plank that was lowered by chains onto the stage. A wire from a rectangular device placed on top of the steel plank was connected into both large steel columns, letting electrical energy flow through both steel beams. 

As Suzune paused her explanations, Kei raised his arm and activated a spell that lifted the left steel column up and towards him. Then, he released it, causing the steel column to fall and hit the other, creating a pendulum-like effect where both steel columns keep hitting each other back and forth due to being pushed by the force from the fall of the other.

“When objects possessing strong Coulomb forces of like charges draw closer, the repulsive interaction increases, making it impossible for them to collide. However…”

Suzune pressed a button on her tablet, and suddenly, both steel columns slammed onto each other, causing a thunderous clang that reverberated throughout the entire hall. 

Everyone, including Aika, Erika, Mayumi, Tatsuya, Miyuki, and the others who were watching from the audience’s seat couldn’t help but cover their ears from the thunderous noise just like everyone around them, even though Aika and Tatsuya knew what was coming. 

But after the sound dissipated, everyone looked back at the stage and saw that both steel columns no longer hit each other. They were both swinging in opposite directions, but when they were about to slam into each other, a force repelled them from one another. 

“It is possible to reduce the electric repulsive force through magic.”

Suzune tapped another button in her tablet, displaying a simulation of Coulomb’s Force Occurence that they’ve made to the audience and the visualized effect of the Coulomb’s Force control spell that they’ve developed.

“This year, we have succeeded in developing a magic sequence that will reduce the apparent Coulomb force within a restricted area to 1/100,000.”

The light dimmed, and the steel columns machine was lifted up. In its place, another device rose from beneath the stage, lifted up by a stage elevator. This time, it was a tall, rectangular shaped machine where a glass cylinder sat at the center with a piston within it. On top of it was a horizontally coiled pipe inside a glass container that led into the glass cylinder below it.

“Without an external impetus, a nuclear reaction will immediately come to a standstill. Our school’s Gravity Control-type Nuclear Reactor takes advantage of this effect. Once the reaction stops, it cools the hydrogen gas through a Vibration-type spell to a level that the container can withstand.”

Kei placed his hand onto his tablet, activating a spell, which in turn activates the nuclear reactor. The motor below began to move, causing the piston inside the cylinder to move up and down at increasing speeds. 

“At this time, it allocates the heat it has collected to Gravity Control and Coulomb Control energy. Through Gravity Control-type magic, the pistons continue to rise due to internal energy, and the hydrogen gas, now cooled to optimum levels, is sent to the heat sink tank. At this time, a highly-ranked magician is required to keep this experimental device operating, but with improved efficiency in energy retrieval and by using Release-type Magic as a substitution, we are confident that a Gravity Control-type Thermonuclear Reactor requiring a magician only for the initial activation can be actualized.”

A rousing round of applause reverberated throughout the entire hall as First High finished their presentation. 

Behind the curtains, supporting them from behind the stage, Hirakawa Koharu let out a sigh of relief as the presentation ended. And behind her, Yuuji applauded along with the audience. 

“Good work, Hirakawa-senpai.”

“Ah… Thank you, Yuuji-kun. Hah… I was so nervous. I’m amazed at how confidently Suzune-san and Kei-san could present it in front of so many people…”

“I’m sure you will give an amazing presentation as well if you were in their place, HIrakawa-senpai. After all, I’ve listened to you explaining the principles behind the experiment multiple times before.”

Koharu turned towards Yuuji in a fluster and pouted her cheeks.

“G-Geez, I-I was just excited to tell you about our project!”

“Ahahaha! I know. I was just teasing you.”


“But I’m serious about the previous point. I’m sure you will be able to explain it as amazingly as Ichihara-senpai.”

“...While I don’t think so, I’m still grateful. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Just then, a familiar, young voice of a boy broke the cozy atmosphere between the two.

“That was an amazing presentation.”

Yuuji and Koharu turned towards the voice and saw the famous, black-haired first year student of the Third High school, nicknamed Cardinal George, Kichijouji Shinkurou approaching them with a smile.

