Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 272 You Are An Entertaining Plaything

Villain Ch 272. You Are An Entertaining Plaything 

'I don't want it!' Yora's internal scream echoed through her mind, reverberating with a mix of fear and defiance. She felt a surge of resistance surge within her, a stubborn refusal to comply with the Devil Emperor's demands. But she couldn't do anything, except obey. She clenched her fist and extended her hand toward the Doppelganger.

With a swift motion, Yora unleashed a torrent of buffs, channeling her Mana to bestow the boss monster with her most potent skills.

"Agility! Holy Blessing! Protection!"

Not only Yora, but the other healers surrounding her also unleashed their arsenal of buffs, their skills intertwining in a symphony of magic. The air crackled with energy as spells and enchantments filled the battlefield. Each healer showcased their buff abilities, enhancing the boss monsters and preparing them for the battle that awaited.

Among the healers, it was evident that Yora possessed an extraordinary proficiency in buffing skills. Her expertise and precision were unmatched, leaving the Devil Emperor no choice but to acknowledge her as the standout among the healers.

A radiant light emanated from their palms, enveloping the towering creatures. The vibrant glow danced across their bodies, infusing them with newfound strength and power. The creatures seemed to grow in size and strength, their muscles bulging with newfound power.

A collective roar reverberated through the air as the boss monsters were invigorated by the healers' buffs. It was a chilling sound that sent shivers down everyone. The creatures now radiated an aura of malevolence and power,

"Kill them all," the emperor's voice resonated with dark authority, sending shivers down the spines of all those present.

The boss monsters, fueled by their augmented power and guided by the devil emperor's malevolent command, charged toward the players with an overwhelming force. The ground trembled beneath their colossal forms as they unleashed their devastating attacks.

The Slime King, its amorphous body quivered and morphed as it lunged at the players, engulfing them in its corrosive slime. The Gryphon soared through the air, talons outstretched and beak poised to tear into its prey. Its powerful wings created gusts of wind that knocked players off balance, leaving them vulnerable to its razor-sharp talons.

The Ghost Master glided through the battlefield, haunting players with its chilling presence, sapping their strength and resolve. The Wolf King prowled on all fours, swiftly closing the distance between itself and its prey. Its powerful jaws clamped down with bone-crushing force, tearing through armor and flesh alike.

The healers joined the battle. They activated their healing skills, enveloping the boss monsters in radiant light.

But the emperor was not finished with his order, his grip tightened around Yora's hand. His eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and malicious intent.

"And you Lil' Kitten, you will be my personal healer," he ordered, his voice laced with a sinister undertone. He relished the power he held over her, reminding himself of the game she had played with him, manipulating his emotions two years ago. The girls were busy mingling with the players so he needed company.I think you should take a look at

Meanwhile, the girls expertly maneuvered through the chaotic battlefield, blending in seamlessly with the other players. They had assumed various disguises, taking on different personas to deceive and mislead those around them. They approached unsuspecting players, engaging them in friendly conversation while strategically providing misinformation about the whereabouts of the hidden NPCs.

With a mischievous glint in their eyes, the demonesses sowed confusion and discord, their words dripping with deceit. They whispered false directions, pointed players towards dead ends, and even went as far as corrupting the hidden NPCs once again, ensuring that anyone who stumbled upon them met a swift and unfortunate demise.

The emperor observed with wicked amusement as the players fell into their carefully laid traps. His plan was working flawlessly. By diverting their attention and creating chaos, he could ensure that no one suspected the true nature of his demonesses. With the players' focus firmly on him and the perilous battle at hand, they remained oblivious to the cunning presence lurking among them.

The heartbreaking rescue scene unfolded before the emperor and Yora, their eyes locked on the harrowing display of desperation and despair. They watched as the healers' companions valiantly attempted to save their friends, their faces etched with determination and anguish. But no matter how hard they fought, their efforts seemed futile against the relentless onslaught of the boss monsters.

It was a heart-wrenching sight, the healers' companions maneuvering with precision and skill, their every move calculated to reach their comrades. Yet, each time they drew close, the boss monsters intervened, unleashing devastating attacks that sent shockwaves through the battlefield. While the healers were forced to divert their attention, using their healing skills to the boss monsters and replenish their health, prolonging the inevitable.

The cycle repeated itself, a vicious dance of life and death. The players fought tooth and nail, their weapons clashing with the monstrous foes, desperate to save their corrupted comrades. But the odds were stacked against them, as the boss monsters proved to be formidable foes, shrugging off the players' attacks with ease.

Amidst the chaos, the devil emperor turned his attention to Yora, a cruel smirk adorning his lips. He relished in her silence, savoring the power he held over her in this moment of vulnerability. With a tone laced with mockery, he broke the silence, his words dripping with amusement. "Do you like the scene, Lil' Kitten?" he taunted, his voice filled with sadistic satisfaction. It was a moment of respite for him, a chance to engage with Yora as her true self, stripped of the memories and connections that had once bound them together.

Yora's response was nothing more than a piercing gaze, her voice trapped within the confines of her clenched jaw.

The devil emperor's gaze lingered on Yora, his lips curled into a sinister smile. "Oh, right. I forgot that I asked you to be quiet. I order you to speak, Yora," he commanded, his voice dripping with authority. He relished in the power he wielded over her, reveling in the control he exerted.

An announcement appeared in front of Yora.

[You can talk now.]

Yora's voice, bound by the emperor's command, finally broke free. She wasted no time in expressing her frustration. "You are targeting me again," she asserted, her tone laced with defiance.

A wicked chuckle escaped the emperor's lips as he savored the effect he had on Yora. "Yes, Lil' kitten, you are an entertaining plaything," he retorted, his voice dripping with sadistic delight. He turned his attention fully to her, his eyes gleaming with malevolence. "After all, don't a lot of people want my attention? Consider yourself fortunate to be at the center of my amusement," he taunted, his words laced with arrogance.

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