Unlimited Power 2: The Ranger's Domain

Chapter 793: Skipping a few steps

Chapter 793: Skipping a few steps

In the end, not even the Hobgoblin put up much of a fight. The creature only lasted for a while because of the chainmail and because Ryan still was using a wooden bow. When he got tired of it, he made the creature melt with Flame Arrows.

"This isn't going to work this will take too much time," Ryan said after he recovered some skills.

Now that the job inside the dungeon was over, Ryan had to go to Shreveport, but he also had to talk with Zoe and convince her to join her father there. However, the place was still being attacked by dragons

"According to what happened, Zoe should be fine until tomorrow afternoon, it was the time I met her," Ryan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe if I kill some dragons, I can make her reunite with her father much sooner than expected but"

Things would be much easier if Ryan just forgot about everything and everyone and just focused on finding Hypnos. Still, then by doing so Ryan would feel pretty guilty. There is also the issue with Arthur and his mother Perhaps he can prevent her death.

"Wait a minute how much has passed on Earth while I am here?" Ryan frowned.

Ryan and all the other humans changed and became strong, so he probably can last more than three days without water. Still, wouldn't he be an easy target while he lays unconscious?

"I think I am going to lose my mind here" Ryan said.

In the end, even though he had been pretty fast. Ryan found the dumbasses when he left the dungeon. As much as he wanted to ignore all of them, he should at least tell John what he should do.

"In 24 hours, a monster will appear near the crystal at the end of the dungeon," Ryan said. "If you want to survive, defeat the creature."

"Wait a minute" John said, visibly exhausted and still dirt by blood. "I am sorry for what happened to your parents."

Ryan recalled that John said the same thing before, but then he quickly forgot about it when he noticed what Daniel and Mia were about to bother him. In the blink of an eye, Ryan dashed and disappeared from the location. They couldn't believe his speed fortunately, they weren't nearby when Ryan stopped. Having that speed consumed a lot of his stamina, so he almost fell due to the exhaustion when he found the motorcycle.

"This might make me waste some time, but I will return for Zoe later. At this point in time, Arthur's mother should be fine as well" Ryan said to himself. "So, I guess I can take my time and kill some dragons."

What Ryan was planning to do was crazy, the first day didn't even end, and he wanted to kill not one but several dragons. Still, he should be able to pull that off since he was at least two times stronger considering status alone if compared to the time he killed the first dragon.

"Come to think of it if I find Alissa and Orgar, perhaps all my troubles will be solved," Ryan nodded to himself.

Still, he had no idea if he would find them anytime soon. They were supposed to meet only three weeks later. It was also possible that Alissa and Orgar didn't meet on the first day There were so many doubts in his head that Ryan couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"Well, if the worst comes to the worst, I can always beat the crap out of a dragon and force them into submission," Ryan said.

After making up his mind, Ryan proceeded to Shreveport. He quickly passed by the area where Zoe was supposed to be, and even though only five hours had passed since the arrival of the monsters, the place had been overtaken by monsters. Without having to stop, Ryan cleaned the area with the crossbow that he just bought. Even the fast Velociraptors couldn't keep up with Ryan.

After killing the monsters in that area, Ryan didn't find any monsters for a while. Due to that, he decided to emulate the same feelings he had when he used skills like Teleport. Perhaps he will be able to recover his powers by doing that. The feeling when he used Teleport was simple, a certain amount of mana disappeared inside him, and then it would appear in another location, and the mana also pulled him.

However, Ryan failed miserably. He barely could emit mana through his hands. There was no way he could make the mana disappear inside him and appear somewhere else. However, after doing some training, Ryan recovered other skills.

Congratulations! You have recovered the skill Earth Manipulation.

Congratulations! You have recovered the skill Earth Transformation.

The idea behind those skills was simple. First, Ryan had just to make his mana enter inside a small amount of Earth, and then the second, he could change the material by increasing more mana up to a certain point. But he only managed to pull it off because he used it for quite a while. Without the experience, few people could do it.

"This should give me some extra mobility," Ryan nodded to himself in satisfaction.

The motorcycle would sooner or later run out of gas. Still, with Earth Manipulation and those extra statuses, Ryan could increase his magic powers and then fly over a small platform of Earth. If he plays his hands right, he could even dodge the speed of dragons in midair. Still, he didn't want to get carried away. It was better to slay most of them one after the other and then try to tame the last one 

"Speaking of tame there is that dungeon East of here where I got my first salamander," Ryan said.

Although the skill says that Ryan can't tame anything stronger than him, the system will recognize his power if he defeats a few dragons. Not to mention, the level of the skill will make the whole process a lot smoother.

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