“Abandoning the challenge of a sustained nuclear reaction, and going for the actualization of an intermittent nuclear reaction through Loop Casting was an inspired idea. Truly, I applaud you and your team’s brilliance, Hirakawa Koharu.”

“U-Uhm… T-Thank you… I-It’s an honor…”

Yuuji and Koharu tidied up the desk and moved over to let Shinkurou set up for his presentation, which would be in a few minutes. 

And as he set up his laptop, Shinkurou continued.

“Gravity Control-type magic is used in Flying-type magic as well. It’s a conventional application of the spell. The Coulomb Control-type spell is a variation on the Molecular Binding Counter-spell, isn’t it?”

He turned around. But instead of Koharu, his eyes landed on Yuuji. 

As the one who was the engineer of Kiryuu Aika, the first contestant in the NSC to use flying magic, Shinkurou had strong beliefs that the mastermind behind such fine and ingenious use of the spell was the man before him. 

And seeing Koharu’s surprise only served to strengthen his beliefs. But Yuuji kept his neutral smile and answered calmly.

“If you are implying that I am the one behind the thought, then you are mistaken. After all, I am just a bodyguard of the “mastermind” you are talking about.”

He turned towards Koharu, who immediately looked down with redly blushing cheeks and fidgeted at his praise. 

Although it was true that he was the one who kept bouncing off ideas with Koharu, Kei, and Suzune while they’re working together, he was by no means the “mastermind”. He simply used the knowledge he gained and learned from dealing with magic and helping Tatsuya with his projects to hopefully help the three brilliant minds reach the conclusion they’re meant to reach. 

A catalyst. But even that would be too generous of a description for himself according to him.

Shinkurou kept smiling and replied.

“Well, either way, we’re not going to lose to the both of you. In fact, this time, we will definitely defeat you in this contest.”

“Then I wish you good luck, Cardinal George. Because you will need it to stand against the brilliant minds of our team.”


“Heh, we’ll see-”

Just then, a massive sound of explosion accompanied by a massive earthquake shook the entire hall. 

“What’s going on?!”

Koharu fell into Yuuji’s embrace as the shaking knocked her off her feet, while Shinkurou held onto the table before him as he looked around. But instead of an answer, another ground-shaking came to him instead. Then another one. And another. 

Yuuji immediately went out towards the stage and alight from it, landing right in front of the stage before the first row of seats along with Koharu, Suzune, and Kei. 

Aika and Tatsuya, who knew beforehand of the “events” that would happen, immediately run towards Yuuji to convene. While Erika, Mayumi, and Miyuki, who were told about the possible “problem” that were most likely to happen, also followed after the two.


“Yeah… It’s beginning…”

Suzune looked between Tatsuya and Yuuji with widened eyes before she focused her gaze on the latter.

“Y-Yuuji-kun? What do you mean-”

“Ichihara-senpai. Please forgive me, but will you join up with Mayumi and Mari-senpai? Things may become hectic and extremely dangerous in a few moments.”

Right after those words left his mouth, the massive double doors to the back, the doors to the middle-west side of the hall, and the doors to the front-east side of the hall burst open. And from it, seven uniformed men armed with large, rifle guns appeared. 

But the instant they entered the hall…

“Don’t move! Just do as we sa- UWOOOHH!!”




In an instant, all seven gunmen were suddenly lifted up into the air and crushed. The sound of bones breaking reverberated along with their screams and the sounds of their guns falling onto the ground.

The panic sounds suddenly went silent as each and every student, judge, and audience all looked at the floating men in shock and confusion. 

Then, their eyes all gathered to the front of the hall, where Yuuji was standing with his left hand lifted up into the air. 

“Calm down, everyone! In times of trouble, the last thing us, magicians, should do is panic!”

His smooth, charismatic voice bellowed throughout the hall, snapping them out of their daze as they began looking at each other. 

“Members of the Joint Security Team, please apprehend the hostiles and help calm your fellow students!”

