Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 218 Embrace

Villain Ch 218. Embrace

The short meeting with Mr. Bell was brief but tense. Sophia could sense his dissatisfaction and the heavy cloud of his bad mood hovering in the air. She knew she had disappointed him by abruptly disappearing earlier, and she couldn't blame him for being upset.

As Mr. Bell glanced at her with a stern expression, Sophia bit her lip, trying to maintain her composure. She had so many questions swirling in her mind, desperate to know about Allen and Vivian. But she knew that now was not the right time to ask. She had already let Mr. Bell down, and she had to respect his authority and professionalism.

But on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards the agency for assigning her yet another project that involved Allen and Vivian.

The request for the illustration felt like a bitter pill to swallow. Sophia knew she had to accept it if she wanted to maintain her reputation and income. After all, the agency was paying her good money for her talent, and turning down the opportunity would only lead to more questions and speculation.

With a forced smile, Sophia reassured Mr. Bell that she would handle it professionally and deliver the desired results.

After excusing herself from Mr. Bell's office, Sophia felt a heavy weight on her shoulders as she made her way down to the lobby. Each step felt like a struggle, her mind muddled with thoughts and emotions. She couldn't shake off the disappointment and frustration that lingered from her encounter with Vivian and the empty search for Allen. Her energy felt depleted as if someone had drained the life out of her.

As the elevator doors opened, Sophia stepped out with a weary sigh, returning the guest tag to the receptionist. She had no desire to linger in the lobby any longer than necessary. Her plan was to call a taxi or order a ride through Guuber to take her home, where she could find solace in the comfort of her own space. But just as she was about to reach for her phone, a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts.

"You should tell me if you're done," a male voice called out, causing Sophia to startle and turn toward the source of the voice. There, standing right beside her, was Elio. A smile adorned his face, and his presence brought a glimmer of warmth to the otherwise bleak moment. He had managed to find her, and his presence was a welcomed surprise.

"Why are you here?" Sophia asked, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and exhaustion. The weariness still etched on her face.

Elio's expression softened. "You didn't answer my message, so I decided to wait for you here," he replied with a gentle smile. He noticed the gloom that clung to her like a shadow, and instinctively, he reached into his paper bag and pulled out a cup of steaming coffee. "I bought you a coffee," he said, extending it towards her.

Sophia's gaze shifted from the cup of coffee to Elio, her eyes welling up with tears that she had been trying to suppress for far too long. It was as if a dam had burst, and all the emotions she had bottled up came rushing out, overwhelming her in an instant.

In that moment of vulnerability, Sophia couldn't contain her emotions any longer. She threw caution to the wind and instinctively sought solace in Elio's embrace. Her face pressed against his chest, seeking comfort and refuge from the pain that had consumed her.

Elio, taken aback by the suddenness of the embrace, was caught off guard. The cup of coffee slipped from his hand, and plummeted to the floor, its contents spreading like ink on a canvas. The black liquid stained the pristine entrance floor, drawing the attention of everyone present.

The murmurs and whispers filled the air. Curious gazes were cast upon the two of them. The onlookers wore expressions of confusion and curiosity, trying to make sense of the unexpected display of emotions unfolding before them. Elio's heart raced, unsure of how to navigate this unfamiliar territory. He had never been in such a situation before, where a woman openly sought solace in his arms in a public place.

"S-Sophia?" Elio, still bewildered by the sudden display of emotions, gently tried to pry himself from Sophia's embrace. He attempted to find a space between them to allow for some distance, but Sophia clung on tightly, refusing to let go. Her sobs, muffled yet audible, echoed through the entrance, drawing the attention of those nearby.

Concern filled Elio's eyes as he realized that something had deeply affected Sophia. He knew that this was not the time for questions or judgment, but rather a time to offer support and understanding. With a soothing tone, he repeated his question, hoping to coax some semblance of an answer from Sophia amidst her tears.

"What happened?" he asked again, his voice calm and gentle.

Sophia, struggling to compose herself, could only respond with fragmented sobs. Words became tangled in her throat, unable to escape the depths of her emotions. The weight of her anguish was too heavy to articulate, leaving her unable to find the right words to convey her pain.

"The meeting didn't go well, did it?" Elio tried to guess, searching for any explanation that could have triggered such a reaction from Sophia. His mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle of her pain.

She shook her head, her sobs growing louder and more intense. It was as if her entire being was engulfed in a sea of despair, and words were simply insufficient to convey the depth of her anguish.

Elio's confusion only deepened. He desperately wanted to understand, to offer the solace she so desperately craved. Gathering his thoughts, he reached out and gently held Sophia's trembling shoulders, his eyes filled with concern.

"So, what happened?" he asked again, his voice filled with genuine curiosity and worry. He hoped that by encouraging her to share, he could ease her burden, even if only slightly.

Sophia, her voice choked with tears, could only manage a plea between sobs. "Just hug me... Please..." Her words resonated with a vulnerability that struck Elio to his core. It was a raw admission of her need for comfort and understanding, a plea for someone to hold her and offer solace during her darkest moments.

Elio wrapped his arms around Sophia, holding her tightly as if to shield her from the world. The curious gazes and whispers of the onlookers faded into the background, their opinions and judgments irrelevant at that moment.

He felt her trembling against his chest, her tears soaking his shirt. With every sob that escaped her lips, Elio could sense the weight of her emotions, the anguish that threatened to consume her. In the middle of those bursts of emotion, his voice calmed her.

"I'm here, Sophia…"

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