Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 542.2: Opening the Coffin

Chapter 542.2: Opening the Coffin

Sun Yi Lin afterwards all very quietly stayed in the Luo Manor, for the most part not going out. Regardless of how violently the people outside cursed, this kind of thing, at most can only just satisfy the mouth. Aside from this, nothing else can be done.

All the way until it was time to have the Ding Duchess sent out of the capital, returning to the ancestral home to be buried, Sun Yi Lin finally showed himself.

It was obvious, Sun Yi Bin ‘flew into a rage’, forbidding him, this disloyal, unfilial, heartless, ungrateful thing, from supporting the coffin for their mother, letting him get lost as far away as possible, so as to not tarnish the Ding Duke Manor’s status, and damage the Sun clan’s clean reputation.

The others didn’t have the same drastic reaction as Sun Yi Bin, but it was obvious, they were all subconsciously shunning Sun Yi Lin.

Sun Yi Lin still didn’t have any emotions, staring at Sun Yi Bin just like that.

Sun Yi Bin felt his scalp go numb from his stare. How was he not necessarily curious about the reason behind Sun Yi Lin’s change. This gloomy and sinister air, a face just like a dead person, this kind of person, no matter how good looking, it would still make one feel that wasn’t a good person. Furthermore, right now, he was even injured.

In the past, when face to face, Sun Yi Bin wasn’t scared of him in the slightest, yet now, he strangely felt lacking in confidence.

“If you’re done, then just get lost to one side.”

“You……” Sun Yi Bin’s two eyes glared open, his graceful bearing completely gone. That appearance was very unsightly.

Sun Yi Lin lost his patience, directly pushing aside Sun Yi Bin, and walked towards the coffin in large strides. Afterwards, while everyone was caught off guard, he reached out and lifted open the coffin lid. With a loud clang, it fell onto the ground. Everyone finally returned to their senses.

“Sun Yi Lin, what are you doing?” This time, it wasn’t just Sun Yi Bin that was angered.

Sun Yi Lin turned and looked at the people angrily charging forward, his gaze finally changing, sinister and terrifying, “Get lost!”

The others seemingly really got intimidated by him.

Sun Yi Lin no longer paid them any attention, turning around. He stepped onto the framework supporting the coffin——–prior to the burial, the coffin cannot touch the ground. Right now, although it was the beginning of the eighth month, the weather nevertheless was still hot. However, because they’ve been using ice blocks the whole time, that’s why, the Ding Duchess’s corpse still didn’t have signs of rotting.

Sun Yi Lin’s hand propped against the edge of the coffin, fixedly staring at the Ding Duchess who had already wasted away to a terrifying degree, and also that half closed eyes, ultimately still containing tears, sliding down along her cheeks.

This ultimately was his mother, once giving him the best of everything. Even if her desire for control was a little strong, it still can’t erase her genuine love and sacrifices for him. When she first fell ill, it was also indeed related to him. Moreover, death was like the lantern extinguishing. Regardless of what she’d done, what reason does he still have to continue blaming her?

Sun Yi Lin somewhat tremblingly extended his hand, covering the Ding Duchess’s eyes, “Mother, I’ve returned. This son was unfilial, unable to see you one last time. If there’s a next life………..” Regardless whether it was being mother and son again, or no longer related, Sun Yi Lin seemingly was all unable to continue. In the end, “Please rest in peace.”

TN: All

His fingers slid across her eyelids. By the time he retracted his hand, the Ding Duchess finally closed her eyes for good.

Sun Yi Lin grasped the edge of the coffin, using so much strength that the back of his hand all turned white. Seemingly, when reaching a certain limit, he just suddenly let go. Just, what he let go of wasn’t just his hand, but also his nerve that had been tensed the whole time.

Even though he wanted to do his best to control it, he ultimately wasn’t able to resist against his consciousness, entirely passing out in an extremely short amount of time. Afterwards, his body swayed, falling down from the framework, hitting the ground quite hard.

The scene momentarily fell silent. It was still Sun Yi Lin’s servant boy that reacted first, “Sir……..” He hurriedly ran forward, wanting to have Sun Yi Lin supported up. However, a completely unconscious grown man, for an ordinary person, it wasn’t easy to support up. “Someone quickly come help, call a doctor.”

Sun Yi Bin however berated the people of the Ding Duke Manor that wished to go up to help, “Putting on an act at this time? Really think………”

“Enough. Let two people go help and have Yi Lin supported down to rest, and immediately call a doctor over to examine.” The Ding Duke who had been watching with folded arms from beginning to end finally spoke. Ultimately someone that was a duke, so his IQ for the most part was still normal.

Sun Yi Bin was indignant, but in public, he still didn’t dare to disobey his own old man.

Sun Yi Lin got taken down, and the mess he caused naturally needed to be cleaned up as quickly as possible.

The great majority of the Ding Duke Manor’s younger generation all needed to return with the procession to the Sun clan’s ancestral homeland. The ones that were left behind weren’t many. Either it was just the unfavored people at the edge, or just existences like Sun Old Madam and the Ding Duke.

Sun Yi Bin didn’t want to leave either, but unfortunately, with his own mother passing away, as the eldest di son, while others all can be not present, he absolutely can’t be missing.

The Ding Duchess passing away at this time, towards the Ding Duke Manor as well as Kang Qinwang faction, was all quite a blow.

