Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 605 Make her proud

Clothe in a set of loungewear, Lu Tian sat in the living room as he waits for his wife. He couldn’t help but occasionally glance at the wall clock.

It has been close to an hour since his phone call with his wife. Where did she go that would take her a long time to get home?

He has to admit, although he has been living on his own since he became an adult and never felt any sense of being lonely, now it was different. The feeling of loneliness when entering an empty house is really suffocating.

Not only is his wife not home, even his annoying enemy isn’t home to annoy him.

As he thought these feelings, he glance at the wall clock for one last time. Since he skipped dinner, he’ll cook a meal to eat and wait for his wife.

Walking out from the living room, he enters the kitchen and sees a pot on the stove. He arch a brow and a faint smile curls on his lip.

His wife must have already cooked dinner, but since he was out for too long and she had to leave the house, she must have left it on the stove for him to see.

He walks towards the stove and turn the fire on without looking at what is inside. He didn’t need to because he knows that every meal his wife makes is always good. While the food starts to warm up, he sets the table. He made sure to grab an extra plate set for his wife too. It was in case she came home and did not eat dinner too.

Once he place the last bowl down on the table, the sizzling sound from inside the pot enters his ears. He leisurely walks over to the stove and turns the fire off.

Just as he did this, the delicious aroma from the food enters his smell senses as he removes the lid. In one hand, he held a ladle ready to scoop up the food into a bowl.

However, the second he removed the lid and the steam clears, he could only blink his eyes in astonishment.

His brows slightly crease together, and he slowly use the ladle to scoop up the contents. His head slightly tilts to the side as he lets the food drop back into the pot.

After a long moment of silence, he couldn’t help but scoff a chuckle at what he is seeing.

"Did her cooking skills disappear in the last few hours?"

The color of the food was in a shade of dark green. It looked like porridge and oatmeal combined together, but in different color and looked less appetizing. He could even see small specks of white dots that looked like they were once rice, but now it was very soggy.

"Is this even edible?"

He scoops up another spoonful and drop it back inside the pot. Instead of falling from the ladle like a smooth waterfall, it was a big blob that plops back down.


A million mix emotions rush inside him as he didn’t know whether to eat the food or just stay hungry until morning.

From one glance, he could already tell that if he were to consume such meal, he would no doubt have to spend an entire week in the hospital.

However, if he doesn’t eat it, he knows he would be making his wife sad.

What should he do now?

He continues to stare at the pot of slimy green food and contemplate whether to eat it or not. Suddenly, a bubble rises from inside the pot and pops causing him to take a step back.

His gesture was in full alert as if he were standing near a burning volcano and lava splattered out.

He frowns in thoughts then looks at the ladle in his hand. Seeing the green residue that was left, he couldn’t help but bite his lower lip.

He is quite the picky eater, but never in his thirty years of living had he ever been in such a difficult situation like this. There were times in the past when he and Wolf Team are sent on missions and had to eat very bland food, but none of those food looked anything like the food in front of him.

Feeling like an entire day had gone by, he close his eyes and inhales a deep and long breath. When his eyes reopened, all the mixing feelings he had vanishes and only determination can be seen on his face.

"Remember Lu Tian. Happy wife leads to happy life."

His deep voice sounded hoarse like his throat had dried up like a desert. He could only remind himself of what his old man used to tell him and Han.

No matter how bad one’s wife’s cooking is, always eat it. Doing this will make her happy and lets her know that you appreciate and respect her.

He takes another deep breath to swallow his saliva and takes a step closer to the pot of death. Quickly scooping three spoonsful of the food, he pours it inside a bowl and turn for the dining table.

Taking a seat, he stares down at the table. He felt like he had turn into a small child who got lost in a scary forest and was lure by an evil witch to her cottage to eat the food that contained her poisons.

"Lu Tian. You are a grown man. You got this."

He murmurs to himself with motivation words and picks up the spoon.

"Your wife made this. Make her proud."

His words of self-motivation fell and he picks up a chunk of the green food with his spoon. Slowly opening his mouth, he moves the spoon closer to his mouth.

As he did this, he was completely unaware that his own lips were trembling with hesitation.

Just when the spoon was one centimeter away from touch his mouth, he gives up and set the spoon down. He sighs aloud and leans back on the chair like he had ran a marathon.

"This is easier said than done."

He stares down at the table again and now he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Lifting his hand, he massages his temple them pinch the space between his brows.

With his hand blocking his face from view, his shoulders lightly trembles. However, one cannot tell if he was actually laughing or crying.

He lowers his hand and the second he did this, his entire demeanor changed back to its usual indifference. He stares at the food one more time and quickly gathering all his courage, he picks up the spoon to eat.

"Lu Tian, if your wife knows that you were the slightest hesitant to eat the food, she had prepared for you, she will be sad and never cook for you again."

He inhales sharply and this time, he found the motivation to eat the food. So what if it looks life threatening, his wife made it.


Just when the tips of his fingers touched the spoon handle, the sound of multiple engines revving outside interrupts him. He retrieves his hand and sighs in relief like an angel had saved him.

"Phew. Saved by my wife."

He knew that it was his wife and the others since she said they were coming home. Although he is thankful that he didn’t have to eat the food, he hopes that she won’t mind.

Not only that, he will have to ask if he somehow anger her for her to cook a meal like this.

"Lu Tian!!"


Lu Tian had already walked out from the kitchen and was heading for the front door. When he was halfway to the door, it was suddenly swung open and two voices cries out at the same time.

He looks at the two people and his brows crease together.

Why are Liu Shan and Lin Hui screaming for him to stop?

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