Weapon seller in the world of magic

Chapter 198 Living Together (Part-1)

With a pleasant smile on her face, she started explaining about her great grandfather, or one should say, she was basically bragging about it.

"Actually, I never met my great-grandpa. I have only communicated through letters but I have heard a lot of stories about him since my childhood.

I don't know how strong he is now but more than a century ago, he was already the strongest person in the Empire.

I heard that when he used to serve as the minister, he would constantly fight against the Imperial family and other clans to give justice to the poor and helpless.

But, his powerful strength and righteousness became the reason for his doom. As the Emperor was forced to respect his opinion and side with him every time, people began to think that the Emperor is a puppet of the Song Clan.

To protect the dignity of the Imperial throne, he sacrificed his position and took an oath that he won't involve in the affairs of the kingdom unless an invasion takes place.

The Nie Clan's ancestor took advantage of his personality and forced him to take an oath to make sure that the Song Clan won't take advantage of his identity.

Of course, this doesn't stop from him giving suggestions to my father regarding the clan's internal affairs. But, as he never comes home, my father would visit him from time to time.

As he can involve in Song clan matters, at the very least, I'm sure that he will not let me face any injustice."

Mark stared at her in silence for a while before he asked, "what if it doesn't happen as you think? What if your great grandfather doesn't help you?"

"In that case, I will have to resign to my fate." Song Yue let out a deep sigh. Mark felt a little bit angry, more like disappointed, for not having any fighting spirit.

But then again, he could also understand her position. She neither has the strength to go against her family's decisions nor does her gender allow her to make independent decisions.

After all, he was someone from the modern era. For him, the current customs followed by everyone are too backward and they leave a sour taste in his mouth.

While he doesn't have any interest in transforming society, at the very least, he can't let his acquaintances suffer such a fate. Not to mention, Song Yue is a level-2 VIP client, although her total purchases aren't that high.

Intending to help her, he said with a smile, "If all of your routes are closed, you can stay here as a guest until your problems are solved.

There's also the fifth princess who is helping you. The second prince will soon visit the store. I can try to convince him to help you. I think the third prince would also help you, considering he raised a ruckus in the imperial court and drag the Zhang Clan to the public trial.

With the support of three imperial children, even the Emperor would be forced to side with you.  Or I can just bribe the Imperial family with a promise of providing another attack helicopter and let the court stand behind you.

As long as you have enough willpower, we can solve the issue one way or another. So, cheer up and be strong."

His 9 points of charm really worked this time in motivating the heiress of Song Clan to stay determined in her resistance to her father's wishes.

Of course, there's a major issue here that Mark wasn't telling her. It is the aftermath.

Even if Song Yue managed to stop her wedding and go back to her home, can the broken relationship between her and her family will be mended? Mark felt that it is unlikely.

He doesn't know what's going to happen to her future but since she's an adult and she made this decision herself, the least he can do is to stand beside her and give support. It is what he had decided before sending Alina to rescue her.

Slowly, the time passed away.

Allen returned with Shang Jiao and informed Mark that she had completed her punishment.

As Alina was busy with cooking and he intended to stay beside Song Yue until the lunch meeting, the reception on the ground floor was handed to Allen. With Chang Bo and Shang Jiao working together, the store ran the business as usual.

Noon arrived;

While the shutter stayed open, there was a board placed on the outside, stating that the store was out of business for the rest of the day.

Chang Bo was given leave. Because of the sensitivity of the matter, he wasn't invited for lunch. The teenager never had the thought of getting such an invitation because he was a servant and knows his limits. He was even grateful for earning a high salary. What more does he want… So, he wasn't disappointed at all as he left the store.

Soon, the horse carriage with Lin Clan's crest arrived at the store. The familiar assassin Yao Ling was at the front in his black robes and hood. He didn't get down from the seat and stayed outside while Lin Xue alone walked toward the store.

Shang Jiao and Allen welcome her as the hosts. Since Mark is her brother, the princess never thought of herself as an outsider. In her view, only Lin Xue was the guest.

So, when Mark came downstairs, she volunteered to welcome the heiress of Lin Clan as the employee of the store. Maybe she was doing this to impress him and escape punishment when she comes late or neglects her training. Or maybe, she wants to get his trust to spy on him. Mark doesn't know the reason but it doesn't matter to him at the moment. All of his thoughts were preoccupied with Song Yue's problem.

With Mark waiting upstairs, tasting the dishes in the kitchen, the princess met Lin Xue.

"So, did you find out why he wants to invite me for the lunch?" Lin Xue asked her.

Shang Jiao let out a sigh, "nope. I didn't get the opportunity. From the morning, he only came downstairs for once and returned to assist Mr. Allen's sister."

"I see…" Lin Xue fell into thoughts for a bit. She wondered whether this guy is looking forward to this lunch. But, why? Were her first thoughts right? Does he want to woo her and get the backing of her clan?

If Mark would have known what she was thinking, he would have rebutted her, telling her that she thinks too highly of herself. After all, he doesn't have an ounce of interest in this girl who attempted to separate Allen from him.

"Anyway, let's go in…" The princess started walking. The others followed.

Meanwhile, Allen sent the message and he received a reply.

"Sister Xue, Your Highness… my master is inviting the both of you to the residence. Please follow me."

He then escorted both of them upstairs.

With the store looking so luxurious, they wondered what his home looked like. Shang Jiao has expectations as she climbed up the staircase.

Upon reaching the living room, both of them were stunned for a second. Of course, it's not the paintings and chandeliers hanging from the ceilings that shocked them. It's the person who was sitting on a sofa while petting a golden furred kitten with a beautiful smile on her face.

Both of them looked at each other and then, looked at her.

"Yue Yue…" Lin Xue called her, almost not being to control her voice.

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