Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 198 Wang Hao's Victory

A resounding explosion reverberated through the air as the lightning, charged with the potent energy of raindrops, collided with Wang Hao.

The force of the impact was formidable, and for a fleeting moment, it seemed as if the tornado had torn him asunder.

Yet, as the settling dust revealed the aftermath, Wang Hao stood unscathed upon the land, the surrounding area marred by the destructive forces, but the ground beneath him remained intact.

The positions of the crimson swords had shifted, displaying cracks upon their surfaces, a testament to their swift movements in deflecting the onslaught of lightning bolts.

Unyielding, Wang Hao stood tall, his hand now wielding a qi materialized glaive, emanating a palpable aura of power.

With a single powerful swing, he clashed with the raging tornado, countering its relentless spin with a resolute clockwise motion.

Tristan's expression twisted into a disdainful sneer as he witnessed Wang Hao's defiance.

He believed that no matter how formidable Wang Hao was, he could never possess enough power to overcome the tornado's immense spin.

Yet, to Tristan's astonishment, Wang Hao shattered his expectations.

A radiant golden aura enveloped his body, a manifestation of the Sovereign's Ascension granted by his esteemed Royal Warlord Bloodline.

Tristan had not anticipated that Wang Hao had been biding his time, holding back the utilization of his bloodline technique until this critical moment.

With a mighty swing of his fist, Wang Hao executed his plan flawlessly.

The sheer force generated was enough to initiate a counter spin against the tornado, effectively neutralizing its once-destructive power into a mere gentle breeze.

As the tempestuous tornado dissipated, Wang Hao swiftly manoeuvred, deftly evading the chaotic aftermath, while the crimson weapons suspended in the air vanished from view.

Without skipping a beat, Tristan was compelled to shift his position, engaging Wang Hao in a blistering exchange of close combat.

Their fists and feet became relentless weapons, launching strikes with unparalleled ferocity.

They grappled and hurled each other with calculated force, leaving no room for respite as their destructive attacks aimed to claim the other's life.

Tristan's entire being resonated with the overwhelming power of the Storm Devil God Fury, infusing his every strike with an exceptional quality of tempestuous energy.

Regardless of whether Wang Hao managed to block them, each blow from Tristan inflicted considerable damage upon his resilient adversary.

Meanwhile, Wang Hao's profound mastery of the Laws of Fist exacted a heavy toll upon Tristan's body with every precise strike.

But the onslaught did not end there. In the midst of their intense engagement, Wang Hao tapped into the formidable technique known as the Dance of the Hundred Armaments.

Each weapon materialized by his indomitable God of War Spirit became an extension of his deadly assault, augmenting his close-quarter combat with a multitude of lethal strikes.

These ethereal weapons, conjured forth by Wang Hao's God of War Spirit and his mastery of combat, wielded power that transcended conventional standards.

Unbeknownst to Tristan, with each seamless transition between weapons in the Dance of the Hundred Armaments, Wang Hao's insight into the technique burgeoned rapidly.

The growth of his understanding extended to the intricacies and nuances of each weapon within the vast arsenal.

Like a parched sponge thirsting for water, Wang Hao voraciously absorbed the profound wisdom of the God of War's spirit.

With each passing moment, Tristan's intuition warned him of an impending doom, a grim fate inching ever closer.

Driven by an unwavering desire to alter this foreseen outcome, Tristan unleashed a frenzy of attacks, harnessing an increasing surge of qi. His movements became increasingly erratic, a desperate attempt to tip the scales in his favor.

Yet, unbeknownst to Tristan, his heightened frenzy inadvertently exposed vulnerabilities, providing Wang Hao with ample opportunities.

Exploiting these openings with precision, Wang Hao's strikes found their mark, mercilessly targeting Tristan's vital points and inflicting profound injuries.

As Wang Hao's onslaught landed upon a multitude of vital points, the essence of the Storm Devil God Fury energy began to seep uncontrollably from Tristan's beleaguered form.

The once-mighty power now slipped beyond Tristan's grasp, a telltale sign of his diminishing control.

However, the toll of the arduous battle weighed heavily upon Wang Hao as well. The relentless exchanges had drained him to the point of extreme exhaustion.

Blood loss marred his vision, while the prolonged utilization of his Bloodline Skill, Sovereign's Ascension, further exacerbated his weariness.

Undeterred by the overwhelming exhaustion that ravaged his body, Wang Hao pressed on with unwavering determination.

Each punch he threw resonated with the fervor of a warrior at the peak of his strength, disregarding the risk of torn muscles and ruptured meridians.

He understood that physical injuries could be mended through proper medical care, but in this crucial moment, winning the trust of his indomitable God of War spirit took precedence.

