Unlimited Power 2: The Ranger's Domain

Chapter 837: Strategy

Chapter 837: Strategy

Echidna used Thunder Beam on Femradiel, but she also used Mana Shield to protect herself while she was working. Eventually, the whole barrier was surrounded by ice, and slowly, the coldness emitted by that massive amount of ice began to spread inside the effect of Chronos' Ring. It took a while, but Echidna eventually noticed what Femradiel was planning. It was a weird tactic. Still, it seemed highly effective against spells like Mana Shield.

"I see you want to create a space where the effects of your ice magic can massively damage my Mana Shield," Echidna said. "Still, do you think you can do it? I can survive outer space for quite a while and with this type of spell, I can probably stay there for years without running out of mana."

"That is impressive, but you will die in less than one hour here," Femradiel said.

That much confidence was starting to get on Echidna's nerves It was time to finish off Femradiel. Echidna used Thunder Beam again, and this time, she attacked Femradiel from three directions. Echidna wanted to see for how long she would get confident once her mana reached the bottom line. However, much to her surprise, Femradiel didn't create a Mana Shield. Instead of that, she blocked the attacks by creating some Ice Shields around her.

Echidna increased the output of her magic to destroy those as fast as possible, but in the end, she didn't see any progress. She clicked her tongue in annoyance when she saw the shield repairing itself by absorbing the cold air around. Echidna decided to melt all that ice by using one of her strongest attacks: Sunlight Nova. A spell that could scorch the land and turn any target into a lifeless desert area. Echidna imagined that it would take a few seconds for the ice to melt, but she couldn't help but sweat cold when nothing happened after several minutes, and she could feel her mana being drained while the spell was damaging the outside with the max output.

"How" Echidna opened her eyes widely and felt shivers when even her breath turned into small particles of ice.

"It wouldn't be interesting if I explain everything so easily," Femradiel said. "Try to use your head a little, I am sure you will have a better time understanding this plan as a whole once you do that."

Instead of trying to understand, Echidna decided to escape. Her Mana Barrier was starting to consume a lot more suddenly, even more than she loses in outer space, even though her skill was at the max level. However, she failed in moving outside the interior of that field was just like the interior of a domain.

If attacks from outside didn't work, Echidna decided to explode that thing from inside. However, even her Fire Breath didn't melt the walls. In fact, the power of her flames was way lower than usual. She quickly understood that it was due to the cold.

"Don't mess with me" Echidna increased the output of her magic to the max, and she eventually began to damage the walls. Still, that hadn't been enough.

At some point, the cold air in that environment had grown so dense that Echidna couldn't even see Femradiel anymore. It wasn't like Femradiel was trying to create a version of outer space on that planet. She was trying to create a compressed space where the temperature would keep decreasing since the energy wasn't dissipating and was freezing everything.

Echidna had a high affinity with fire and a weak one against ice, but no one was supposed to know that. Was it because of that that Femradiel was confident? Regardless, even if Echidna's powers were limited since she was a summoner, she could increase them by using her monsters. Without hesitation, she summoned ten copies of Cerberus, but those guys died without doing anything. They instantly froze

"How can this be?" Echidna's surprise increased.

Before she could notice it, the temperature of the place reached a point where even a monster at the level of Cerberus couldn't resist for a single second. At that point in time, Echidna panicked, she even summoned Fire Dragons at the max level, but unfortunately, there wasn't much room in that place for more than one at a time.

Echidna lost thirty percent of the mana she had accumulated for hundreds of years and then finally realized that Femradiel really had come with the best plan to finish her off. However, Echidna still has one more trick up her sleeve she summoned a cursed ice dragon.

Even Femradiel couldn't be in that space anymore. Still, she quickly recognized the presence of a fellow ice dragon and the level of corruption on that creature. It was weird, though. The presence and the power didn't resemble, or it was even close to Ryan's when he goes berserk.

Femradiel recognized the monster's movement, opening its mouth and preparing to fire Dark Ice Breath. Still, before that could happen, Femradiel used a Draconic Bow. The entire space trembled like the world was ending when that happened. The dragon was sent flying backward. Still, he quickly stopped when it collided against the walls covered in the ice of that space. In the end, not even Draconic Bow or a creature of that size could destroy the space.

Echidna realized that Femradiel's confidence was well-founded. She indeed had the best plan on how to fight her, and that was shocking since she didn't know anything aside from Echidna that she was a summoner and had a massive reservoir of mana thanks to Soul Eater. However, more than anything, she realized why he was going to die she grew overconfident due to her massive reservoir of mana, and because over the years, she had obtained more skills than anyone else. All thanks to her level of skill while summoning monsters, she basically could learn all of their skills after watching them for a while. Unfortunately, that made her become the best summoner who was just a jack of all trades when it comes to anything else. Even if you are the best at something, you can't just do it without preparation She learned that too late.

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