Unlimited Power 2: The Ranger's Domain

Chapter 767: Anger Manipulation

Chapter 767: Anger Manipulation

          Although Ryan thought that, he noticed that Tyr was smiling. Even while his armor was falling into pieces on the ground, he was smiling as if he was having the time of his life.

"See? You can do it if you try hard enough," Tyr said.

"Asshole" Alissa clenched her fists.

"Armor," Tyr said after he threw away the remaining mithril covering his body.

          A new armor identical to the previous one suddenly appeared, and without wasting time, Tyr wore it. Alissa couldn't help but feel annoyed by it since she couldn't do anything against it. She didn't have enough energy to heal her arm fast enough, and even if she had, it would take a while for the bones in her arm to mend completely.

          Ryan didn't want to interfere, but he didn't want to see Alissa getting hit until she fell unconscious. She was pretty stubborn, so she won't go down with half-assed attacks. Only attacks that might take her life will put her down, even so

          Even Ryan began to clench his fists in annoyance. Alissa caused him a fair deal of trouble, but he couldn't care less about it right now. The only thing on Ryan's mind was the wish to prevent her defeat. Ryan began to ponder about what he should do. Tyr was giving time for Femradiel to heal her hands, so he had some time to think. After all, not even Alissa was crazy enough to attack with a single hand.

          In the end, Ryan didn't come up with any plan. Alissa wasn't stupid, and she would notice if Ryan interferes in any way. When Alissa's arm was back to normal, the fight resumed. Naturally, since Alissa was tired and Tyr was stronger than before, he was winning the battle. Still, it looked like the winner wasn't decided yet.

Congratulations! The skill Corruption Sense has leveled up.

Congratulations! The skill Corruption Sense has leveled up.

Congratulations! The skill Corruption Sense has leveled up.

          The dark marks of Alissa's body were getting bigger, and Ryan also noticed that her eyes were also getting wilder. Even without using that other skill of instantaneous movement, she dashed toward Tyr fast enough to escape Ryan's eyes. Tyr blocked her attack, but his axes began to crack as well. It seems she obtained another power-up through rage Ryan confirmed that after what happened.


          Alissa screamed from the depths of her soul; it wasn't a scream of suffering. Ryan felt like he did something similar before, but he couldn't quite remember when. Regardless, Alissa opened her mouth, and she fired a dark beam of energy. Everything around her and Tyr was enveloped in an explosion. Ryan and Femradiel had to cover their eyes because of the impact of everything around them being pushed into the distance.

          Even before the cloud of dust raised by Alissa's attack could disappear, Ryan heard that she didn't stop there. Using her fists, she punched the ground, and every time that happened, the whole region would tremble. As if that wasn't enough, cracks began to appear in the entire region. It looked like Alissa was destroying the world as a whole with her fists alone.

          Amidst her madness, Alissa didn't lose sight of her goal. Tyr was caught off guard thanks to the dark breath, but he survived the attack. That was why she was attacking the ground because he was there. Tyr's second armor was already shattered thanks to it, his axes were nowhere to be seen, and he was covered in blood from head to toe. Alissa's attack didn't only wound Tyr externally. Her attack also caused a fair amount of internal damage his wounds were emitting that miasma and were slowing down his regeneration speed. However, now Tyr was six meters tall, and his presence was much more powerful than before.

"Give me your hand, Ryan," Femradiel said.

"What now?" Ryan asked.

You obtained 515.693.325 coins.

          Femradiel passed to Ryan all the coins she had, and he quickly understood why. Alissa was getting lost in her anger, so they will have to pull her back somehow, and the idea was to use the same thing that Thanatos used.

          Tyr got up and then headbutted Alissa. He didn't even waste time asking for new weapons from whoever was helping him. He knew it was a waste of time against Alissa. So, he decided to fight using his fists alone. Meanwhile, Ryan checked the dungeon shop in order to see the most expensive skills he could buy right now. He found a lot of neat things that he wanted to buy, but not the skill he actually needed at that moment. Fortunately, eventually, Ryan found the skill he was looking for.

Anger Manipulation tome.

Effect: it grants you the power to manipulate the anger inside you and others. When draining the anger of others or of yourself, you can't just make it disappear, so it will be turned into mana that can be used to restore your own mana or be used offensively. When increasing the anger of others, you can't do it without paying the price. You will have to turn your mana into anger.

Cost: 100 mana per level.

Price: coins.

          Fortunately, it didn't look like the skill had a range limit or any other type of restriction, so Ryan could even use it from a distance. Without wasting any time, Ryan began to drain Alissa's anger, and he actually could feel his body getting hot when he sucked her anger even from a distance. However, since Ryan was focused on the task, he didn't let that control him.

"It is no good, this will take too much time," Femradiel said upon noticing that Alissa wasn't growing weaker fast enough.

"Well, at least the anger is making me able to use the skills without losing a single point of mana," Ryan said. "Besides, we can't just make her angry by being subdued out of nowhere. Otherwise, Tyr will notice and win the fight."

          Since the corruption took over her entire body, Alissa was able to face Tyr. However, the Norse god was still growing stronger, so it was hard to know who will reach the limit first.

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