Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 326 Convincing Empress Victoria

Isabella, the successor of Empress Victoria, was an exceedingly beautiful woman with cascading chestnut hair and striking emerald eyes. Her figure was a marvel, adorned with graceful curves that defined her as the epitome of beauty.

As the news of Empress Victoria personally guiding Wang Jian's group reached her ears, Isabella couldn't contain her curiosity. She swiftly made her way to the palace hall, where she anticipated encountering this enigmatic group.

In due time, she glimpsed Empress Victoria leading Wang Jian's entourage into the Grand Hall. When Isabella's eyes fell upon Wang Jian, they involuntarily sparkled with a love-struck expression. His sheer handsomeness was enough to captivate her heart, and she found herself drawn to him in an instant.

While her attention initially focused on Wang Jian, Isabella couldn't help but notice the four enchanting women who accompanied him. Their beauty was undeniable, and though their presence surprised her, she couldn't help but think it was only fitting for a man as handsome as Wang Jian to be surrounded by such alluring companions.

Isabella approached Empress Victoria with a respectful inclination of her head. "Greetings, Master," she said, her voice filled with admiration.

Empress Victoria acknowledged her successor's greeting with a gracious nod. "Isabella, these are important guests who have come from the Southern Region of the Continent. This is Wang Jian, the Emperor of the Everlasting Mystical Empire and these women are his wives."

Isabella nodded, her eyes discreetly flickering towards Wang Jian as she replied, "So it is Emperor Wang who has been making waves across the entire continent with his talent and strength."

Wang Jian, though fully aware of Isabella's admiration, maintained his composure, acknowledging her presence with a polite nod. "It is nothing much."

Empress Victoria led the way, guiding Wang Jian and his group through the grand corridors of the palace until they reached a spacious and lavishly decorated meeting hall.

As they took their seats, Empress Victoria leaned forward with a hint of skepticism in her voice. "Emperor Wang, I am curious about your strategy to deal with the Dwarven threat. It's a formidable force, and they hold a significant advantage in their territories."

Wang Jian leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "Indeed, dealing with the Dwarves within their territory is no easy feat. However, there is still a way to turn this around and make them experience great loss."

The intrigue in the room was palpable as everyone leaned in, hanging on Wang Jian's words.

"Imagine if there were a new, powerful, unknown metal discovered in the world," Wang Jian began, his voice measured and confident. "A metal so unique that even the Dwarves, with all their craft and metallurgical knowledge, couldn't resist its allure. A metal that was not only incredibly valuable but also unmovable, unbreakable even by the most powerful weapons of Dwarves."

Empress Victoria, her brow furrowed in disbelief, responded with disdain, "And where would we find such a miraculous metal?"

Wang Jian leaned forward, his eyes glinting slyly. "I happen to know of a place," he said cryptically, "It is the Beast Forest, located just south of the Verzen Empire."

The room fell into a thoughtful silence as the weight of Wang Jian's words settled in.

Empress Victoria's expression tightened with skepticism. "How can I trust your word for it? The Beast Forest in the south of my empire is an extremely dangerous place. Not only are the beasts extremely powerful, but there is also a Beast Saint amidst them. It's impossible to go to that forest and acquire that metal ore," she remarked with a furrowed brow.

Wang Jian couldn't help but smirk in response to her doubt. He leaned back in his chair, exuding an air of confidence. "...It's only natural for you to be skeptical, Empress Victoria. But let me tell you something interesting. My companions and I traversed through that very forest to reach your Empire."

Empress Victoria and Isabella exchanged startled glances, their curiosity piqued.

"And since I knew you wouldn't believe me," Wang Jian continued, "I brought this with me."

With a subtle flourish, he produced an azure-colored fur from his spatial ring. As the fur materialized, an intense and domineering aura swept through the meeting hall, causing both Empress Victoria and Isabella to gasp in astonishment.

"N-No way! This is the fur of a Beast Saint!" Empress Victoria's eyes widened in shock.

Wang Jian nodded, his gaze unwavering. "This fur belongs to the Azure Spirit Lion, a powerful Beast Saint. He is willing to assist us in dealing with the threat of the Dwarves. His only condition is that once the Dwarves are defeated, the humans won't harm the beast race."

