Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 302 Travelling On Wyvern Carriage In Central Continent

"No! I can't accept your proposal, my daughter! I won't let you endure this for me!" Luo Qiu's cries echoed in the chamber.

Wang Ying's determination was unwavering as she addressed her mother, her voice steady. "But I can't let you suffer in my place either. He's targeting you to get to me, and I won't let that happen."

Wang Jian's grin widened, his gaze fixated on Wang Ying. "Seems like you've made up your mind."

"Yes," Wang Ying responded firmly.

Unexpectedly, Luo Qiu fell silent. She no longer attempted to sway her daughter's decision.

Wang Jian interjected, his tone holding a touch of satisfaction. "Your first task will be to oversee your faction within the Empire and bolster our defenses against the attacks from the Barbarian Race."

"Now, I'll be heading to the Northern States of the Continent, accompanied by your mother. If you ever attempt to raise a personal force against the Empire, I'll know. And let me tell you, my dear, you'll pay a hefty price. But first, I'll make sure to teach your mother a lesson," Wang Jian's grin turned sinister and lascivious.

"Promise me you won't touch my mother or cause her harm until I make such a mistake," Wang Ying's voice held a mix of concern and desperation.

"You have my word. After all, as you rightly pointed out, you're my target. I've got no reason to harm your mother as long as you play your part obediently," Wang Jian's grin twisted into a wicked expression.

With a nod, Wang Jian declared, "I'll take my leave now and let you two have a private conversation."

True to his word, Wang Jian departed, leaving Luo Qiu and Wang Ying alone in the cell.

Once he was out of earshot, Wang Ying fixed her gaze on her mother, speaking earnestly, "Mother, please promise me you won't let him do anything to you on this trip. Trust me, you can't allow him to take advantage of you."

Luo Qiu's response was steady, "Do you really doubt your own mother so much? Just ensure you follow Jian's orders. The consequences won't be pleasant otherwise. I understand your aspirations, but once you're out of this confinement, you'll see how futile it is to stand against Jian."

Wang Ying was taken aback by her mother's words, realizing that the situation outside must be even more dire than she had imagined.

Mother and daughter continued to converse about various topics until Wang Jian eventually returned.

Upon his return, he released Wang Ying from her restraints and guided her out of the cell. Utilizing his Spatial Teleportation Skill, he whisked both Wang Ying and Luo Qiu away to their private palace.

Once they were there, Wang Jian addressed Luo Qiu, his tone businesslike, "Prepare yourself. We'll be setting out tomorrow morning."

"Yes, I'll be ready," Luo Qiu reluctantly agreed, her options severely limited.

With that, Wang Jian teleported away from their palace and materialized in Yao Niu's residence. Yao Niu had once held the title of Empress and was also the mother of the Crown Prince. However, like Luo Qiu, she had now become one of Wang Jian's personal subjects.

In her opulent chambers, Wang Jian relayed the news of their upcoming journey to the Northern States of the Continent. Aware of the journey's length, he advised her to gather whatever she required for the trip.

Completing the group were the final two participants: Han Xifeng, the respected leader of the Miracle Angel Tribe and a prominent figure within the church, and Lady Zhuoran, the matriarch of the Silver-Tailed Fox Race.

What united these women was their status as Wang Jian's personal companions. Having witnessed Wang Jian's darker inclinations, they were privy to the aspects of him that he concealed from others. As such, he felt no need to hide his more licentious side in their presence, as they served as outlets for his desires.

With this unusual assembly now formed, the journey ahead held an air of mystery and uncertainty.

During these days, the Telephone Artifact's reach extended to the Eastern Seas, the Central Region, and the Northern States of the Continent.

Wang Jian harbored some concerns as the Telephone Artifact reached the Northern States, where the Dwarven Race had established its stronghold.

The Dwarven Race was known for its expertise in innovation, employing a wide range of resources to create new inventions.

They were adept at working with metals, non-metals, and talismans, often combining these elements to fashion intricate mechanisms that were beyond the grasp of ordinary humans.

Their proficiency in these tasks was so advanced that they had developed a keen understanding of the Law of Engineering—a principle governing the optimal utilization of resources.

This law had multiple branches, with some Dwarves excelling in crafting mechanical artifacts, while others specialized in combining mechanical and electrical techniques.

