Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 205 Don't Ask Us To Hold Back

Villain Ch 205. Don't Ask Us To Hold Back

"Any suggestions?" Kafra inquired, her eyes scanning the room, seeking input from the participants.

Allen chimed in, "Actually, both options don't sound bad. But if I had to choose, I'd go with the second choice."

Bella arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Why is that?" she asked, leaning in to hear his reasoning.

Allen paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "Well, if we go with the second choice, it would provide players and us with a greater variety of events," he explained. "Playing the same event four times in a row would become incredibly monotonous. All of us would quickly lose our excitement and thrill. However, by opting for two different event types, we can offer players a refreshing experience."

He leaned back in his chair, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Besides," he continued, "if all four events were identical, I can already imagine the chaos that would ensue in the final session. Everyone would be fighting tooth and nail to gain any advantage they could, desperate to glean any last-minute insights from the previous three events. It would be a mad scramble, and honestly, it wouldn't be much fun."

The room fell into contemplative silence as Allen's words sunk in. The high official nodded, his expression thoughtful. "You make a valid point, Allen," he acknowledged. "Variety is indeed the spice of life, even in gaming. By offering different event types, we keep the players engaged, intrigued, and hungry for more."

"But maybe you guys can tweak the event a little," Allen suggested, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "Take the evil tower event as an example. Instead of having the tower in the hard mode with a million HP, you can make the light mode one with just half of that. And you can avoid setting the event goal to specifically kill us. Instead, you can create objectives that revolve around survival or overcoming challenges. This way, it would give the players a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment even before the actual battle begins."

The room fell silent as Allen's idea sank in. Larissa was the first to break the silence, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Hmm, that could actually work," she mused. "By adjusting the difficulty level and shifting the focus of the event, we can strike a balance that caters to both low and high-level players. It would provide a challenging experience for the veterans while still allowing the newcomers to participate and feel a sense of progress."

Bella and Alice nodded in agreement, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. "That's a great idea, Allen," Zoe chimed in. "It ensures that no one feels left out or overwhelmed. Plus, it adds an element of strategy and adaptability to the game, which will keep the players on their toes."

Jane leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smile gracing her lips. "That sounds like a win-win solution for both us and the players," she remarked, her tone filled with enthusiasm. "It allows us to maintain the thrill and excitement of the game while providing an inclusive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved."

"For sure, don't ask us to hold back, that's out of the question. Especially Allen," Shea interjected confidently.

Allen chuckled and shrugged. "You know it," he said with a mischievous grin. "I can't resist a good challenge."

The high official nodded thoughtfully, considering the suggestions that had been put forward. "Hmm, that is a good suggestion," he acknowledged, glancing at another official who also seemed to agree. "By adjusting the difficulty level and incorporating fresh ideas, we can ensure that the events remain engaging and exciting for the players."

Kafra quickly typed up all the suggestions and inputted them into the discussion notes.

"You can also reuse the previous event if you run out of new ideas," Zoe chimed in, her eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. "By adding a few twists or variations, low level players will still be intrigued and eager to participate."

"Or for the light events, it could also be if we don't have to go all out," Vivian chimed in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Maybe it only takes three or four of us for each event session. That way, low-level players feel like they have more chances to win and make progress."

"That's actually a great idea," Allen agreed, nodding in approval. "It gives a sense of inclusivity and allows more players to actively participate in the events."

Kafra, taking charge of the discussion, interjected, "Okay, in that case, we will provide several event options and send them to your email later for further review and refinement."

The room erupted with enthusiastic agreement as everyone voiced their approval.

Since all the discussions about the upcoming events and the power update had concluded, the atmosphere in the room shifted slightly. Alice couldn't help but bring up the topic of their share in all of this.

"Now that we've sorted out the important stuff, let's talk about the fun part," Alice exclaimed, leaning back in her chair with a playful grin. "What about our share? We've been working hard to make this game a success, after all!"

The high official chuckled, understanding their eagerness to reap the rewards of their efforts. "Ah, yes, the matter of your shares," he replied with a nod. "Rest assured, we haven't forgotten about that. In fact, we have some exciting plans for you all."

Curiosity sparked in the team's eyes as they leaned in, eager to hear more about what lay ahead.

"We will be adding your shares as compensation in the form of exclusive in-game items, especially virtual costumes," the high official revealed, his voice laced with anticipation.

But the high official wasn't done yet. He continued with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "And that's not all. We've been discussing the possibility of monetizing some of the videos captured during the events and sharing the revenue with all of you."

"What is clear is that we will send the contract online later. If you have any objections, you can write down your points via emails," added Kafra, her voice filled with a hint of professionalism amidst the casual setting.

The team nodded in agreement, acknowledging the need for a formal contract to solidify their agreements and ensure transparency. They understood that it was important to review the terms carefully and express any concerns they might have.

"Sure thing," Allen chimed in, his eyes focused on Kafra. He knew the importance of thorough communication and wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page.

With the contract discussion settled for the moment, Kafra glanced at her notes and spoke up again, this time in a more casual tone. "Okay, I think that's all for now. The events may be picking up in frequency lately, so make sure you all take care of your health."

The reminder was met with nods and understanding.

Note: As you can read, I am planning two types of events in the future. Allen will have fun in the light event which make the event less gorey. While his revenge and most gruesome scenes will still run in hard event mode. I also make the choice to skip the event (like he gives the opportunity to the girls), that way the scene can switch to the real world.

Please give me your feedback.

1. Agree

2. Not agree

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