USSR 1941

Chapter 865: train

  Chapter 865 Training

  The 51st Army is stationed very close to Milove... The 51st Army rested ten kilometers behind Milove due to heavy casualties.

Although the 11th Division of the NKVD Infantry is not a regular unit, its equipment is very good. At least there is no shortage of cars and motorcycles. Easy to own one.

   This of course has something to do with the fact that the NKVD is an internal affairs force, and those with power always get better equipment and supplies.

   But this is not entirely the case, because most of the tasks of the NKVD troops are aimed at internal security, spies and guerrillas, etc. Such tasks often require quick response, even faster than the army's response.

The reaction of the army is actually very slow. For example, Rommel's troops can march 80 kilometers a day in the desert. Proper quick reaction force.

  This is determined by the particularity of the army. Army support does not mean that people can arrive. In order to ensure combat effectiveness, artillery, ammunition, tanks, etc. must be provided, and the speed of marching will be limited by various problems.

On the other hand, the NKVD troops who deal with spies and guerrillas are veritable light marches. Each of them carries a gun, and enough ammunition is loaded in the car. They don’t even need to bring food. Without the spies, the guerrillas have long gone.

   Therefore, it took less than an hour for the 11th NKVD Infantry Division to arrive at the 51st Army station and line up.

  In order to allow them to train better, except for Trufanov and the staff of the command, the rest of the people did not know that this so-called "11th Infantry Division" was a unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  Trufanov even asked Shulka in private: "Will there be any problems?"

   "What could go wrong?" Shulka asked rhetorically.

  Trufanov said awkwardly: "You know, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Major General Saraev..."

  A major general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this is someone Trufanov can't afford to mess with, although Trufanov himself is also a major general.

   This can be said to be the tragedy of the Soviet army. They are always on the front line on the battlefield. They can face the enemy's muzzles and cannons fearlessly, but they have to be careful when facing domestic problems.

"There will be no problem!" Shulka reassured: "You can treat them as ordinary infantry, Comrade Trufanov. In fact, they have already become an ordinary infantry unit as soon as they entered our barracks." !"

   "That's good!" Trufanov replied.

   But even though he answered in this way, Judging by the expression on Trufanov's face, he was still a little worried. He hoped that this training could end soon and send these plague gods away as soon as possible.

  Shuerka came up to train infantry and tank coordination for the 11th Infantry Division.

   This is Shulka wanting to give Major General Saraev and even the proud NKVD infantry a blow.

  NKVD infantry actually has some "arrogant" capital.

  Because compared with ordinary infantry, they have the advantages of good individual quality, good physical fitness, and firm stand.

   Needless to say, the quality of individual soldiers and physical fitness, the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have good food and long training hours, especially since they have been fighting guerrillas and spies all the time.

That is to say, when other armies basically have no actual combat experience and pressure, the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have a few small battles from time to time... Although the scale of this kind of battle may be small, but with the pressure of actual combat and long-term training, this individual soldier No matter what the quality is, it is not comparable to those infantry soldiers who have just learned to shoot and go to the battlefield.

This is a bit like the relationship between the armed police and the combat troops. Because the armed police usually have experience in fighting criminals, the quality of individual soldiers is very good. It is really incomparable to have a few soldiers in the army to compare with the armed police, but if it is true When it comes to the battlefield, it still depends on the army, because the army is talking about large-scale, multi-armed, and high-intensity operations, and it usually receives such training.

  So, if the 11th Division is compared with ordinary infantry in ordinary training, it is really possible that the 11th Division will be inferior to it, especially when the 52nd Army is recruiting new recruits for a comprehensive rest.

But the problem with the 11th Division is precisely because of their previous "combat experience"... Because of their previous combat experience, they will habitually treat large-scale German troops and fierce firepower on the battlefield as guerrillas. .

  It would be okay if it was street fighting or guerrilla warfare in Stalingrad, but it would not work if it was fighting head-on.

Therefore, Shulka's first sentence to the 11th Infantry Division is: "If you think you have combat experience, are veterans, and can beat Franz (German) on the battlefield, then I will give you a piece of advice. : Forget about your so-called combat experience, everything!"

   "Otherwise, will we regret it?" An officer asked disapprovingly.

   "No, you will not regret it!" Shulka replied: "Because the corpse will not regret it!"

  The soldiers laughed at the same time.

  Shuerka could see that although these soldiers did not refute, quite a few soldiers did not take Shulka's words seriously.

  Even Major General Saraev was no exception.

   "You mean that the tactics they learned before are useless, Comrade Shulka?" Sarayev asked puzzled when he was alone with Shulka.

   "Yes!" Shulka replied: "To be precise, it's not useless, but it will harm them!"

   This is why many troops would rather recruit recruits who know nothing than veterans who have fought wars.

   Recruits can learn with an open mind, just like a blank sheet of paper, what is taught to him is what he is.

   Veterans always think that their previous tactics are correct, and always like to play according to their own tactics, and their tactics are often outdated, which not only harms themselves but also harms others.

   "I don't understand, Comrade Shulka!" Sarayev said: "Because we performed quite well in the Battle of Stalingrad, many people survived just by virtue of their combat experience!"

   "That was the Battle of Stalingrad, Comrade Saraev!" Shulka replied: "If you want to understand, let us see their training!"

   Shulka took Saraev to the training ground as he spoke.

  Although the training is infantry training, there are no tanks... It is impossible for infantry training to have tanks for infantry training, especially when tanks and fuel are in short supply during wartime.

   So, those tanks are played by cars.

   This is not bad. When many troops conduct infantry training, they just push a tank model or a handcart.

  (end of this chapter)

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