USSR 1941

Chapter 774: raid

  Chapter 774 Raid

   In less than ten minutes, the amphibious landing ship crossed its own line of defense and entered the border between the enemy and us.

At this time, the Soviet army is launching a new round of attack on the German army... This is of course an order from Trufano. On the one hand, the troops close to the Don River can attract the attention of the German army to cover the 82nd Infantry Regiment's assault along the Don River. On the other hand, it flanked the enemy back and forth with the 82nd Infantry Regiment.

Due to the guns coming and going at the border, the enemy has not heard the sound of motors in the direction of the Don River for the time being... Even if they heard them, they would think it was the sound of tank motors. .

   This is a very strange feeling. Although the battlefield is close at hand, Shuerka and others seem to be wandering outside the battlefield and observing the **** battle between the enemy and ourselves a hundred meters away from the perspective of a third party.

Under the bright light of the flares, Shulka could even see soldiers entangled with each other and wrestling in the mud, rows of infantrymen who were hit by machine gun bullets and fell to the ground in pieces, and a handful of soldiers who had just been pulled out of each other's bodies. A **** bayonet...

   But of course, this is just a feeling. Shulka knows that not only is he not wandering outside the battlefield, but he is still in it, it's just that the enemy hasn't found him for the time being.

  Shuerka didn't move, and neither did his subordinates. The fleet just swam slowly into the darkness upstream amidst the dense gunfire and artillery sound...

  Richter is a captain and company commander of the 273rd Regiment of the German 91st Infantry Division. He led his subordinates and retreated from the battlefield just after repelling an enemy attack.

  This is a tactic of the German army. In order to maintain the morale and combat effectiveness of the frontline soldiers, they will take advantage of the gap between the enemy's charge to switch defenses so that the troops will take turns to rest.

Captain Richter suffered a knife wound on his shoulder, and the Russian bayonet pierced his shoulder blade fiercely. If there was not a bullet left in his pistol, I am afraid that the next knife would be taken Richter was dead.

   "Okay, Captain!" The health soldier said to Richter after he had finished bandaging him: "With all due respect, Captain! You should go home to recuperate with an injury like yours, because it is already difficult for you to continue commanding the battle!"

   "You don't understand, Lehman!" Richter smiled weakly: "Do you think I don't want to go back to China? We can't go back!"

   "You mean...we're surrounded?" The health guard showed a little fear in his eyes.

"No, that's not what I'm talking about!" Richter struggled to take out a cigarette from his pocket with his right hand, hid in the trench and lit it, and then replied: "You should know that Karachi is extremely short of troops! With an injury like mine...they won't allow me to go back to the country to recuperate! What's more, the way back may not be safer than here!"

   From these words, it can be seen that Richter has a comprehensive understanding of the battlefield situation.

  This is also a characteristic of the German army. They often know what the strategic goals are from top to bottom, and what they should do in special situations or when no one is commanding.

  The Soviet army is often the opposite of the German army in these respects.

  The health soldier was relieved, and he wanted to say something but was stopped by Richter.

   "What sound?" Richter sat up straight.

   "Sound?" The hygienist listened intently like Richter, and then he heard it too, the sound of guns mixed with the sound of some motors.

   "Maybe it's an enemy tank!" said the medic.

   "No, the enemy tank is far away from us! It is impossible to hear the sound of the tank's motor here!" Richter denied: "And..."

   As he said that, Richter turned around in various directions, and then said with a terrifying expression: "The sound is coming from the direction of the Don River!"

   "That's impossible, Captain!" The health worker said: "The enemy's shallow-water heavy artillery ships are not deployed on the Don River, they are on the Volga River!"

  Richter listened for a while, and the sound became more pronounced at this time, so Richter shouted to a mortarer: "Weiss, send a flare! Hit the center of the river!"

   "Yes, Captain!"

  With a bang, a flare was fired into the air and gradually lit up.

The light quickly illuminated the river, and Richter and his men were stunned by the scene under the light: they saw amphibious landing ships slowly approaching their position, and the ships were crowded with Russian soldiers , without exception, raised their guns and pointed their guns at this side with a murderous look.

   Only froze for a second, Captain Richter reacted immediately.

   "Enemy attack!" Captain Richter shouted: "Organize the defense, don't let them go ashore!"

  The German army moved quickly, and immediately grabbed their equipment and spread out along the river bank...

But it was too late. The battle started almost at the moment when Captain Richter gave the order. The machine gun on the bow of the amphibious landing ship "squeaked" and fired pieces of bullets at the German army. Speed ​​up and dash towards the shore.

  At the same time, Shulka ordered the artillery through the walkie-talkie: "Fire!"

This is an artillery regiment assigned to the commando by Trufanov. This artillery regiment has adjusted the firing elements under the guidance of the artillery observers in advance... It is not difficult to do this, because the Germans even thought that during the test firing These shells were out of aim and missed.

   As a result, a burst of artillery fire hit the heads of the German troops on the bank who were busy organizing defenses, and immediately blasted the German troops into pieces into the sky.

   Of course, the defense of the German army on the river bank could not be organized.

  In fact, the German army has always had defenses on the river bank, and these defenses were even built by the Soviet army, because on the other side of the river is Paulus's 6th Army, which is German.

  When the Soviet army hit here, it was necessary to build several trenches or dig several bunkers toward the opposite bank of the river, otherwise the enemy would be able to shoot here with machine guns from the opposite bank.

  But if the German army occupied this place, there would be no such worries. Even because the opposite bank is their own people, if the enemy enters this river area, they will be under attack from both sides of the German army, so they are very relieved that these trenches and bunkers have not been reinforced.

   As a result, after a burst of artillery fire, these bunkers were basically blown up, leaving only some small ditches.

  The amphibious landing ship rushed towards the river bank defense line at this time, and the German defense line soon collapsed.

  If the German army wants to block the Soviet charge from the Don River this time, the German army on the east bank of the Don River should react immediately to suppress firepower, or use artillery fire to stop and shoot in time.

   But the Germans had neither.

The former is because the German army failed to detect the enemy situation in the Don River in the dark, and the latter is because the reaction time of the German artillery is too short... Although the German infantry artillery is closely coordinated, it is still not enough to shoot the shells when the Soviet army lands. firewall.

  So, waiting for the German 91st Infantry Division, there is only failure.

  (end of this chapter)

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