Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 201 The Devil Princess's Faction Attacks

From his vantage point, Wang Jian meticulously observed the unfolding battlefield, his eyes scanning for a moment of opportunity to sway the tides in his favor.

The unexpected revelation of Wang Hao's formidable spirit had caught him off guard, yet he quickly regained his composure.

He reasoned that as long as the true God of War Spirit remained restrained, he still had a chance to beat Wang Hao. Well, Wang Jian might need to utilize the complete might of his devil bloodline at that moment.

As time passed, Wang Jian's senses keenly detected Ye Chen's presence, lurking in the shadows as an astute observer of the battlefield.

It was easy to discern Ye Chen's motives, given his dire predicament.

Undoubtedly, Ye Chen sought a chance to clear his name and regain his honor.

Fate soon bestowed upon Ye Chen the very opportunity he sought—the chance to slaughter Tristan.

With audacious resolve, Ye Chen fearlessly advanced, intent on assassinating the demon leader.

The entire group of demons was caught off guard by Ye Chen's daring maneuver, but Wang Jian remained calm and composed amidst the chaos.

Drawing upon his mastery of the Shadow Manipulation Technique, Wang Jian skillfully extended his shadow, interposing it between Ye Chen's lethal strike and Tristan's vulnerable form, effectively saving the demon leader's life.

In that pivotal moment, Ye Chen's fate seemed sealed, for any ordinary person would have perished under the relentless assault of the numerous demons surrounding him.

Yet, fortune smiled upon Ye Chen, an inexplicable stroke of luck that carried the blessings of the World's Essence.

As if guided by unseen hands, another faction emerged from the shadows, their intervention aimed at vanquishing the very demons that threatened Ye Chen's existence.

In a twist of fate, their timely arrival not only preserved Ye Chen's life but also ensured the demise of every demon that dared to harm him.

Unknown to all but Wang Jian, this moment had been foreseen and meticulously planned for.

Wang Jian had meticulously kept track of the various powers present in the forest, calculating their capabilities and loyalty, all while ensuring that no overt divine intervention would be suspected.

Among the factions at his disposal, only one fit the criteria—the Third Prince's faction, led by Wang Chen.

With his machinations set in motion, Wang Jian had already enlisted the aid of the Crimson Cult, urging them to launch an attack specifically targeting Wang Chen's faction.

This would fulfill the Crimson Cult's end of the agreement they had struck with Wang Jian.

Now, it was time for Wang Jian to honor his part of the bargain. However, that would happen later.

Right now, he had to manage the current situation.

He found it somewhat perplexing that the Crimson Cult had yet to join the battlefield. Given their earlier sneak attack on Wang Chen's forces, he had expected them to swiftly enter the fray.

His mind briefly wandered to the enigmatic group of demons who had been in negotiations with the Crimson Cult.

Their aura exuded a palpable malevolence, far more sinister than the demons battling the combined forces of humans and beasts.

Yet, after striking a deal with the Crimson Cult, these demons seemed to have vanished from Wang Jian's Spiritual Sensitivity Skill's reach, skillfully veiling themselves beneath a concealment array.

Recognizing the futility of his search, Wang Jian redirected his focus to the unfolding chaos on the battlefield.

However, his attention was drawn to a figure lying motionless amidst the carnage—Ye Chen, his injuries evident and his condition precarious.

Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, a glimmer of hope seemed distant for Ye Chen, trapped in his weakened state. The demons protecting Tristan were busy fighting against Wang Chen's remnant forces.

However, as the demons were about to end their skirmish with Wang Chen's forces, a palpable sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air.

A terrifying aura, reminiscent of the infamous Storm Devil God Fury technique employed by Tristan, swept across the battlefield, sending shivers down the spines of all who felt its sinister presence.

All eyes turned skyward, where an immense and intricate dark magical circle materialized, casting an eerie glow upon the embattled ground below.

A peculiar darkness engulfed the entire battlefield, reaching every combatant ensnared within the boundaries of the mystical sigils.

In a dramatic twist of fate, a formidable force of demons materialized before the astonished onlookers.

Leading this newfound horde of demons was an ethereal woman of unparalleled beauty, her dark locks cascading around her, and her crimson eyes ablaze with a wicked gleam.

In her hand, she wielded a formidable scythe, emanating an ancient and formidable aura.

With a voice that echoed like a chilling harbinger of doom, the demonic woman known as the Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess proclaimed her intentions.

"Humans, surrender! You are cursed by my technique. Your qi shall be siphoned by my insidious formation and bestowed upon the demons as rejuvenating energy. Your fate is sealed!"

The battlefield trembled under the weight of her proclamation, as the Devil Princess exuded an aura that exuded power and dominance.

Though not a true princess of any devil clan, her extraordinary abilities had earned her the moniker of the Devil Princess, endearing her to one of the great devil clans who recognized her exceptional talents.

