USSR 1941

Chapter 794: precision

  Chapter 794 Accuracy

  In the end Churchill chose to compromise.

Churchill had to compromise, because Petri was right, Britain could no longer bear another blow at this time, and there was no need for Britain to bear such a risk... All Britain had to do was to release the intercepted American aid, and then add Just some supplies.

   These supplies may be quite considerable for the British mainland, which is being blocked by German submarines, but in the direction of Africa... that is nothing more than increasing the burden on the colonies.

   Of course, Churchill was still not reconciled during this period. He asked Petri and even Menzies (the director of MI6) to investigate.

   "If we can find out what can threaten the security of the homeland!" Churchill raised the list in his hand angrily, and said, "Then, I can spit on this thing and slam it on their faces!"

   However, reality disappointed Churchill.

   MI5 and MI6 tried their best to find out a clue.

Regarding this point, I have to say that Beria is brilliant. He simply handed over this matter to Shurka, which caused the entire British intelligence agency to go in the wrong direction... The key points of MI5 and MI6 It all fell on what documents Shulka might have seized from the enemy, which of course could not have been successful.

So a few days later, John appeared in Shulka's office again... This office was arranged by Beria for Shulka. Shulka's assistant, besides a few correspondents, was also a major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who was in charge of foreign intelligence. .

   This made Shulka feel like he was out of the world, because not long ago, as an infantryman, the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs he hated the most were people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but now he works in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is also in command of the major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  I think back then, any captain from the Ministry of Internal Affairs could tell them what to do.

  This office is not entirely aimed at the United Kingdom. The task Beria entrusted to Shulka is: to grasp as much information as possible about the new German equipment to gain bargaining chips for future negotiations with the British.

   To be honest, not much progress has been made in this regard, because the Soviet intelligence system is still relatively backward at this time, and they cannot break into the secret base of the Germans in a short time to obtain valuable information.

   In fact, at least part of the reason is that Shulka didn't think it was necessary.

  Because Shulka knows all the information needed, even the name, performance, and future development of this V1 missile.

  Shuerka felt relieved when he thought of this. The Soviet intelligence unit dreamed of information that even the agents could not get at the price of their lives, but Shulka knew it well.

   But this is also a burden, because Shulka knows but can't say anything, he can only watch them busy with the information.

  As the saying goes, "Planting flowers intentionally will fail, but planting willows and willows will become shade unintentionally." The main task of the office has no progress, but a secondary task has progressed by leaps and bounds.

  Kurchatov visited Shulka several times during this period.

   Not a few times to be exact, but a few days... This guy seems to be stuck in Shulka's office since the one conversation with Shulka.

"Comrade Shulka!" Kurchatov said: "About your guess, I think there are some unrealistic aspects, such as the engine of this small aircraft... We all know that engines are very expensive, so use one engine to drive a Is it feasible to fire a bomb at the enemy?"

   "So this needs a cheap engine!" Shulka replied: "It can even be said to be a one-off. It doesn't need to consider its lifespan, it only needs to be able to complete one flight!"

Kurchatov was taken aback, then nodded in agreement: "It is indeed possible, the Germans must already have this cheap engine and use it in this equipment! But in addition, Comrade Shulka, more The big question is how do we make it find its target!"

   After a pause, Kurchatov explained: "I mean...Although we can use the gyroscope to keep it flying smoothly, we cannot be sure that it has reached the target sky!"

"Time, Comrade Kurchatov!" Shulka said: "For example, if we want to bomb a certain city, then we can adjust its flight direction and use the data obtained from the experiment to estimate its speed, and then... All we need is to set the time inside it!"

  Time multiplied by speed equals the distance, and then the target city can be roughly bombed.

   "I thought about this too!" Kurchatov said: "But don't you think that the accuracy may not meet the operational requirements?"

  Kurchatov deserves to be a famous physicist in the Soviet Union. In fact, he can also be said to be a physicist in military applications. Otherwise, it is generally not considered whether the accuracy will meet the combat requirements.

And the facts are indeed as Kurchatov said, because of the problem of a thousand miles of difference, the V1 missile deviates from the target by more than ten or even tens of kilometers, kilometers... This accuracy is almost the same as "waste". , but the Germans produced a large number of V1s and fired them at London as artillery shells, only requiring that they could be bombed but not accurate, which really scared the UK enough.

The British didn't know that the V1 missiles were not accurate at the beginning, thinking that they were going to bomb this building, that house, and even happened to hit a few important buildings, and they even hit a circle around the corner. The British were scared out of their wits, thinking that the Germans could fight wherever they wanted thousands of miles away, so is it necessary to continue this war? So some people proposed to surrender to Germany.

   "If you want to increase the accuracy..." Shulka said: "Why don't we combine it with the radar?"

   "What? Combined with radar?" Kurchatov couldn't help being dumbfounded. Radar was still a new thing at this time. Even if he was a physicist, he didn't know that radar could still play like this.

"Yes!" Shulka said, "One of the very important points is that we will not be able to know the position of this small aircraft after it is launched, and of course we will not be able to control it. If we can see it on the radar And manipulate it in real time by radio..."

"Great, Comrade Shulka!" Kurchatov exclaimed. "This is a great idea, is feasible, of course it is feasible! The precision can be improved exponentially, and we can even Control it and fly to the target! This is a weapon of the ages, Comrade Shulka, it is a great invention! Before it, nothing matters! My God! We have the throat of war ..."

  Kurchatov was so excited that he became incoherent. Since then, he has reported to Shulka's office every day.

  (end of this chapter)

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