In the face of Wang Hao's relentless assault, even the God of War spirit couldn't help but marvel at his resolute actions.

"You fight as if you are untouched by fatigue," the spirit acknowledged, a begrudging admiration creeping into its voice.

Wang Hao's response was laced with conviction, his words spoken through gritted teeth. "I am but an instrument of our shared purpose. I will push beyond my limits, enduring any pain necessary, to prove my worth and secure our victory."

The spirit's silence spoke volumes, a testament to its acknowledgement of Wang Hao's unwavering dedication.

As the relentless assault persisted, Tristan's body reached its breaking point. The power of the Storm Devil God Fury deserted him, leaving him defenseless and collapsing to his knees. He could only endure the onslaught of Wang Hao's attacks, and his body was ravaged both internally and externally.

The grim reality dawned upon Tristan: his defeat was inevitable. The culmination of injuries inflicted by Wang Hao and the aftermath of the Storm Devil God Fury technique had left him utterly incapacitated. He had reached the limits of his endurance.

With a mixture of exhaustion and triumph in his voice, Wang Hao delivered his final words, his victory resounding in every syllable. "Perhaps I ought to thank you, demon. If not for you, I never would have gained the respect of my own spirit. But now, this will make me even stronger. It is time for you to accept your defeat."

Tristan, gasping for breath, mustered a weary nod, his spirit unbroken despite his physical demise. "…You may have won for today, human, but I will be even stronger next time..."

And with that acknowledgement, the battle came to a close, leaving Wang Hao standing triumphant over the fallen Tristan.

Despite Tristan's defeat, Wang Hao refused to let up, his spirit ablaze with determination as he locked eyes with the remaining demons, a deadly killing intent burning in his gaze.

"Your leader has been vanquished. It is in your best interest to surrender now," Wang Hao declared, his voice dripping with cold certainty.

But to his disbelief, instead of yielding, the demons defiantly surged forward, their collective force converging on Wang Hao.

Though their numbers were formidable, Wang Hao remained resolute, unshaken by the looming threat.

The glimmering crimson armaments hovered in the air, pulsating with malevolent intent, poised to unleash a storm of retribution upon their assailants.

Yet, in the midst of wielding these lethal weapons, exhaustion clawed at Wang Hao's weary spirit, and one by one, the crimson armaments dissipated into nothingness, leaving him disarmed and vulnerable.

A surge of frustration and anger coursed through Wang Hao as he ground his teeth, cursing the limits of his waning power.

The tantalizing taste of victory was within his grasp, if only he had a few more precious moments to annihilate these demons.

Time pressed upon him, allowing no room for regrets.

With sheer determination, Wang Hao compelled his fatigued body to move, deftly evading the encroaching horde, and avoiding the clutches of certain doom.

Only a fraction of the demons persisted in their relentless pursuit, while the rest swiftly redirected their attention to safeguarding Tristan.

Their actions spoke volumes, revealing the true nature of their allegiance. Tristan, the sole possessor of a bloodline evolution that transcended conventional standards, embodied their hope for unparalleled strength.

The demons recognized the urgency of returning Tristan to their clan, where the secrets of his bloodline evolution could be meticulously explored and harnessed.

Tristan was to become an unwitting experimental subject within his own kin, paving the path for the ascension of every member in their clan, their powers bolstered by this enigmatic evolution.

The humans and beasts refused to stand idly by as the demons closed in on Tristan. They swiftly sprang into action, mobilizing from their positions with the intent to eradicate the demonic threat once and for all.

The resounding victory achieved by Wang Hao against Tristan had ignited a fiery determination within their ranks, particularly among Wang Hao's faction.

The triumph had bolstered their morale, and they now realized that the demons were devoid of top-grade experts.

This newfound knowledge tipped the scales decisively in favor of the humans, for Wang Ying, still relatively untapped, possessed the capacity to unleash her full strength in combat.

This advantage imbued the humans with a newfound sense of confidence and resolve.

They sensed that victory was within their grasp, and it spurred them to press forward with unwavering determination.

The demons, too, were not blind to the surge of morale among their adversaries.

They swiftly assessed the situation and made a calculated decision—a small contingent of demons would bear the responsibility of securing Tristan and guiding him to a place of safety.

The humans, undeterred, attempted to intercept this team of demons, intent on annihilating Tristan.

Alas, the demons proved formidable adversaries, denying the humans any opportunity to execute their plans.

They unleashed a relentless assault, striking with unyielding ferocity. In a matter of seconds, Tristan and the demons accompanying him vanished from sight, whisked away from the chaos of the battlefield.

A mix of frustration and determination coursed through the humans. They had been tantalizingly close to capturing Tristan, only to see him slip through their fingers.

This turn of events left them yearning for vengeance, their determination hardened even further.

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