USSR 1941

Chapter 643: plan

  Chapter 643 Program

   "This is a report I made on the battle of Stalingrad, Your Excellency!" Goering handed Hitler a document.

  Hitler took the file and opened it casually.

Seeing that the head of state was interested in this, Goering explained from the side: "From my observation, the Russians have stabilized their position in Stalingrad, and the battle in Stalingrad at this stage has been fought like last time." Trench warfare in a war!"

  The reason why Goering mentioned World War I was because Hitler himself participated in this war, and he knew exactly what trench warfare was.

   Saying this really worked, Hitler looked up at Goering, and turned his attention to the documents in his hand again.

   "Here is the map!" Goering took the map out of his coat pocket in real time.

   No orders were needed, two guards immediately came up to take over the map, spread it out and displayed it in front of them at a suitable angle.

"I have to admit that the Russians' tactics are very clever!" Goering said, pointing to the map: "They use the Volga River to guarantee their supply line. The entire defense line is about 50 kilometers long, which gives them a range of 30 kilometers in the middle of the Volga River. It is an area beyond the firing range of our army's artillery. They use these 30 kilometers to build pontoon bridges, transport ships, and amphibious landing ships to transport them. We have nothing to do with them! Even the Air Force does the same!"

  Hitler nodded slightly.

  Among them, especially the amphibious landing ship, the target of the amphibious landing ship is small and fast for fighter planes. In addition, it is amphibious and can change its position at any time and land anywhere, so it is difficult for air power to block it.

   "We also need this kind of ship!" Hitler interjected: "Our scientists, they should have such an idea long ago! But they didn't, which makes us passive on the battlefield!"

  This logic sounds reasonable, but if you analyze it carefully...German scientists can't think of everything before others, so this is actually a kind of dumping.

"Of course, my head of state!" Goering said: "I will let the scientists study this project soon! But what I want to say is that the Russians adopted a war of attrition on the front line when the logistics were basically guaranteed. ...This will inevitably make our army fall into a quagmire! I have calculated that at the current speed, it may take us several months to take Stalingrad!"

  How many months? !

   Of course Hitler did not allow this, not to mention that the German army's offensive in the Caucasus direction was not going well at this time.

  The problem in the direction of the Caucasus is mainly mountain operations.

  Although the German army has mountain divisions and is well-equipped and well-trained, many Russian soldiers grew up in the Caucasus and are familiar with the terrain and the climate there.

More importantly, tanks cannot drive to the Caucasus, the German Air Force cannot gain an advantage in the Caucasus Mountains, and even the air superiority belongs to the Russian army... The reason is that the German fighter planes are faster, and high-speed fighter jets must be driven carefully in the Caucasus region, otherwise they will be careless Just crashed into the mountain and crashed.

  Instead, the propeller fighter planes of the Russian army are at home because of their slow speed, constantly shuttling between the Caucasus peaks to provide fire support for their infantry.

The strength of the German army is that various arms cooperate in combat, or it can also be said that they are used to launching blitzkrieg when they have air superiority. It can be seen from the battle that the British and American troops had air superiority over the German army, so it was difficult for the German army to exert its combat effectiveness)

  With the unsatisfactory battle in the Caucasus, what the German army has to do is to capture Stalingrad as soon as possible.

As long as Stalingrad can be occupied, even if the Battle of the Caucasus fails, the German army will remain invincible... Stalingrad controls the transportation line of the Baku oil field, and the Soviet Union also cannot get fuel from the Caucasus area, so the Baku oil field fell into the hands of the German army It's just a matter of time.

  Thinking of this, Hitler asked: "Can you break this deadlock, my Marshal?"

   "Air Force, Your Excellency the Führer!" Goering replied while taking another document from his assistant and handing it to Hitler: "The Air Force is always the best choice. This is my battle plan against Stalingrad!"

  When Hitler took over the document, Goering couldn't wait to explain: "The general plan is to start by limiting the enemy's supply and increasing our supply capacity..."

   "But your supply to Stalingrad has failed!" Hitler said: "You said, we can't block the Volga River!"

   "It is indeed difficult to block the Volga River!" Goering replied: "But Your Excellency, the Russians transported supplies to Stalingrad from the east bank of the Volga River!"

   "You mean to say..."

"Our bombing and blockade should not be limited to Stalingrad!" Goering said: "We should extend it to the east bank of the Volga River, roads, railways, as well as warehouses, railway stations, ports and other facilities, if the east bank of the Volga River If their supplies are all in short supply, of course their supplies to Stalingrad will also be limited!"

  Hitler nodded silently, and then said: "But this needs more planes, we don't have that many planes!"

   "There is in the Caucasus!"

   "But we still have a fight there!"

"Your Excellency the Head of State!" Goering said, "They won't play a big role in the Caucasus region. Not only do they have to be careful about hitting the mountain peaks, they also have to worry about whether they will cause an avalanche to bury their friendly troops when they drop a bomb. At the same time, if They also have to slow down to get into the mountains to fight the enemy... why don't we use them for something more useful!"

   Hitler did not speak.

  Because if this is the case, the war in the Caucasus will inevitably deteriorate further, which means abandoning the Caucasus.

   It should be said that the Caucasus should have been abandoned at this time.

  To be precise, it is not at this time, but it should have been a choice between the Caucasus and Stalingrad.

   But Hitler was too ambitious and hoped to eat two places at once, which is why he is in the current predicament.

   But of course Hitler would not admit his mistakes.

   And Goering's plan was actually to indirectly allow Hitler to admit his mistakes.

   "So, what about increasing our army's supplies?" Hitler asked again.

"Increase front-line airports!" Goering said, pointing to the map: "For example, in Karachi, we can expand several airports and mobilize more transport planes to airlift supplies from the country or Romania to our infantry! As long as the infantry supplies are sufficient and the enemy Form an advantage and we can win this victory!"

  (end of this chapter)

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