Immediately, many members of the security team present within the hall move to apprehend and gather the gunmen as they were slowly being set back down to the ground by Yuuji, while some others help calm the other students. 

“Stay alert! Watch the entrance for any signs of hostile reinforcements!”


A group of students coming from various other magic highschool all immediately followed Yuuji’s orders and began manning all the entrances into the hall. 

As they did, Leo, Mikihiko, Mizuki, Honoka, and Shizuku also came down from their seats and gathered towards Yuuji. 

“Y-Yuuji-kun! Are you alright?”

Honoka quickly ran towards him in a hurry, followed by Shizuku and Mizuki who wore similar expressions. 

“I’m alright. How about you guys?”

“Mm, we’re fine. But what are we going to do now?”

Leo looked at him and glanced towards the entrance by the right side of the stage. 

“The magicians on guard duty are still battling the intruders at the front entrance. We will need to get rid of them before we could even think of evacuating these many people out of here.”

Yuuji glanced towards Aika, Erika, Mayumi, and Tatsuya, who all nodded at him.

“Mayumi, will you stay here and help our new Student Council President with leading the students while we get rid of the hostiles?”

“Mm. I will do my best. Please stay safe.”

Yuuji nodded, his lips curled into a soft, loving smile, before he turned towards Suzune, Kei, and Koharu.

“Please stay with Mayumi and the rest of the students. We will be helping the security team outside to fight the hostilities. The last thing we should do is bring our brightest minds, who might be their target, with us.”

“...I understand. Please be safe.”

“Mm. We’ll leave it to you. Be safe, Everyone.”

“P-Please don’t be careful!”

“We will.”

With that, Yuuji exited the hall along with Aika, Erika, Tatsuya, Miyuki, Mizuki, Honoka, Shizuku, Leo, and Mikihiko and headed towards the front entrance of the Yokohama International Conference Center. 

Sounds of explosions, gun fire, concrete breaking, and battles were still prevalent on their way. 

And when they reached the main hall entrance, the group hid themselves behind the wall while Yuuji peeked from the corner to assess the situation. 

Leo walked confidently towards the front of the group, but before he went out of cover, Tatsuya grabbed the back of his collar to drag him back, causing him to fall onto the ground.

“The enemy is using anti-magician high-speed bullets. You will be filled with holes before you could even reach them.”

“Ahahaha… You’re merciless, Tatsuya.”

Mikihiko laughed helplessly before Erika continued his words.

“But thanks to that, he’s been spared from becoming swiss cheese.”

In the midst of this chaos, Yuuji calmly assessed the situation using his Elemental Sight. 

He knew now the exact location and number of the hostiles in the entrance hall. But before he could move out and dispatch them, a familiar, heavenly softness and heaviness captured his arm.

“Fufu~ Leave them to me and Yuuji~ Let’s go~”

“E-Eh? W-Will you be okay, Aika-san?”

“Don’t be reckless…”

Honoka and Shizuku voiced their worry, but Aika simply smiled at them and made a peace sign over her wink.

“It’ll be eazy-peazy~ Especially since Yuuji will protect me~ Right~?”

Yuuji turned to look at his beloved and thought for a moment. 

Even knowing how powerful she actually was, as someone who loves her with all of his heart, there was a part of him that didn’t want to expose her to any danger. After all, if she was hurt… His heart would definitely hurt much more.

Just thinking about it made his blood freeze and his body tremble in anger and fear. But…



He couldn't deny her wish… She wanted to fight with him. She wanted to be his strength. And she trusted him to protect her. There was no way he could reject those feelings, especially when she was this adamant.

So instead, he will protect her with his life. 

“Then, let’s go.”

He held her hand tight and Aika hugged his arm just as strongly as they went out of cover and walked towards the middle of the entrance hall. 

The magicians in suits, who have been battling the hostiles using the thick pillars as cover, all turned towards Yuuji and Aika in shock. 

