USSR 1941

Chapter 725: logistics department

  Chapter 725 Logistics Department

  Trufanov never came to Shulka after that.

Maybe he thought that Shulka was already preparing to withdraw from the 51st Army. The strange thing is that Commissar Shevchenko did not send the 82nd Infantry Regiment to the battlefield, and he didn't know whether it was the turn of the 82nd Infantry Regiment or the Hebrew Army. Lu Xiaov confessed to the political commissar.

   But even so, Shulka was still like an ant on a hot pot in the headquarters, walking around not knowing what to do.

   At this moment, Andrianka handed Shulka a telegram, saying: "It's from the logistics department, saying that you should go there!"

Shulka was a little puzzled when he heard the words. Although the logistics department is closely related to the frontline combat troops, under normal circumstances, commanders who are fighting on the frontline will not be required to go to the logistics department...the logistics department does not have this authority, and generally they will directly contact The staff can solve it, at most, the commander will sign it.

  So Shulka asked impatiently: "What's wrong?"

   "I don't know!" Andrianka replied: "It's a secret mission!"

   Shulka frowned, he really didn't want to go to the logistics department at this time.

  But anyway, the 82nd Infantry Regiment has no mission at this time, and the logistics headquarters is only a few miles away, so Shulka thinks it's better to take a trip.

   He took Denisokov with him in a jeep, and arrived at the logistics headquarters not long after.

   Unexpectedly, it was none other than the long-lost Colonel Akadyevich...the director of the Sixth Directorate of the National Security Bureau who greeted Shulka at the door when he arrived.

"I didn't expect that, Comrade Shulka!" Colonel Akadyevich shook Shulka's hand enthusiastically, and said, "I'm sorry, but because I'm on a secret mission, I can't go directly to the front to meet you, so I have to In this way, I let you come here! I hope this will not affect the battle!"

   "No, of course not, Comrade Akadyevich!" Shulka replied: "In fact, we are standing by right now!"

   But of course, Akadyevich knew this, so he wasn't surprised at all.

   "How did you..." Shulka asked, but then remembered the secret mission that Akadyevich had just mentioned, so he stopped talking.

   "It's okay, Comrade Shulka!" Akadyevich smiled: "I won't have too many secrets from comrades who can be trusted!"

  Akadyevich replied while offering Shulka a cigarette: "I am here today because there are traitors in our army!"

   "51st Army?" Shulka asked.

  Akadyevich nodded and said: "You know, we lost the Battle of Kharkov, and some of them were actually captured by the enemy during the retreat..."

   Shulka let out an "oh".

   This is a common method used by the Germans to capture Soviet officers and soldiers and release them after collecting enough information such as names, addresses and even some information.

  Because the German army was very secretive and the Soviet army was in the chaos of fleeing, the Soviet army didn't even know that these people had been captured.

   And these officers and soldiers who were put back into the Soviet army had to follow the orders of the German army to collect intelligence for the German army because they had a handle in the hands of the German army.

  Such "spy" incidents always occur frequently after the Soviet army retreats.

  The reason is that only when the Soviet army retreats or is defeated will a large number of officers and soldiers be captured and used by the German army.

The German army sometimes even broadcast information on some ineffective "spy" on the radio, such as: "Comrade Comrade Rosnevsky, formerly of the 21st Infantry Division of the 9th Army of the Southern Front. Our captive, he confessed..."

  When the German army shouted this, the "spy" would undoubtedly be exposed, and it was impossible for the Soviet army to spare any traitor lightly.

  So the German army perfectly realized the killing with a knife and used this method to control other "spies"... If you are not obedient, or do not provide some valuable information as soon as possible, then wait to be exposed!

"I'm here to investigate this matter!" Akadyevich said: "We found a connector left by the Germans in Prodovitoye. These traitors handed over all the collected information to the In his hands, he will send it to the Germans!"

   Shulka nodded.

  This is indeed a good method, because it is impossible for those "spies" who are mixed in the Soviet army to have a radio station, which is obviously easy to show flaws in the Soviet army with backward communication equipment.

   Therefore, it is necessary to deploy contacts in cities, villages or other places, and the "spy" only needs to submit the information to the contacts to complete the task.

   "Have you caught these people?" Shulka asked.

   "Caught a dozen!" Akadyevich replied: "But I'm sure it's not just these!"

   As he spoke, Akadyevich gritted his teeth and cursed: "These bastards, they betrayed their motherland and soul!"

   Shulka seemed to understand that it was inconvenient for Akadyevich to show up at the front.

  When the frontline is tense, if people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs openly go up to arrest people, I am afraid that it will easily affect morale and even cause riots.

  This is also the tragedy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs...Because of the previous "many acts of injustice", they now have to sneak in to catch traitors.

   "Then, you asked me to come here..." Shulka knew that Akadyevich would not ask him to come here at such a time.

   Sure enough, Akadyevich asked, "Have you had much contact with your brigade commander?"

   "Grasilov?" Shulka almost exclaimed: "Is he also..."

  Akadyevich nodded and replied: "Someone confessed him!"

   Shulka couldn't help but secretly said that it was a fluke. Fortunately, Khrushchev didn't even report it to keep secret when he attacked Plodovitoye last time. Of course, it is impossible for Gerasilov to know.

   Otherwise, Shulka and the entire 82nd Infantry Regiment are probably all meat buns sent to Prodovitoye.

   "Not much contact!" Shulka replied: "I only met once!"

   "If possible..." Akadyevich said: "Help me to pay attention to his movements! We have no plans to arrest him for the time being, because we hope to draw more traitors!"

Shulka shook his head and replied: "I'm afraid I can't help you, Comrade Akadyevich! I don't have much chance to get in touch with him. What's more, the 51st Army may not be there for a few days, and it seems that you don't need to investigate go down!"

   "What's the situation?" Akadyevich asked suspiciously.

  He is more concerned about the investigation of traitors. It is not that he has no authority to know the strategic situation, but that it has nothing to do with him.

  (end of this chapter)

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