Unbeknownst to all, the Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess and her cunning demon group had been meticulously constructing a formidable formation, hidden in plain sight.

Their malevolent plan was nearing completion.

Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, Wang Ying, fueled by her battle spirit, the Frostwave Kraken Sovereign, charged fearlessly towards the Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess.

With a swift motion, she unleashed a barrage of ice shards aimed at her nemesis, while simultaneously thrusting her spear forward with unwavering determination.

To the astonishment of all witnesses, the Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess scoffed at the feeble attempt, effortlessly blocking the onslaught. Dark tendrils sprouted from her ethereal form, swiftly neutralizing the ice shards with an air of contempt.

And as Wang Ying's spear thrust reached its intended target, the Devil Princess deflected the attack with a dismissive flick of her hand, using her formidable scythe as a shield.

Wang Ying's eyes widened in disbelief at the ease with which her attacks had been nullified. She felt a sense of bewilderment, as if her strikes had lost a significant portion of their power, leaving her at a disadvantage.

Seizing the opportunity to revel in her triumph, the Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess explained with a chilling smirk, "Confusion seems to cloud your mind. Allow me to enlighten you. The curse bestowed upon you possesses a unique ability, draining half the power of any attack launched by those under its influence if its targeted at me."

A cold shiver ran down Wang Ying's spine as the reality of her diminished strength sank in. However, she refused to succumb to fear.

Instead, a contemptuous smile danced upon her lips as she defiantly retorted, "Bringing me into such close proximity to you shall be your ultimate downfall."

Unbeknownst to the Devil Princess, the glow of one of Wang Ying's bangles intensified, heralding a surge of potent ice energy that swept through the ranks of the demon group.

"While my power may wane in your presence, I have discovered that your curse holds no sway over the strength imbued within my spear. Talismans and artifacts still retain their potency against you!" Wang Ying declared, her voice ringing with unwavering confidence.

In a breathtaking display of her newfound knowledge, Wang Ying unleashed a devastating ice blast upon the Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess, the intensity of the attack catching both her intended target and the surrounding demons off guard.

The sudden eruption of power sent shockwaves through the battlefield, leaving the onlookers in awe of Wang Ying's resilience and resourcefulness.

As the swirling dust cloud enveloped the battlefield, obscuring the vision of all who stood witness, a chilling voice pierced through the chaos.

The Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess's words echoed, carrying a wicked tone that sent shivers down the spines of those present.

"Did you ever ponder where your drained energy goes? Ah, perhaps the weight of the moment kept such thoughts at bay. Allow me to enlighten you—it flows directly to me."

When the haze finally settled, the resplendent figure of the Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess materialized, encased behind an impenetrable wall of pure, malevolent energy.

The sight alone was enough to sow seeds of doubt and unease in the hearts of even the bravest warriors.

Yet, in a testament to unwavering loyalty and unyielding courage, Wang Ying's trusted subordinates swiftly closed the distance, rallying beside their valiant leader.

Determined to turn the tide, they prepared to face the onslaught unleashed by the Devil Princess's own formidable forces.

Without hesitation, the demonic minions under the Devil Princess's command charged forth, engaging in a vicious clash with Wang Ying's resolute comrades.

The clash of weapons and the crackling of arcane energies filled the air as both sides fought tooth and nail for supremacy.

Wang Ying's indomitable warriors, fueled by the power of their awe-inspiring artifacts and assault talismans, unleashed devastating blows upon their demonic adversaries.

Each strike carried the weight of their unyielding resolve, rending the very fabric of the battlefield.

However, these were no ordinary demons who faced Wang Ying's fierce onslaught. They were a select group that had grown in strength through countless battles, forged in the crucible of relentless conflict.

Their darkened souls burned with an insatiable thirst for victory, and they retaliated with a ferocity that threatened to overwhelm their courageous opponents.

Amidst this cataclysmic clash, the Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess's attention was abruptly drawn to a peculiar sight. Through the haze of the battlefield, she beheld a woman performing an extraordinary feat.

With unwavering determination, Hong Meilin was freeing individuals from the clutches of the Devil Princess's insidious curse.

This unexpected turn of events unsettled the Devil Princess, casting a flicker of doubt upon her calculated strategy.

Among the countless combatants embroiled in the chaos, only two individuals defied her malevolent curse.

Wang Hao stood resolute, fortified by the incomparable power of the God of War Spirit. This was no surprise to the Devil Princess, who had clashed with him on numerous occasions, acutely aware of his unique abilities and unwavering resolve.

Yet, she had patiently bided her time, waiting for him to exhaust his formidable energy, knowing that he possessed the potential to reshape the fate of all on the battlefield.

However, the presence of Hong Meilin, the revered Saintess of the Church of Divine Light, was an unforeseen variable—a radiant light in the midst of darkness.

The Devil Princess had not accounted for this unexpected twist, as the Saintess wielded an inherent immunity to her insidious curse. Moreover, her energy possessed the power to dispel her curse.

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