Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 282 Don't Be Any Weirder Than You Already Are!

Villain Ch 282. Don't Be Any Weirder Than You Already Are!

Allen settled onto the comfortable sofa as he awaited Jane's culinary creation. His gaze shifted to the kitchen, where Jane appeared to be engrossed in her own preparations. Though her movements seemed slightly hurried, it was evident that she was determined to keep herself occupied and make the most of the situation. Observing her, Allen couldn't help but feel a mixture of amusement and curiosity at what was unfolding before him.

With a bowl in hand, Jane filled it with water before adding the instant wontons and seasoning soup. The process was straightforward and efficient, indicative of her reliance on convenience foods and her desire to provide a quick meal. Once the bowl was ready, she placed it in the microwave, setting the timer for just a few short minutes.

It was strange since despite her awkwardness and nervousness due to his stares, this simple act of service was enough to make him happy.

Jane couldn't help but notice Allen's gaze upon her, her cheeks flushing slightly under his scrutiny. However, her own curiosity got the better of her, and her eyes inadvertently drifted downward, briefly fixating on his training pants. She couldn't help but wonder about 'the thing' behind it. The urge to unravel the mystery tugged at her, compelling her to steal a glance. Yet, in the midst of her furtive observations, her internal voice scolded her for diverting her attention to such trivial matters.

'Come on, Jane,' she chastised herself mentally. 'His eyes are up there. Focus!'

Feeling a sense of embarrassment creeping over her, Jane shifted her gaze to Allen's face, hoping to regain some semblance of composure. At that moment, their eyes met, and an electric current seemed to pass between them. Her heart skipped a beat, its rhythm becoming erratic as a wave of warmth washed over her.


Her heart pounded in her chest, its rapid tempo mirroring her growing excitement. A surge of heat spread across her cheeks, leaving her feeling self-conscious and acutely aware of her own reactions. She couldn't deny the flutter of attraction that stirred within her, though she tried to maintain a sense of composure.

'Yup, bad idea,' Jane silently scolded herself, her face reddening with embarrassment.

She quickly averted her gaze from Allen, feeling as though his eyes were peering into her very soul. Her mind raced, conjuring up a flurry of vivid scenes from the countless romance stories she had devoured over the years. Thoughts of tantalizing encounters in the kitchen, from the infamous naked apron scenes to steamy encounters at the counter, flooded her imagination. However, she swiftly dismissed those notions, determined not to let her mind wander into forbidden territory.

'Calm down, Jane,' she inwardly urged herself, desperately trying to regain her composure. 'He's just looking at you. Don't overthink it. Don't let your imagination run wild. Don't freak him out. Don't be any weirder than you already are,' she silently admonished herself, her thoughts racing at a dizzying pace. The suddenness of her visit after her comments on his story had already made her feel like an intruder. She couldn't help but wonder if the other readers would view her as a weird perverted girl for her impromptu actions.I think you should take a look at

Jane busied herself, attempting to distract her racing thoughts by attending to various tasks around the kitchen. She hurriedly cleared the remaining groceries, diligently wiped down the countertops, and briskly washed her hands. Every movement was a calculated attempt to quell the nervous energy that coursed through her veins.

As she stole occasional glances in Allen's direction, her heart continued to pound with an unrelenting intensity. The sight of him, mere feet away, stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her. She had harbored feelings for him long before their chance encounter at the Cyber Building, finding herself captivated by his wit and writing.

'Oh, God... Why is it always so awkward around my crush?' she muttered internally, her gaze shifting back to Allen momentarily. Lost in her thoughts, she failed to pay attention to her hand as she absentmindedly reached for a glass. In a cruel twist of fate, her lack of focus caused her to fumble, and the glass slipped from her grasp, crashing to the floor in a cacophony of shattered glass.

"I'm so sorry!" Jane exclaimed, her shock evident in her voice as she quickly dropped to one knee, panic gripping her. Without a moment's hesitation, she instinctively reached for the broken shards with her bare hands, her immediate concern centered on preventing any potential injuries or accidents.

Jane's mind raced with self-recrimination. 'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!' she berated herself inwardly, feeling the sting of tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. The overwhelming rush of emotions threatened to spill over, and she fought against the urge to break down in tears. She had wanted nothing more than to help Allen, to demonstrate her care and consideration, but instead, she had only managed to create chaos and turmoil.

In the midst of her mounting distress, Allen approached her with a calmness that belied the situation. He reached out, gently taking hold of her trembling wrist, and deftly plucked the shard of glass from her hand. Jane's guilt-ridden gaze met his calm, reassuring eyes, and she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst her spiraling emotions.

Concern filled Allen's voice as he addressed her, his tone soothing and steady. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" he inquired, his genuine care evident in his words.

Jane, still overwhelmed by her self-imposed guilt, shook her head from side to side, indicating that she had managed to avoid injury.

"It's okay. Let me take care of it," Allen assured her, his voice a comforting balm to her frazzled nerves.

With their hands no longer occupied by the task of cleaning up the broken glass, both Jane and Allen rose to their feet. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Allen's actions took a spontaneous turn.

Without warning, he encircled Jane's waist, effortlessly lifting her off the ground, and gently settling her onto the kitchen counter directly in front of him. The suddenness of the gesture caused a jolt of surprise to course through Jane's veins, momentarily eclipsing her earlier panic and redirecting her focus.

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