The room hung heavy with the significance of Wang Jian's revelation, the potential alliance with a Beast Saint offering a glimmer of hope in the face of an otherwise daunting challenge.

Empress Victoria maintained a contemplative silence in the wake of Wang Jian's proposal. The allure of an alliance with the Azure Spirit Lion and the promise of weakening the Dwarves was undeniably tempting, but she couldn't ignore the potential repercussions such an alliance might bring to her Empire in the long run.

The ramifications of this decision extended beyond the surface. She understood that it could disrupt various professions within her Empire. The hunters, who relied on the hunting of beasts for their fur, scales, teeth, and flesh, would be deeply impacted. Such a move could render their livelihoods obsolete, causing a ripple effect throughout her dominion.

Yet, the strategic advantages of forming this alliance were unmistakable. It offered a viable path to weaken the Dwarves, who had proven to be a significant threat.

Wang Jian, sensing her internal struggle, spoke with a solemn tone. "Allow me to clarify my motive," he began, leaning forward. "My intention is to capture a few talented Dwarves and bring them to my Empire. If we manage to capture more than one, I am willing to let your Empire retain one of them."

Empress Victoria's eyes widened at the audacious proposition. It was a revelation that sent her mind racing with possibilities, both advantageous and concerning.

Isabella, her quick-witted successor, voiced the question that had been forming in Empress Victoria's mind. "The Beast Saint won't object if we defend ourselves against the forest's beasts, will he?"

Empress Victoria nodded in agreement, recognizing the wisdom in Isabella's question. Her successor was proving to be an adept student, already demonstrating a keen understanding of the responsibilities of an Empress.

Wang Jian responded with a knowing smile, his gaze shifting between Empress Victoria and Isabella. "Attacking the beasts in self-defense is acceptable."

Isabella turned to Empress Victoria, her eyes filled with conviction. "I believe, Master, that we should accept this proposal. The Dwarves pose a significant threat to us at present. Capturing a talented Dwarf could provide us with valuable insights for both defense and offense."

Empress Victoria considered the wisdom of Isabella's words. The weight of her decision hung heavy in the air, but the potential benefits were too significant to ignore. She knew that they needed every advantage they could muster against the relentless Dwarven threat.

Empress Victoria took a moment to deliberate on the matter, her posture regal and composed. "I will consult with my ministers on this issue before giving you my final response," she stated with a measured tone.

Wang Jian acknowledged her decision with a respectful nod. "Of course, Empress Victoria. We understand the gravity of this alliance and are prepared to wait."

Empress Victoria then turned her attention to their guests, her demeanor shifting to one of gracious hospitality. "Until a decision is reached, I invite you and your wives to explore the Royal Palace and experience the splendors of the Verzen Empire. My disciple, Isabella, will gladly serve as your guide during your stay."

Isabella's eyes sparkled with excitement as she stepped forward, her enthusiasm evident in her radiant smile. "I will be delighted to show you around our beautiful empire. There is much to see and experience."

Wang Jian and his wives, still maintaining their composed demeanor, expressed their gratitude for the warm welcome and accepted the offer graciously.

Soon, Isabella took the lead, her footsteps echoing softly through the marbled hallways of the Royal Palace. Wang Jian's group followed her calmly.

As they strolled through the palace's opulent corridors, Isabella's voice carried with a gentle, informative tone. "I hope you find your chambers to your liking," she said, her gaze shifting to Wang Jian's group. "It's important to rest and freshen up before we embark on our tour of the Empire."

With a graceful gesture, she led them through a grand archway into a spacious chamber, lavishly decorated in deep blues and golds. Large, ornate windows bathed the room in natural light, revealing a stunning view of the palace gardens.

Lady Zhuoran couldn't help but admire the room's opulence. "Such elegant chambers," she remarked, her voice carrying appreciation.

Han Xifeng, ever the practical one, added, "Indeed, a bit of rest would do us good before our exploration."

Isabella offered a polite smile. "I'm delighted to hear you appreciate it. Verzen has a rich history of art and architecture, and it reflects in every corner of the palace."

With that, she excused herself, promising to return when they were ready to begin their tour.

As Isabella left, Wang Jian and his companions took a moment to appreciate the tranquil surroundings, feeling a sense of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead in the Verzen Empire.

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