All of the armed hostiles, who were dressed in yellowish brown uniform just like the ones that infiltrated the center hall, immediately focused on the couple who suddenly walked out in the open as if they were walking down an empty street. 

Immediately, they all pointed their guns at him and fired. 

“You! Be carefu- Eh?”

One of the guards yelled in surprise and almost went out of his cover to protect the students. But his entire body froze in place, just like all of the other guards and invaders alike who saw the scene.

Before them, the couple simply stood there, unscathed, with tens of large, anti-magician, high-speed bullets floating in front of them. 

“F-F-Fire again!”



Their screams and curses were quickly drowned by the thunderous sound of gun fire. And as they continued to press the trigger, their battle cry quickly turned to screams of fear as every single one of the bullets simply stopped in mid air right before it hit the couple. 

Their hands, which had been holding onto their guns and controlling the recoils, began to tremble as they finally registered the absurdity of the situation. And even when their guns stop spitting its heavy bullets, their fingers still hold onto the trigger in hopes that something that could hit the high school couple would come out and save them. 

But no matter how much they pressed the trigger, only the clicking sound of their empty magazine resounded. 

As they froze in fear, the girl with Goddess-like beauty then raised her hand forward. Crackling lightning began to manifest around the couple as their hair began to blow from the non-existent wind. 

And in the next moment, a single word that would signal their destined defeat escaped her luscious pink lips.


In a blink of an eye, multiple lightning struck each and every single one of the invaders with a thunderous roar. The ground shattered from the impact and massive shockwaves shattered the glass windows in a powerful blast. 

And when the dust settled, all hostiles laid unconscious on the ground with plumes of smoke rising from their badly burnt body.

“Yay~! Magical Girl Aika’s great victory~!!!”

Aika twirled energetically on one foot. Her skirt fluttered, lifting up slightly to reveal a bit more of her smooth, thick thighs, and her long, glossy hair fanned out beautifully in the wind before she slammed her other feet back down and made a peace sign over her wink while her other hand rested on her hip. And as she did, colorful twinkling stars seemed to explode from behind her. 



Erika, Tatsuya, Miyuki, and the rest all stared at her speechlessly. Both at her impressive display of might and the last bit that totally ruined her amazing image…

On the other hand, Yuuji simply sighed helplessly and petted her head. He was already more than used to her shenanigans.

“Yes yes, what a wonderful magical girl you are.”

“Fufu~ Of course~!”

Giggling with a bright smile, Aika nuzzled her head to his hand before hugging his arm again when he stopped petting her. 

“...So, what’s the plan now?”

Leo asked.

“We need more intel… I’ve anticipated something bigger to be going on, but without proper intel, we’ll simply be blindly making our way through a maze full of bullets and death traps.”

“In that case… Why don’t you use a VIP conference room? That’s where they hold meetings for politicians and economic groups, so you should be able to access all kinds of information.”

Shizuku spoke up. As a daughter of an affluent family’s head, she has experienced coming to various high-profiled places exclusive to only the most influential and rich. And knowing how influential and powerful the Kitayama household was, it was no wonder that she had visited such a place before. 

“That’s amazing… I can’t believe you know about a room like that.”

“My father brought me along here once… I know the security and access code as well.”

Yuuji smiled and nodded appreciatively to her.

“That’d be amazing. Thank you, Shizuku.”


Despite her still maintaining a stoic expression, a blush quickly became apparent on her cheeks from his praise. And with that, they all head to the VIP conference room with Shizuku in the lead. 

Once they arrived at the massive, luxurious conference room, Shizuku quickly made her way to the control panel to access the features in this room. With her knowledge of the security and access code, she was able to quickly gain full control of the system and displayed the entire map of Yokohama onto the large main screen in front of the room. 

Then, several X marks appeared on various locations in the city, signifying the presence of hostile groups in those locations. 

A full on assault on Yokohama. 


Yuuji glanced towards the couple of brother and sister as Miyuki stared at her brother worriedly. Knowing what was happening and the high possibility that her brother’s identity as a soldier would be revealed to their friends, ending his “normal daily life” in high school. 

