Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 617 All the information

Grandfather Ji held a calm face, but deep inside, he was more bewilder than ever at his assistant and friend of many years.

However, seeing how enrage Zhong Yang had become after reading the news, he didn’t know if he was Yue Ling’s grandfather or he (Zhong Yang) was.

’No, no, no, no, no, no.’

Grandfather Ji shook his head and spoke those words to himself. He is Yue Ling and Ji Jingxu’s grandfather, not Zhong Yang. It is only natural why the old man is in rage.

When Yue Ling first told them about her decision in becoming a model, the both of them were against it as they know how dirty the entertainment industry can be. However, Yue Ling reasoned with them that she wanted to do this to hide her identity as the leader of Fate and the designer of De L’amour.

It did take a long while, but eventually, he and Zhong Yang agreed with her decision and supported her.

However, if they knew that the owner of the entertainment agency, she was signing with was such a lowlife scum, they would have never agreed to let her sign the contract.

After a long while, Zhong Yang was finally able to calm himself down, but his breathing was still heavy. He subconsciously looks down and sees the shredded paper that scattered into pieces at his foot. Another wave of anger wash inside him and he stomps on them like they were tiny ants.

"Die! Die! Die!"

He takes a deep breath and pulls his shirt to straighten it then looks at Grandfather Ji. However, he purse his lip and a frown appears on his face.

"Chairman, how can you be so calm at a time like this? What about young miss? Have you called to ask her if she knows about this? Hm?"


Grandfather Ji remained seated behind his desk and he stares at Zhong Yang with heavy blinking eyes. He doesn’t say anything right away but reach to the left of him and pulls open the drawer.

He calmly retrieves a stack of paper and slams it on his desk that caused a loud thud.

"I haven’t called Ah Ling, but I am already ten steps ahead of you."

Zhong Yang’s anger over the news quickly disperse into thin air. He looks at Grandfather Ji then down to the stack of papers sitting on the table. The height of it was like five thick textbooks stacked on top of each other.

"You... Chairman, what is this?"

Grandfather Ji rolled his eyes seeing how speechless the other old man in the room had become. He grabs the first piece of paper and calmly place it down next to the stack of papers then slides it across the desk.

"See for yourself."


Zhong Yang slightly turn his head to look at the piece paper in front of him now. He didn’t know what to think, but quick to understand what is going on, his eyes lit up with fireworks shooting in the background.

He picks up the paper and starts to read. He needed to confirm if what he came to understand is true.

His eyes scans over the words, then setting it down, he picks up another paper then another as the cycle repeats.

He stops reading and looks up at Grandfather Ji. He thought that it was going to be a master plan on how to destroy Yeun Biao, but it was nothing as close to it.


Grandfather Ji fold his arms over his chest and leans back on his chair. He close his eyes as his head nods with a proud and satisfying smile curl on his face.

"All the information about Yeun Biao."

He spoke the first few words like an evil minister but when it came to the man’s name, he spat it out like it was the most bitter word ever.

However, as the strong-willed person that he is, he slaps the foul taste in his mouth away like a boss and his eyes narrow murderously with laser beam at the stack of papers.

"Nothing can escape me."

He had long learned the news before Zhong Yang arrived with the news articles.

When he awoke from bed, he decided to browse through the web before getting ready. It was then that he learned about the commotion that has overcome Imperial.

He swore, at the time when he read the news, he was in more rage than now. There were even steam blowing out from his nose and ears. He even had the urge to throw his phone and pick it up, only to throw it again.

However, he was able to calm down as Doctor Dong said it was bad for his health.

Thinking back to how his morning went, Grandfather Ji snorts to himself. He stretch his left arm out and sends a smack to the space in front of him.

"I was so angry when I learned about the news, I even slapped the air in front of me."

His slap quickly turns into a snap then he points down to the stack of papers.

"All morning, I dug up every information about that monstrous man. Nothing is left out."

Zhong Yang was flabbergasted by the old man. Times like this, he couldn’t help but wonder where the strong and respectable General had gone.

Shaking this thought away, he looks down at the papers.

The old man was indeed right. Every piece of paper he read was about Yeun Biao and what he has been doing in public and in the dark. Nothing was amiss, not even the man’s last dentist appointment.

However, his brows furrow and looks back at Grandfather Ji.

"Uh, Chairman, how did you gather all this information so soon?"

Usually when they have to look into a person, it was him who did the investigating. If he couldn’t find the person, he would sneak a call to Liu Shan or Xu Long. So, how did Grandfather Ji all of a sudden learn how to be top notch detective?

Seeing the look of doubt on Zhong Yang’s face, Grandfather Ji was not one bit bothered by it. A mischievous grin curls on his face as a glimmer of light flash in his eyes.

"Ho, ho, ho. You are truly underestimating my skills here."

He leans forward and place his left palm over the stack of papers Zhong Yang had finished reading. With a few light pats, he raise his chin proudly.

"I learned all this from my grandson-in-law."

Zhong Yang was baffled by his words. His old face wrinkles more into a frown as he tries to recall if Lu Tian really did teach Grandfather Ji how to track down a person.

Met with the assistant’s expression, Grandfather Ji scoffs in utter disbelief.

"Zhong Yang why are you being so suspicious of my new skills. Lu boy did teach me. If you don’t believe me, call and ask him."

During the times when he and Lu Tian worked the same missions, he would stick around and observe from the side as the young men gather information. He didn’t think he needed to learn, but it was Lu Tian who suggested he learn the basics in case a day like this comes.

Which he must thank the young lad. If it weren’t for those ’basic’ teachings, he would have had to wait a long time before knowing what that disgusting Yeun Biao has been doing.

As he thought this, he lets out a long sigh and looks at the pictures of his deceased wife then the one of his daughter and son-in-law.

"When Ah Ling first brought up her decision on becoming a model, I should have looked into Yeun Biao and CNJ Entertainment. If I did, I would have known how filthy that agency is and stopped her from signing the contract with such a predatorial person."

Zhong Yang returned to his senses when he heard Grandfather Ji. He also heaves a sigh as he thought the man was right, but it was too late to have regrets.

"Chairman, I know you are worry, but young miss is an astute and clever young lady. She must have had her reasons when she chose CNJ Entertainment."

Grandfather Ji doesn’t say a word but shift his gaze to the photo of Yue Ling that decorated his desk.

His assistant was right. Yue Ling is a smart girl and she has many outstanding friends at her side. He is sure that before she signed with CNJ Entertainment, she must have investigated the place first.

"Alright, lets end the discussion here. There’s a lot do at Ji Corps before Ah Ling takes over."

He spoke after ending his line of thoughts. Scooting the chair back he stood up to leave the room. However, just as he stood up, he felt a burning sensation shot inside his entire body then makes it way up to his throat.

"Cough! Cough!"

Two coughs escapes his mouth and he covers his mouth.


Zhong Yang’s face pale as white as a ghost. He quickly runs around the desk to Grandfather Ji and supports him by the arm.


Grandfather Ji felt like the room was spinning in circles. He sits back down with the help of Zhong Yang and raise one hand to let the other person know that he is fine.

"Tell Housekeeper Xu to prepare my medicine."

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