USSR 1941

Chapter 701: upper tsatzynski

  Chapter 701 on Tsatzensky

  In fact, the task is not as serious as "capturing the whole train", because the important thing is to capture the locomotive. As long as the locomotive is captured, the carriages behind cannot escape.

   But the task is not as easy as it sounds, because it has to deceive the enemy and kill its headquarters before the enemy finds out the problem, and even cut off the connection between Zazensky and Prodovitoye.

   The reason is simple, if the Romanian army finds out that there are Soviet troops disguised as German troops and robbing a train, then a fool also knows what will happen next.

  So, the Romanian Army will report the situation to the Romanian Fourth Army Command in Prodovitoye, and then all plans will be in vain.

  Shuerka also thought about whether this was too dangerous.

  In other words, did the 82nd Infantry Regiment disguise itself as the German army and directly attack Plodovitoye, adding uncertainty to the plan? Maybe it would be successful.

  But now, they have spent a lot of effort to capture Upper Zazensky first and then attack Prodovitoye, which has virtually increased the concept of plan exposure and also increased the difficulty of the task.

  But after thinking twice, Shulka thought it was worth it.

First of all, the number of the 82nd Infantry Regiment is too large. There are five battalions in one regiment, and each battalion has three to five hundred people. , with a total force of more than 2,500 people.

   This is the time when the 82nd Infantry Regiment was the largest.

   But the bigger the force, the harder it is to carry out a sneak attack or surprise attack... so special forces are always fewer and better.

  This is the current situation. Although the 82nd Infantry Regiment seized a large number of military uniforms at the 74-kilometer railway station, each person can make one set, and even the fit and rank are not bad.

  But the German-style equipment of more than 2,000 people is flawed, and it is impossible to match it all.

   Therefore, it was very difficult for the 82nd Infantry Regiment to infiltrate Plodovitoye directly, either on foot or by car.

  Let’s walk, all Soviet-style equipment, you can find problems with a flashlight, unless the garrison in Prodovitoje is a fool, let them go without even looking.

   Let’s take a car. All cars are Soviet-style cars, or American-style. If you look at it, something is wrong. If you check carefully, you will find Soviet-style equipment.

  So, if you attack Prodovitoye directly, the most likely result is that you can only get close but not enter the city, and then you still have to fight from the outside, which is not very meaningful.

But if it is an indirect attack, that is, turn around from Upper Zazensky like now, and use the entire train to carry soldiers in German uniforms into the city, the deception will be doubled. The 82nd Infantry Regiment can enter the city directly and still need to enter the city The possibility of getting to the Prodovitoye railway station also increases in series.

   On the other hand, the small town of Upper Zazenski is much easier to deal with.

  Thinking it all together, Shulka thinks it is worth taking the risk.

  The crowd was walking along the railway in the mud. At this moment, there was a shout in front of them, in an incomprehensible Romanian language, so Shulka knew that Tsatzenski had arrived.

   "We are Germans!" Shulka stepped up and shouted in English, and several Soviet soldiers shouted "Don't shoot" and "We are here to reinforce you" in German.

The reason why these Soviet soldiers can speak German is because the Soviet Union and Germany were allies before the outbreak of the Soviet-German War. The Soviet troops who stayed on the border, especially in Poland (the Soviet-German partition of Poland) often communicated with the German army and could speak a few words. German is no surprise.

   But of course, these Germans are not standard.

   This doesn't matter though, because Romanians don't speak German either, and of course they can't tell the truth from the fake.

   This also gave Shulka a reason to speak in English... Usually the Romanian army and the German army communicate more in English.

  The flashlight was turned on in the dark, and a beam of light that was not bright shone towards Shulka.

Shulka straightened his body and straightened his military uniform with his hands in white gloves. There were still some mud and holes on the white gloves and the uniform... This was what Shulka asked the soldiers to do on the way, because there were no The entire army will wear brand new uniforms.

   "You better turn off the light, you bastard!" Shulka shouted pretending to be angry: "The Russian planes are staring at us from the sky, do you want us all to die here?"

  The Romanian soldiers became frightened when they said this, so they hurriedly turned off the lights and asked, "Where do you come from, Colonel?"

"Stalingrad!" Shulka replied in a disdainful tone: "Go and reinforce your Prodovitoye, our train was blown up by enemy planes, we can only walk here! If you don't want to, We can definitely go back the same way!"

   This is the attitude the German army should have towards the Romanian army.

   Sure enough, the Romanian soldiers quickly lifted their guard and even panicked a little.

   "No no!" The soldier in the dark replied: "Sorry, Colonel! Welcome, we will provide you with everything you need!"

   "Is there a train?" Shulka asked while waving his hands to order the troops to move forward.

   "Yes, of course!" A Romanian officer greeted him in the dark, and Shulka couldn't see his rank clearly in the dark, but it didn't matter.

   Even this is a good thing, because it is difficult for Romanians to see the rifles in the hands of the Soviet army.

"We can send you to Plodovitoye as quickly as possible, Colonel!" The officer said to Shulka almost nodding and bowing: "There are two trains parked here, and we will empty one of them for your use. !"

   "Very good!" Shulka said, "Who is in command here?"

   "Major Amedeo!" replied the officer.

   "Where is he?" Shulka said, "I need to see him!"

   "Of course!" The officer replied: "He is at the headquarters, I will take you to see him right away! Dear Colonel!"

  The German army has a detached position in the Axis army, not only because they basically control the command, but also because they are the main force on the battlefield...The battlefield always respects those who can fight.

   Then, when Shulka led the troops into the Romanian army's defense line, the Romanian army stood on both sides of the railway and stood up to salute, not daring to move.

   This made Shulka enjoy this feeling a little bit.

   "How many people are there?" Shulka asked casually.

   "A battalion, Colonel!" The officer replied: "Probably... there are more than three hundred people!"

  The reason for saying "probably" may be because he is not sure how many people escaped in the night.

  At this moment, a black figure came hurriedly from the front. The officer had sharp eyes and said, "That is our battalion commander. He is here to welcome you, Colonel!"

  (end of this chapter)

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