Over the span of hundreds of thousands of years, the Dwarven Race had made tremendous technological strides.

This progress had enabled them to triumph over the Empires in the Northern States, capturing their Earth Dragon Qi Roots and expanding their Dwarven Powered Immortal Domain.

This domination was largely fueled by their mastery of sophisticated engineering and inventive prowess.

Wang Jian embarked on his journey accompanied by four women: Han Xifeng, Luo Qiu, Yao Niu, and Lady Zhuoran.

Employing his Spatial Movement technique, Wang Jian skillfully transported himself and his companions to the edge of the Southern Region's border with the Central Continent.

Upon crossing the border, a potent surge of law-based suppression enveloped Wang Jian and the women, leaving them keenly aware of its presence.

Only after traversing this boundary that separated the Central Continent from the Southern Region did Wang Jian grasp the nature of this formidable obstacle.

He discerned that the barrier was a result of the harmonized forces of Heaven and Earth Qi. This revelation illuminated the arduousness of bypassing it using spatial techniques.

The Telephone Artifact, with its established spatial connection and shared spatial space, remained a unique exception, allowing it to traverse this boundary with ease.

As the laws of the Central Region exerted their suppressive influence, Wang Jian and his four companions adjusted their movements accordingly.

Anticipating such hindrances, Wang Jian had come prepared, bringing a fleet of wyverns with him. One of these majestic creatures bore a spacious carriage on its back, capable of accommodating Wang Jian and his entire entourage.

The other wyverns formed a protective circle around the carriage, ensuring its safety from potential threats.

This aerial procession of seven wyverns soaring high above captured the attention of various factions residing within the Central Region.

Inside the commodious carriage, Wang Jian and his companions relaxed comfortably, gazing out of the carriage windows to take in the picturesque scenery.

Seated between Han Xifeng and Lady Zhuoran, Wang Jian found himself sandwiched between their alluring, enticing forms, creating a sultry atmosphere that was impossible to ignore.

The Wyverns, while not as fast as Griffins, possessed impressive stamina. Wang Jian's preference for a smooth journey led him to choose these hardy creatures to carry them through the trip.

After sharing some light-hearted moments with Han Xifeng and Lady Zhuoran, Wang Jian rose from his seat and approached Luo Qiu and Yao Niu. Taking a place between them, he placed his hands gently on their exposed midriffs.

A sly smirk graced his features as he turned his gaze towards Luo Qiu. "Luo Qiu, your daughter's innocence is quite endearing. She's fully committed to serving me, rallying her entire faction to safeguard the Empire from the Barbarian threat, all to prevent me from laying my hands on you. Regrettably, or perhaps fortuitously, she remains unaware that you already hold the title of my discreet confidante. Kekeke…"

Luo Qiu leaned in, her lips lightly brushing against Wang Jian's cheek and neck, an aura of sensuality enveloping her as her generous bosom grazed his arm and chest.

In a submissive tone, she replied, "I am grateful that you granted my request to release my beloved daughter from that confining cell."

"Kek. Consider this a gesture of recognition for being such a good whore for me," Wang Jian's grin took on a wicked undertone.

Before long, Wang Jian commanded the four alluring and seductive women to strip, and they encircled him with desire in their eyes.

A wicked grin played upon Wang Jian's lips as he embarked on an intense round of intimate encounters with each woman.

After nearly half a day of unbridled passion, Wang Jian finally called a halt. Now, the women lay sprawled on the carriage floor, their bodies adorned with loads of hot Wang Jian's semen. Their expressions mirrored a blend of ecstasy, satisfaction, and fatigue.

Continuing their journey, Wang Jian maintained his heightened Spiritual Sensitivity, scanning the passing villages and towns. Although many came and went, none proved to be of notable interest to his keen senses. The most powerful individuals he sensed were merely at the King Realm level.

However, just as they progressed, Wang Jian suddenly detected an imposing aura. Swiftly engaging his Spiritual Sensitivity, he encountered an unexpected barrier, a spirit that countered his probing.

Realizing that this might be a form of Immortal Dominion, Wang Jian's demeanor grew solemn. Without delay, he instructed the four women, "Put on your clothes."

Utilizing the Laws of Water and Wind, he cleansed their bodies of any remnants of dirt, sweat, and semen.

Following his orders, the women hastily donned elegant attire, a stark contrast to their recent state.

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