This was also what Sun Yi Bin detested the most. Going at this time, he needed to wait twenty-seven months before he can finally return to the capital. For people like him, although don’t need to all eat, live, and sleep in front of the parent’s grave, but during this time, can’t perform the rite of Duke Zhou, and can’t take pleasure in wine and feasts. These actually all can be endured, and if truly unable to endure, being a bit careful in private also wasn’t undoable. The most crucial point right now was returning to the capital twenty-seven months later, perhaps the ‘dishes will have all turned cold[1]‘.

This was also the main reason why Sun Yi Bin was irritable in all kinds of ways. Of course, his ultimate goal was still the Ding Duke Manor. He can’t stay in the capital, but the brothers that can compete with him in the Ding Duke Manor similarly can’t stay behind. As such, the losses were only on the imperial court’s side. However, in the future, when he becomes the Ding Duke, he can have everything earned back.

He more or less was somewhat comforted inside.

And the few that fought the most viciously with Sun Yi Bin probably also had similar thoughts.

However, in the Ding Duke’s heart, he probably was still a bit glad, glad that the one that died wasn’t his own old mother.

Sun Yi Lin slept for two three days before he finally woke up. After waking up, his entire person seemingly returned to the previous state again.

The ones that were given out for adoption don’t need to observe mourning for the Ding Duchess. However, since he already decided to not continue in officialdom, and right now, he also just happened to return, it was just directly retiring from his post. The excuse was too easy to find. Moreover, his rank still wasn’t to the degree of alarming Le Cheng Emperor. The Ministry of Appointments can just handle. However, Sun Yi Lin ultimately was special, long having hung his name before Le Cheng Emperor. In fact, his assignment in Jiangnan was even personally appointed by Le Cheng Emperor. If he wants to retire, he naturally will need to inform Le Cheng Emperor.

Originally, to just hastily rush back after receiving the letter from the capital, this in itself was just against the rules. However, the law was built on human morals, so no one would really bicker over this. That’s why, when Le Cheng Emperor learned that Sun Yi Lin returned, he also wasn’t that surprised. However, Sun Yi Lin wanting to retire from officialdom, this wasn’t just surprising.

Le Cheng Emperor met with Sun Yi Lin first thing, and after meeting Sun Yi Lin, Le Cheng Emperor’s first reaction was similarly———–was this really that nephew of his that was like the clear moon?

Le Cheng Emperor rather didn’t ask Sun Yi Lin how he ended up like this, “Yi Lin, this emperor has always thought highly of you. Right now, although you’ve met with a bit of an accident, but in this emperor’s eyes, there isn’t too much of an influence, far from needing to retire from officialdom.”

“Many thanks for your Majesty’s value. Just, one only learned when outside that the past ten some years, truly was somewhat narrow. To not keep from your Majesty, this subject’s injury isn’t just on the surface of the body, the internal organs are also somewhat damaged. The doctor said, if one doesn’t properly recuperate, it will very likely leave behind complications, shortening the lifespan. Thus this subject figured, why not take this opportunity to travel around more outside. Nursing one’s health is one aspect, while on the other hand, experience and observe the people’s way of life. After a few years, if your Majesty doesn’t relinquish, then this subject is willing to return to serve your Majesty.” Sun Yi Lin slightly lowered his head, saying neither quickly nor slowly.

Le Cheng Emperor lightly sighed, “This way is also good. In any case, you are still young. This emperor will just treat it as having you sent out for a few years.”

“Many thanks your Majesty.”

“You also don’t need to think this emperor. When you come back, you better remember to have these years made up.”

“Yes, certainly won’t let down your Majesty’s trust.” Although saying it as such, but exactly what he was thinking inside, only he himself knew.

Sun Yi Lin left the imperial palace. Afterwards, Qi Yuan’s official circle will have nothing to do with him anymore.

When Sun Yi Jia learned that this matter was already finalized, she also no longer said anything. She has always known that this older brother of hers was talented. Even if not taking the route of an official, as long as he was willing, he was still able to live very well. Indeed, as long as he was willing……But the problem right now was that she simply didn’t know what he was thinking inside.

“When does fifth brother plan on leaving the capital?” Sun Yi Jia asked.

After several days of experience, when facing Sun Yi Lin, Sun Yi Jia for the most part was able to maintain a calm mind.

Sun Yi Lin’s plans, although he’s never said anything specific before, but it goes without saying, he won’t be staying in the capital. The capital right now actually didn’t have anything that can keep him, and the person worth thinking of, because out of reach, that’s why, staying behind would only have endless sorrow. That’s why, Sun Yi Jia supported Sun Yi Lin going out and traveling around.

In Sun Yi Jia’s view, aside from little sister Wan’s matter, everything else, she for the most part all can stand on his side.

“A few days ago, wasn’t it just ‘older brother’? How come switched back to the original address again?”

“Still more used to calling you ‘fifth brother’, if you don’t like………..”

“Doesn’t matter, just an address, regardless of what, our relationship won’t change, no?”

“En. You still haven’t said when you plan on leaving.”

“Plan on spending mid-autumn with you, I’ll leave after mid-autumn.” Sun Yi Lin softly said.

(T/N: The mid-autumn festival is on the 15th of the 8th lunar month.)

Sun Yi Jia smiled, and rather energetically nodded her head.

Regarding the rumors and slanders about Sun Yi Lin everywhere, after a period of time, no one continued pushing the waves in the dark, and towards Sun Yi Lin, it also didn’t cause any substantial damage. That’s why, gradually, it also just lost its novelty, and in the end, the matter just ceased.

[1] Idiom meaning it’ll be too late.

T/N: The Ding Duchess actually has three di sons, just the second son is rarely ever mentioned, to the extent that I feel even the author forgot about his existence.

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