USSR 1941

Chapter 647: fell

   Chapter 647 SU76

   The first thing Shulka thought of was the SU76 self-propelled artillery.

Prior to this, Shulka suggested to Sisoy to produce this kind of artillery, that is, to use those larger and eliminated light tank chassis, and install large-caliber artillery on it for anti-tank or anti-infantry. Like the assault guns of the Germans.

  It has a simple structure and is easy to produce. If there is any modification, it is to surround the artillery with a circle of protection. Therefore, it took only more than a month from the time it was proposed to the mass production.

   Now, it has been more than two months since Shulkati suggested, this thing should also be produced.

  So Shulka stopped thinking about it, and immediately asked the correspondent to contact Hisoy.

   "Remember that gun I told you about last time? The kind used to deal with the enemy's 'new tanks'?" Shulka asked.

   "Of course!" Sissoy replied: "For emergency use, we have found a suitable caliber for it!"

   "Just found the right caliber?"

   "No, no!" Sissoy hurriedly replied: "In fact, we have already produced a batch and are testing them! What's wrong?"

   "We need them!"


   "Now, immediately!" Shulka replied: "The enemy is attacking the city with a 'new tank', and we have no equipment to deal with it!"

   Hisoi was silent for a moment, and then replied: "No problem, Comrade Shulka, but they may not be shipped until tonight, and... we are not sure how many will be shipped!"

   Shulka certainly knew why.

  A self-propelled artillery with a tank chassis cannot be transported by an amphibious landing ship, and of course it is difficult to do this on a floating bridge.

  The only way to transport it from the east bank to the west bank is to use large transport ships to transport it through the transport channel.

  And the German army has never given up on the blockade of the transport river from beginning to end, even now that they think it is impossible to block the Volga River.

  The reason is obvious. It is impossible to block because the pontoon bridge and amphibious landing craft are too flexible and scattered. They are like a group of individually insignificant but unstoppable ant colonies. They are easily blocked and connected again.

   This is not the case for the transport river, and the German army also knows that the transport river has always been the main channel for transporting heavy equipment such as tanks and artillery, so it has always maintained a blockade of it.

   Therefore, it is impossible to transport them during the day, only at night, and there is no guarantee how much can be transported.

   "It's okay, Comrade Sisoy!" Shulka replied: "But we may need more of this artillery!"

   "I understand!" Sissoy replied: "I will let them speed up production!"

   There is no doubt that Stalingrad is the main battlefield at this time, and all the equipment needed for Stalingrad has been put on the schedule for expedited production.

  When Shulka put down the phone, he found Golikov, Akimovich and others looking at him in surprise.

   "What's the matter?" Shulka asked.

   Akimovich said with difficulty: "So...we have a kind of artillery that can deal with the enemy's 'new tank'?"


   "And you invented it?"

  So Shulka knew why they were looking at him like this.

   "It's nothing!" Shulka replied: "To be precise, it shouldn't be my invention, because we have all seen it!"

   "What does it mean to see everything?"

"German assault guns!" Shulka replied. "We've all seen that on the battlefield, haven't we? Since the Germans can do that, I mean...they can put their guns on tank chassis, why can't we this way?"

  Golikov and Akimovich couldn't help but "oh" when they heard this.

   After a while, Golikov laughed.

   "We did see it, Comrade Shulka!" Golikov said: "Even millions of soldiers who participated in the war saw it, but no one thought it could be done!"

   "I didn't expect it either!" Akimovich said: "But I think it's normal, because you are Shulka! What you care about is not just fighting the enemy, but the whole war!"

   Shulka just smiled and said nothing.

  Actually, Shulka believes that he is not the only one who thought of this, and some people even thought of it before him. After all, this does not require much imagination, just copying the German assault gun.

  However, many people have this idea but dare not say it, because this is learning from the enemy... This is the problem of political correctness.

  So, many people just have a flash of thought, and even if they have this thought, they quickly extinguish it.

  Sisoi’s action was very fast. An hour later, the logistics department called. Thirty SU76s will be transported to Stalingrad tonight, so that the group army can prepare for reception.

   At this time, Shulka, Golikov and others had already formulated a set of combat plans against the German army based on SU76.

"We should use it defensively!" Akimovich said. "I mean, place this artillery on a possible German attack line, or hide it in a building and wait for the Germans to attack." Destroy their 'new tanks' when they attack!"

   Then Akimovich added: "Since the Germans have air supremacy, our deployment should be at night, and only in this way can the enemy be caught off guard!"

   This is indeed a way, but Shulka did not agree.

   "Is there a problem?" Golikov asked, apparently approving of Akimovich's style of play.

   "I don't think we can do this, Comrade Akimovich!" Shulka said: "I think it is more suitable for offense!"

   "Attack?" Akimovich said suspiciously: "But the Germans are attacking, and they usually attack during the day!"

   "I know, so we should counterattack at night!" Shulka said: "Counterattack with this artillery!"

   "Tell me why!" Golikov asked.

"If we fight like Akimovich said!" Shulka said: "Maybe we can get some results at first, but the Germans will soon find out that we have this artillery, and they use it again." Assault gun experience. So, they know the disadvantages of this self-propelled gun... For example, we have problems with the angle of fire when we hide it in the building!"

   Shulka understood Golikov and Akimovich when he said this.

Just like the German assault gun, it has no turret and cannot rotate. If it is hidden in a building and a perforation is dug, it means that it can only be directly behind the perforation, and the firing angle can only be directly in front of the perforation... so , Germans and even tanks could easily circumvent its angle of fire and destroy it.

  (end of this chapter)

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