Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 601 Selfish greed

Ning Mei’s eyes widen as her jaw slowly drop to the ground. She stares at the person in front of her and she could not believe what she is seeing.

The entire time, she had been so sure that the man wearing the red hannya mask was none other than Wei Hongyi.

When she told herself that it was him, she believed that her being kidnapped was only a small to prank to scare her for what she did. However, the moment the man removed that mask, the small hope inside her quickly disperse into thin air.

Her eyes tremble with tears before burning rage rush to her brain. She didn’t care anymore and grabs the person in front of her with her righthand.

"Han Yue Ling! You slut!"

Never in her entire life did she think the person who dare to kidnap her would be Yue Ling. Out of all the people in the world, why did it have to be the one person she loath and wants dead.

As her smaller figure lunges forward with her hand in a claw like gesture, she was sure she can ruin the retired model’s face.

However, Yue Ling was faster and stops her.

Holding Ning Mei’s wrist, Yue Ling stares indifferently at the woman before one corner of her lip arcs up into a devilish smirk.

"Your parents need to discipline you better. Didn’t they tell you to never call someone a slut if you are the definition of what a slut is."

Her words fell and the other corner of her lip curls up as a soft and satisfying smile appears on her face.

"But then again, who can blame you as you don’t get along with your own family."

Not everyone in Imperial knows about this but the truth is that Ning Mei and her family are not on good terms. They put on an act in public, but behind closed doors, they don’t even speak to one another.

Standing on the sideline, Liu Shan, Lin Hui and Nie Chen all held a surprise look. None of the three men expected Yue Ling to not only appear in the room, but even reveal herself.


Liu Shan was the first to return from his short daze. He takes a step forward and interrupts her, but before he could take another step, Yue Ling’s next move stops him.

Her free hand raise midair and signals to him that she is fine. She didn’t need to say anything as her gesture was enough to let the three men know that she can handle the situation from here.

She never once moved her eyes from Ning Mei, but the smile on her face had already disappear and all that was left is only the coldness that emitted from her eyes.

"You should have stopped after you thought it was wise to drug me during my farewell party."

Ning Mei’s shoulder jumps at her words. She recalls Yue Ling once telling her that she (Yue Ling) knew about the whole drugging scheme. However, at the time, she (Ning Mei) thought it was all a bluff and coincident to scare her.

Seeing the sudden terrified and pale complexion on Ning Mei’s face, Yue Ling scoffs a faint chuckle and she shoves the rookie model’s hand away.

"For your little scheme against me, I could have ended your life right there and then."

Her bluish green eyes slowly flutter before they stare directly into Ning Mei’s eyes like she could see right into the woman’s soul.

"However, I should thank you, because it was all thanks to you that I was able to meet the one man that many women in Imperial dream to have look their way."

Yue Ling spoke in a nonchalant way like she was a villainess and sarcastically mocking Ning Mei. However, when Ning Mei heard her words, her (Ning Mei) face turned paler than it already is.

She had been so occupied with her plans to get rid of Yue Ling and her path to become the number one model that she forgot all about that night.

After she drugged Yue Ling’s drink and witnessed her drink it, she was sure that Yue Ling would enter the room she had booked. She (Ning Mei) even went so far as to pay Robert to help in her plans and sleep with the retired model.

Their plan was to have him sneak in and do whatever he wanted, so long as he was able to take nude pictures of Yue Ling. Once it was done, they were going to release the pictures to the media and ruin her (Yue Ling) days in Imperial.

She (Ning Mei) thought everything was going according to her plan, but the next day Robert came to her place and told her that he ended up spending the entire night with a random woman.

When she was informed about the matter, she flew into rage and even went to check Imperial Hotel’s surveillance footages to see what went wrong. However, she wasn’t able to find anything except for one footage that showed Yue Ling entering one of the elevators.

At that moment, she could only tell herself that Yue Ling got away lucky. She didn’t further look into it and decided to shift her attention onto another plan.

However, listening to Yue Ling’s words now, it can only mean one thing.

She (Ning Mei) actually helped her (Yue Ling) climb onto Lu Tian’s bed.

Lu Tian, who is the man of many women in Imperial’s dream. The one man known for his great looks and his wealth.

There are many women, including herself, who tries their hardest to get him see them, yet, she actually gave such a grand opportunity away to Han Yue Ling. Now she understands why Lu Tian, who is known to be cold towards others was so nice to Yue Ling during General Ji’s birthday.

Thinking about how luck seems to be on Yue Ling’s side again, intense anger rage into Ning Mei as the fear she once had disappears. She glares viciously at Yue Ling and clench her fists tightly together.

"I’ve always tried my best to be a great model, but why is it always you? Why do you always get everything?"

Blinded by her greed and anger, she lunges forward again, but this time like a crazy woman.

If she knew that Lu Tian was going to be at Imperial Hotel the night of the farewell party, she would have never given Yue Ling the chance.

"Slut! It was supposed to be me! I’m supposed to be Mrs. Lu! Not you!!"

Just as Ning Mei’s words fell, she was struck hard on the face by a slap. It was on the same cheek that she had been hit by Lin Hui.

However, this time, it wasn’t from Lin Hui but Yue Ling herself. She stares at Ning Mei and her head slightly tilt to the side.

"I’ve never had a grudge against you, but you just keep scheming against me."

She heard what Ning Mei said, but she doesn’t need to explain herself. Even if she wished that night hadn’t happened, it already did. She was only lucky that the man was Lu Tian and not someone else.

Not wanting to dwell on the subject of that night, she decides to shift the topic to the reason for her entering the room and revealing herself.

"For your selfish greed, you didn’t care about anyone else’s feelings. You even stooped so low as to kill an innocent life."

Her eyes turned colder as the color of her eyes seem to darken with the night sky.

"You should have stopped when it was still early for you. However, nothing was ever enough for you, so you made arrangements to have more people kill just so you could achieve that greed of yours."

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