Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 347


In this chaotic situation where people were trying to find a way to save themselves from the dragon, which flew straight to this place, Nikolai arrived with the rest of the soldiers in his team.

Once he got out of the car, he felt this odd feeling, and his heart skipped a beat. He felt like there was something familiar, but he didn’t know what it was about, or who it was...

Nikolai furrowed his brow, he couldn’t shake this feeling, but at the same time he needed to focus on the crucial matter at hand; how to stop the dragon, because he didn’t think these people would survive from the hell that this creature would bring onto them.

Damn, he was not even sure that his plan or even himself would be able to survive this. The pain that he felt was almost unbearable. He almost reached his limits.

He hated to say this, but he didn’t think he would survive this, therefore, he didn’t have time to tend to this odd feeling that he had right now.

However, it was Mohan, who realized what it was.

Nikolai watched as his eyes grew wider with surprise, but then turned into anger, as he raised his hand and aimed his gun at his target, behind Nikolai’s back.

“What...?” Nikolai had not yet finished his question when Mohan had fired his gun, which made him jump to the side out of instinct. “What are you doing?!” he roared, because he thought Mohan was firing his gun at the civilians. Did he go insane?!

But then, Nikolai realized who Mohan aimed his gun at. It was the alpha from the Shadow Moon pack and... the lycan.


It had been almost two years since their last encounter, which cost them their commander Jasmine, even now, they were still holding her as a hostage, but a lot of things happened in the organization lately, they couldn’t afford to attack that pack again.

After all, the Shadow Moon pack was the biggest pack of werewolves, therefore, they needed to be extremely careful and had to come up with an impeccable plan for that to work.

However, right now, the alpha and the lycan were right in front of them. The two hateful shifters were involved in this chaotic situation.

No matter what the reason behind it, the only thing that Nikolai and Mohan remembered was their attack on that pack and the death of their friend, Xo.

They grew up together, spent their youth training under the Hound, as they were the first generation of that new division of organization, therefore, the three of them were like brothers that they didn’t have or they had lost during the catastrophe in the capital city.

And to see one of them die in their enemies’ hands and now those certain enemies were right before their eyes, Mohan’s first reaction was understandable.

“I WILL KILL HIM!” Mohan roared, as he rained fire on the two shifters. “GET THOSE TWO SHIFTERS!”

“Damn it!” Nikolai cursed under his breath. He really wanted to kill the two shifters there, especially after seeing the alpha of the pack in this place and also that lycan.

However... the timing was not right....

Nikolai looked up and the dragon was flying right above them, the shadow of its monstrous body fell on them like a collapsed building.

They wouldn’t be able to deal with other creatures before they could tackle this problem first, or else, more people would die.

“Mohan! Stop it! Let them go!” Nikolai grabbed Mohan’s hand to stop him from chasing the alpha and the lycan, which made the latter seeth in anger.

“DON’T YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE!?” He roared angrily at Nikolai and tried to break free from his grip, but he couldn’t, somehow, his grip was too strong for him.

“OF COURSE, I KNOW!” Nikolai shouted back at Mohan, because this place had turned into a nightmare, where people started screaming for their families as they tried to get out of here as fast as they could.


“I KNOW!” Nikolai shook Mohan’s body, as if he wanted to shake some sense into his head. “But, there is another problem we need to deal with first!”

Nikolai pointed his finger at the dragon that tried to turn this place to ashes.

“Fight me all you want later, but we need to deal with that nasty monster first!” Nikolai growled angrily at Mohan.

“You will let the two of them go just like that!?” Mohan asked incredulously. He was seething. “The people that killed Xo?!”

“Yes.” The curt reply was a little bit harsh, but they had to get their priorities straight right now. “LOOK AROUND YOU! We can get them later! But, if we don’t deal with the dragon, all of us will die!”


“So, is this a picnic?” Vanesha looked at Gael with an expression that was devoid of any emotions, as he walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of water for herself.

“Yes, are you excited?” Gael asked, as he whistled happily, while arranging all the food that they would bring for their picnic at the beach later. “Hm? You don’t look happy.”

Gael stopped what he was doing, as he paid more attention to Vanesha. The young woman stared at him, but said nothing.

“Don’t you think it’s weird?” Vanesha tilted her head. She looked at a stream of light from the sun from outside of the window. It looked warm and made the dust sparkle like pearls.

“What is weird?” Gael asked, this time, he put all of his attention on this girl, since it had been a long time for them to have a relaxed talk like this.

“There is war and dragon in the other part of this realm, but here you are, planning for a picnic,” Vnaesha said what was inside her mind, as she stretched out her hand and touched the dust that sparkled in the stream of the sunlight.

“No.” The answer came very certain and quick. “I don’t find it weird. Because there is a time when my daughter was tortured and the other girls her age know nothing about it. There is nothing weird about that. That’s how this world works. If it doesn’t concern you, you don’t need to worry about that.”

That was true, even if the dragon managed to single handedly make the East Draghar country go up in eternal flames, all of that didn’t have anything to do with Gael, because he was not involved in that war.

“Weird,” Vanesha muttered. That was the only comment that she had, while her mind drifted back to Sol.

She missed that man...


Liam didn’t recognize the man that started open firing at them out of nowhere, with clear intentions of killing them, it seemed these soldiers knew him as a shifter, the alpha of his pack, but he simply didn’t know either of these two young men.

However, it didn’t seem that way with Eros, because he narrowed his eyes before he followed Liam to blend in with the other people, trying to avoid being spotted.

“Do you know those two men?” Liam asked when they had managed to outrun those crazy men. However, they seemed to have another crazy duty that they needed to handle, so they let them go.

“Yeah...” Eros replied half heartedly, as he looked around him as the people, who were running around to save their lives like headless chickens, kept bumping into him.

Liam pulled Eros to the side, so they wouldn’t be hit by them.

“I think I killed one of their friends during the last attack by the organization,” Eros said simply. He looked around him and realized that they were in a dire situation. “Where is your friend? We need to get out of here right now.”

Eros furrowed his brows deeply when he lifted his head and found the dragon was flying very low, determined to set this city on hell fire.

“We kill many people, there is no way I will be able to remember every single one of them,” Liam said simply. He skimmed his surroundings, but he couldn’t find Aaron anywhere. The devil should have been there to help them, to get them out of this mess, but he disappeared.

“Looking for me?”

Liam and Eros were surprised to hear Aaron’s voice very close to them and found the devil was smirking happily at their expressions.

“So, ready to go home?” Aaron tilted his head and looked at the two of them, but he indulged himself by staring at Eros a little bit longer, as if he was looking at his masterpiece.

“Get us out of here,” Liam said grimly, as he could feel the fire had surrounded them and the smell of burning human flesh filled the air. It made him want to gag.

“Sure!” Aaron clapped his hands. “We should go home before someone takes your mate away from you.” The devil winked at him and Liam didn’t understand what he was talking about.


“Are you feeling better?” Darius asked Jasmine, as he put down a cup of warm tea on the table and sat down in the chair across from her.

“Yes,” Jasmine said softly. “So much better.” She nodded and ran her finger on the edge of the cup, while staring blankly at it.

“If you need anything, just tell me.” Darius stood up and was about to leave her alone in this bedroom, thinking that she needed some alone time to deal with her feelings, but Jasmine held his hand instead and looked at him with furrowed brows.

“Don’t leave me alone. I want you here with me.”


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*

Alpha Micah Donovan’s second chance mate.

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