Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 171 Surprised?

Villain Ch 171. Surprised?

Once the countdown reached zero, Greg seized the opportunity to strike. His powerful swing sent his ax hurtling toward Allen, aiming for a swift and decisive blow. However, Allen was not caught off guard. In a display of agility and reflexes, he swiftly sidestepped, evading Greg's attack with ease. The move was executed flawlessly, showcasing Allen's combat prowess.

Despite Greg's surprise attack, Allen's expression remained unchanged. His face retained its cold and impassive demeanor. He had expected nothing less from Greg, knowing all too well his tendency to resort to cunning tactics.

As Allen gracefully evaded the swing of Greg's ax, a flicker of annoyance crossed Greg's face. It was clear that his attempt to gain the upper hand had failed, and he found himself in a vulnerable position. But rather than showing frustration, Allen's countenance only grew colder, his eyes locked onto Greg with an unwavering focus.

Greg, recovering from his surprise at Allen's nimble evasion, quickly regained his composure. He readied himself for the next exchange, his grip on the ax tightening as determination set in. The tension between them hung in the air, the anticipation of their clash electrifying the atmosphere.

Their eyes locked in a tense gaze, the air crackling with anticipation. Greg's face twisted into a sly grin as he assumed his attack stance, clearly relishing the opportunity to engage Allen in combat. His intentions were unmistakable, etched across his features with a mix of determination and malice.

"Surprised?" Greg taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. It was evident that he took great pleasure in seizing this chance to challenge Allen. Unlike Darren, who held the misguided belief that he had surpassed Allen, Greg had a different agenda in mind. His motive stemmed from a desire for revenge, fueled by Sophia's tears. He knew it from Elio. Knowing he couldn't defeat Allen in a fair fight, Greg sought to wound him in another way.

Allen's lips curled into a smirk, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Nah, not really," he retorted, his voice laced with a taunting tone. The mockery in his words was undeniable, a clear indication that he had anticipated Greg's predictable move.

Greg's grin faltered, his confidence wavering ever so slightly in the face of Allen's composed response. "Well, I shouldn't expect any less from you," he muttered, gathering his resolve once more as he lunged forward, launching himself at Allen with renewed determination.

Greg swung his mighty ax at Allen with a forceful strike, his muscles tensed and his eyes filled with determination. But just as the lethal weapon was about to connect, Allen swiftly activated his Hiding skill, vanishing from sight in an instant. The momentum of Greg's swing carried him forward, his ax crashing into the ground with a resounding crack.

The impact reverberated through the cavern, sending tremors along the rocky floor. Gravel and dust were sent flying in all directions, creating a cloud of debris that momentarily obscured the battlefield. The air filled with the scent of earth and the sound of scattered pebbles clattering against the walls.

Still concealed within the shadows of his Hiding skill, Allen cautiously circled around, keeping a keen eye on Greg's every movement.

"C'mon, Allen! Attack me! I know you want to defeat me! Weren't you mad at me after I and Darren left you right before the tournament registration?" Greg mocked him. His gaze was in all directions, searching for Allen.

The taunting words that escaped Greg's lips echoed in his ears, stirring a mix of anger and curiosity within him. He knew Greg was trying to provoke him, to lure him into a reckless attack driven by emotions. But Allen was not one to succumb to such tactics easily.

Since he had no intention of falling into Greg's trap, he opted for a different approach—a calculated strike aimed at exploiting Greg's weaknesses.

With precise precision, Allen focused on Greg's balance. He observed the way Greg shifted his weight, the positioning of his feet, and the subtle movements of his hands. The knowledge gained from their countless battles together served as a valuable asset, granting Allen insight into Greg's fighting style and vulnerabilities.

Allen slid towards Greg from behind, his eyes narrowed in focus. He knew that Greg, being a seasoned player, would anticipate his attack pattern and be prepared for his signature Backstab skill. This time, he needed to be swift and cunning to catch Greg off guard.

Just as Allen prepared to strike, Greg's keen instincts kicked in. He sensed the impending danger and swiftly turned his attention toward Allen. With a powerful swing of his ax, Greg aimed to cleave Allen in half, expecting his attack to connect with devastating force. However, Allen was one step ahead.

In a split second, Allen's agility and reflexes took over.


He ducked down low, narrowly evading the lethal trajectory of Greg's ax. The force behind the swing was immense, causing a gust of wind to whip through Allen's hair, reminding him of the peril he had just escaped. It was a moment of intense adrenaline, where every move mattered.

Capitalizing on Greg's momentary imbalance caused by his powerful swing, Allen seized the opportunity. His daggers danced through the air, propelled by the swiftness of his movements. Instead of aiming for Greg's fatal points as he initially planned, Allen altered his strategy on the fly. He targeted Greg's legs, slashing with precision and accuracy, severing tendons and rendering his opponent immobile.

A gasp escaped Greg's lips as his legs crumbled beneath him, leaving him paralyzed and vulnerable.

[Greg has taken 152 damage points!] X2

Greg's knees hit the ground with a thud, and he quickly used his ax to prop up his upper body, desperate to maintain some semblance of balance. The loss of mobility in his legs was a harsh blow, but his hands remained armed and ready to fight. His gaze locked onto Allen, who stood before him with an unwavering coldness in his eyes.

Allen, daggers poised for a final strike. What he expected was panic, fear, or perhaps a plea for mercy. But to his surprise, Greg erupted into maniacal laughter that reverberated through the cavern, filling the air with a chilling echo. It was a laughter that pierced the silence, rendering him momentarily speechless.

A twisted smirk played upon Greg's lips, a smile that should have adorned Allen's face in this duel. It was an unsettling sight, for victory seemed to have been gifted to Allen on a silver platter. Yet here was Greg, laughing as if he had just unveiled a grand master plan.

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