Twin Soul

Chapter 8: (5/9)

Chapter 8: (5/9)

A week later, all students, professors, and Principal Starag of Mages Academy of Nosh attended the party at the Presidents Office. The Presidents Office is not just an office but actually a big mansion with high-security detail and has the occupancy of twenty thousand people. Before the party started, Professor Biersack walked around with Arthur Castillon and introduced him to all the Governors and Senators of the nation. Not only Arthur brought victory to Mages Academy of Nosh, but he brought fame to Professor Biersack as well. As a professor of Conjuration Magic, Vincenzo was so proud to have a student such as Arthur Castillon that brought fame to his teaching. The Mages Council will recognize him and perhaps give him access to Magical Equipment that could help him advance into Legend-tier easier.

Kain was stronger than Arthur, but nothing can change the fact that Arthur won the final battle tournament and Kain lost in the semi-final. Nonetheless, ten years from now Kain and Arthur will compete in the next Student Mages Battle Tournament. They will inevitably bring another victory back to Mages Academy of Nosh.

Kain, please come to meet my parents. Sofia called out to Kain. Kain smiled and walked toward her while she was introducing him, Father, mother, this is Kain Almos. He is my good friend.

Kain, this is my mom and dad.

General Verardi, Admiral Dawnfowl, nice to meet you. Kain humbly said.

Jandar Verardi, the tenth-tier warrior, one of the generals in the North Army, he was born in the year 415,060 of the forty-eight calendar. He is seven hundred sixty eight years old. Elayne Dawnfowl, tenth-tier warrior, one of the Admirals in the West Navy, she was born in the year 415,416 of the forty-eight calendar. She is four hundred and twelve years old.

Kain, Sofia has been talking a lot about you. Jandar said.

Kain became friends with Sofia not because of her parents positions in the military but because he really liked her. However, after Rogal Caligarus found out about Sofia having a crush on Kain, he told Kain to use the relationship Kain had with her to gain access to the military intel of this nation in the future. The Commonwealth of Krorg is not a big nation, but its military power can not be overlooked. If the Blood Mages Guild was exposed, they would have to overpower Sungaria and the Commonwealth of Krorg nations to create a new country that can stand against the Mages Council. Sungaria nation has been weakened after the constant invasions from the Dryardian Empire, the Blood Mages Guild wont have any problem annihilate them from the world map. But fighting with the Commonwealth of Krorg may put a toll on the Blood Mages Guild and weaken their power against fighting back with the Mages Council. That is why Rogal wanted Kain to collect military intel from the Army and Navy of the Commonwealth of Krorg to benefit the Blood Mages Guild.

Kain, do you have a minute? Kain was talking to Sofias parents but Rogal interrupted them.

Professor Caligarus? Kain was surprised to see Rogal approached him in public. They have a mutual agreement of not speaking with each other. Rogal is a professor of Wind Magic, Kain is a Student Mage of Conjuration Magic. There is no reason why they would have to talk to each other. Every time Kain saw Rogal in public, he nodded and said, Professor Caligarus'' then moved on.

Please excuse me, General Verardi and Admiral Dawnfowl. I will be right back. Kain apologized as he followed Rogal outside of the Presidents Office.

Senior, I have given your Blood Pendant to-

Im not here for that.

Senior, is everything okay? Kain asked while examining Rogals facial expression.

In a deep sad tone, Rogal said, Kain, Im sorry to bring you this sad news. Menas Danamark was killed.

Kain felt like his heart stopped beating for two seconds as he fell to his knees on the ground. Menas Danamark was the Novice Blood and Thunder Mage that saved Kain from Flumen city after his parents were killed. If it was not for Menas, Kain would have died that day. A Novice Blood Mage dared to save a Twin Soul boy in the biggest city of Toria Continents where all the strongest magic casters live. That is not only valor but also asinine. Kain yelled at Nanya Dawnfowl when she recklessly saved Emelia Kincade. But in Kains heart, he greatly appreciated Nanyas bravery. She reminded him of his savior, Menas Danamark.

Kain wanted to cry. No, he needed to cry. There is something in his chest that bothered him very much and he needed to get it off by crying. But Kain knows he couldnt do it here.

Kain asked, Senior, please tell me what happened.

Six months ago, Menas saved a Twin Soul girl at Ganarion. He successfully took that girl out of the city using [Thunder Step] but when his mana pool was depleted, an eighth-tier warrior and his battalion located them. Menas used his own blood to cast magic spells but as you know, one persons blood wont be enough to fight with an entire battalion. The eighth-tier warrior killed Menas and the Twin Soul girl. I didnt tell you earlier because I didnt want it to affect your tournament battle.

Ganarion is the capital city that belonged to the nation of Nalas. Nalas is bordered to the North of the Bridia Kingdom and East of the Kingdom of Qarte.

What is the warrior name?

Admon Pashar. He is the Lieutenant Colonel of the Seventh Battalion in the Nalas Army. There are a thousand warriors under this command.

Understood. Arranged yet?

The Guild will arrange everything for you. To avoid suspicion, there will be a mission entrusted to you by the Mages Council. Two years from now, you will leave to complete that mission and take care of what you need to.

Thank you, senior. Kain put on his smiling face then walked back into the Presidents Office.

The Blood Mages Guild knew Kain would want revenge for his savior. If the opponent is too powerful, the Guild wont allow Kain to avenge until he is strong enough. But since the enemies are just an eighth-tier warrior and his thousand warriors, Kain wouldnt have any problem handling it.

Sofia saw Kain walk back into the Presidents Office, she walked toward him and asked, Kain, what were you and Professor Caligarus talking about?

Ah, nothing. He just wanted to give me some advice about dont letting my loss at the battle tournament of this year get in the way of my advancement. He just wanted me to train harder to prepare for the next battle tournament.

The next battle tournament is ten years from now though. I think you should relax. You have always been training very hard.

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