But, even understanding that through but a look of her sister’s worried expression, Tatsuya simply smiled and petted her head softly. 

“The situation’s quite dire… If we loiter around here too long, we’ll probably be captured by the enemy. But even if we tried to escape, there’s no viable transportation.”

“So should we evacuate to the shelter?”

Mikihiko suggested.

“That would probably be the most realistic option…”

Yuuji nodded in agreement.

“Then, let’s go to the shelter through the path above ground.”

“Eh? A-Above ground? But wouldn’t that be more dangerous?”

“Fufu~ You’re right but wrong at the same time, Mizuki-chan~”

“Huh? What do you mean…”

Aika winked and pointed at one of the X marks that’s located right above the underground path.

“It’s not a direct path to the shelter, so the chance of encountering hostile forces is bigger! And it’s better to encounter them above ground, where we have more space to fight on than in a narrow underground tunnel~”

“Oh, I see…”

“Aika’s right. But before that, there’s something we must do first…”

Yuuji glanced towards Tatsuya, who understood his intention and nodded at him.

“Eh? What are you going to do?”

Leo asked.

“I want to destroy the demo machines so they won’t fall into the wrong hands.”

They then quickly made their way to the main conference hall backstage where their devices were stored. 

They used an elevator to access it directly without having to go through a possibly still hostile-infested path. And when the elevator door opened, they saw Mayumi, Mari, Kanon, Kirihara, and Sayaka already there with Suzune, Koharu, and Kei fiddling with the main panel connected to their devices. 

“Eh? Why are you still here…?”

“I’m deleting the data to prevent it from being stolen.”

“Mayumi… What are you doing here? I thought you’ll be with Nakajou-senpai and help with evacuating the students…”

Yuuji asked, his eyes staring at her in disbelief. 

He knew that she would be here from the anime, but with his request for her to help Azusa evacuate the rest of the students, he thought she wouldn’t be here.

“We can’t just run off and leave you behind now, can we~?”

A beautiful smile bloomed on her face and her milky white skin blushed as she directed her loving, caring gaze at Yuuji. No matter how strong she knew he was, or if Aika and Erika were there with him, there’s no way she’d simply leave him alone in such a situation.

Her smile and words stunned Yuuji as he stood there frozen, his gaze never leaving Mayumi’s. But before he could fully relish in the love she showed him, a familiar, baritone voice snapped him out of his daze.

“Tsubakihara? Saegusa? I thought you’d gone on ahead and evacuated?”

Juumonji Kazuto, along with Hattori Hanzou and Sawaki Midori, approached them with strict, steeled faces.

“We’re deleting the data.”

“Does it take that many to do that?”

“Nakajo-san has taken the other students to the underground tunnel.”

“...You should get going as wel-”

“Juumonji-senpai! Please send reinforcements to Nakajo-senpai’s location!”

All three of them, as well as Mayumi, Mari, and the others all turned to Yuuji in shock when he suddenly raised his voice in a panic.

“Is there something wrong?”

Midori asked, his face immediately showed a heightened alertness just like Hanzou and Kazuto.

“The underground tunnel isn’t a direct route. With hostiles having infiltrated the conference hall and present along the locations near the sea, they might encounter hostiles on their way to the shelter. And in such a narrow path, they might be forced to fight against hostiles with all of the students behind them.”

Their eyes immediately widened and Kazuto immediately issued an order. 

“Sawaki, Hattori, go after Nakajou now!”

““Yes, sir!””

The two immediately head off before Juumonji turns his attention back on both groups.

“I’ll patrol the area once more to make sure there are no more stragglers. You should quickly make your way to safety as well. Kirihara.”


Upon his name being called, Kirihara immediately went after the Extracurricular Activities Federation Chairman as he left the two groups behind. 

And with nothing else to do but to accomplish the only thing they came to do in the back stage, Yuuji and Tatsuya helped Suzune, Kei, and Koharu with deleting the data of their research from the storages in the device here. 

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