USSR 1941

Chapter 651: counterattack

  Chapter 651 Counterattack

  Colonel Doppler was hesitant at first, but he made a decision after observing the chaotic and disorderly bombing of enemy artillery.

   "He (referring to Major Duden) is right!" Colonel Doppler said to the adjutant: "This is a group of mobs, and we don't need to risk the loss of the "Phase Six" tank and continue to stalk! Organize a counterattack!"

   "Yes, Colonel!"

  So, the German army launched a counterattack after a little preparation.

  The purpose of this counterattack is to destroy the artillery positions deployed by the enemy two miles away. The tactics are still the usual style of the German army: blitzkrieg.

  In Shulka's eyes, he was surprised to see several groups of German troops launching a counterattack under the cover of "Tiger" tanks, a large number of flares and infantry.

   "They launched a counterattack!" Vasily yelled into the walkie-talkie: "And the direction is obviously the artillery position where you are!"

   Shulka didn't notice this, because the artillery position he was in was far from the front line, although he was observing from the top of the building and there were flares flashing in the air.

  After listening to Vasily's words, Shulka took a serious look and found that this was indeed the case. The "Tiger" tanks from all directions were outflanking the artillery position, to be precise, the self-propelled artillery position.

  Seeing this, Shulka didn't say a word, grabbed the phone and ordered: "Get ready for battle!"

   "Comrade Shulka!" Captain Alinsimovich on the other end of the phone replied loudly: "We are fighting!"

   "I'm not talking about the current battle!" Shulka added: "The enemy tanks are coming up!"

   "What? Can you speak louder, Comrade Shulka?"

   Shulka already regretted letting Alinsimovich serve as the commander when his hearing had not fully recovered.

   But this seems unavoidable, because few artillerymen and tank soldiers at this time can hear normally, as long as they have fought wars.

   "I said!" Shulka increased his voice: "The enemy tanks are coming towards us, and they will reach our position in ten minutes!"

   There was a silence on the phone, and Shulka thought he hadn't heard clearly, so he repeated it again.

  But it was only halfway through when Captain Alinsimovich yelled: "Great, Comrade Shulka, are you sure they are coming up?"

"Yes of course!"

   "Great!" Captain Alinsimovic replied: "We will prepare immediately!"

  The sound of the cannon immediately stopped.

   This is also normal, as artillery units usually move when the situation arises.

  Major Duden of the German army thought the same way, so he immediately ordered: "speed up, don't let those Russians get away!"

   "Yes, Major!" The German tanks responded to him one by one.

  The German army at this time can be said to be overwhelming.

   This is mainly because the "Tiger" was almost invincible at this time and the Soviet army had no artillery to pose a threat to it, so the German army, led by the "Tiger", rampaged along the street and quickly moved towards the target direction.

The German army is indeed an expert in the use of tanks. The tanks provide firepower and protection for the infantry, and the infantry continue to follow behind the tanks and shoot flares forward, use tracer bullets to indicate targets, provide cover for the flanks, and even go out in front of the tanks to clear roadblocks, mines, etc. .

  All kinds of tactical actions are well organized as if formatted...

  War can't be too regular sometimes. For example, the strategy and tactics against the enemy, because if the enemy can guess what you want to do, then the battle will basically fail to achieve the desired goal, and even if it is achieved, heavy casualties will be paid.

  But sometimes there should be regularity, and it cannot be broken. For example, the coordination between the various arms within the army, the reason is that only when there is "regularity", the friendly army knows what you are doing and what you are going to do, so they can provide you with corresponding cover and coordination.

The German army is such a force. They are good at "surprise victory" strategically and tactically, making the enemy hard to defend against. However, they have formulated strict rules within the army and supplemented them with training so that all arms can be ordered like a war machine. Easy to apply.

Under such a powerful attack from the German army, the undertrained Soviet infantry was more like a mob. They ran around in panic under the coordinated attack of the German infantry and tanks. Some brave soldiers approached the tank with the rocket launcher, but It was quickly spotted by German infantry and shot dead on the way.

   Occasionally, a few rockets roared towards the "Tiger".

But unfortunately, most of these rockets are launched out of range, and the shooters are too nervous... This can't be blamed on them, nervousness is a normal phenomenon, after all, the shooter needs to squat to aim (the rocket launcher needs to have a certain height, Otherwise, on the one hand, it is easy to be blocked by the uneven ground, on the other hand, the closer to the ground, the stronger the turbulent flow, so the accuracy is lower).

  The process of squatting and aiming is actually showing yourself in front of the enemy like a target. If you hesitate a little, the enemy's bullets may have rained down before the rockets are fired.

   Therefore, the bazooka shooter always fires immediately after aiming roughly.

The result is that some rockets deviate from the target by a few parking spaces, and occasionally a few rockets hit the tank, but it is found that the rockets cannot cause damage to the "Tiger" from the front... If there is any damage, it is the "Tiger" Poor reliability makes it fail.

Blood, corpses, and screams immediately filled the nearby streets and alleys. In addition, there was the "rumbling" sound of the tank motor and the sound of the tracks rolling on the concrete road. The air was filled with the smell of gasoline, gunpowder smoke, death and terror. .

   "All units report their positions!" Major Dudden ordered into the walkie-talkie.

  The so-called "reported position" here refers to the distance from the target. Each vehicle commander knows it well, and immediately reports the distance by radio after measuring the distance:

   "120 meters!"

   "210 meters!"


   "Cars No. 3 and No. 5 keep the same speed, and other units speed up!" Major Duden ordered.

   This is a common tactic used by German tanks. The commander will coordinate tanks from all directions to attack the target at the same time as possible, because only in this way can the combat power be exerted as much as possible to cause a sufficient impact on the target.

   At this point Major Durden did just that.

Moreover, the No. 1 command vehicle driven by Major Duden is the fastest. This is not only because the No. 1 command vehicle is in the best condition among all "Tigers", but also because his tank crew is experienced and he also follows the infantry. The most elite one, so it can be as powerful as a bamboo in battle.

  The tank drove slowly to the corner of the street, and entered the target area as long as it passed through the wall in front of it.

  Major Duden made the final pre-battle mobilization: "Forward, tankers! Our tanks are invincible, rolling all enemies under our tracks! The Empire will cheer you! Forward!"

  (end of this chapter)

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