Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 7 (8/9)

Book 3: Chapter 7 (8/9)

Lazela was already aware of Kains plan, she wasnt surprised when hearing Noe talk about it. Lazela respectfully asked, Lord Clerico, do you have any message for my Conjurer Mage?

Noe observed Lazela carefully and asked, What level are you, Wind Walker?

I have long reached level 100, Lord Clerico.

Do you want to become one of my minions?

I prefer not to, Lazela answered with no hesitation. Becoming a minion meant she would be killed and lose her life permanently. It's much worse when compared to being just a conjurable creature.

Haha I respected your decision. Unless you are very strong and unique in some way, I wouldn't force you to be my minion. I wanted all of my minions to volunteer to serve me, not through forcing them to. There is one useless minion in one of my Dark Vortexes. He is just a First Stage Saint Warrior Lion-kin. I will get rid of him and find another stronger creature to replace him. I will make sure to have twenty powerful minions on the day I fight with Kain Bersk. He wanted an all-out battle with me, I wont disappoint him. Tell Kain Bersk that I will tell the Bifjorkian Theocracy to build an arena in the location that he wanted. It should take no more than five months to complete.

Understood. I will deliver your message to Kain when I get back to Benil city.

Uhm. You may leave now.

Lazela slightly bowed at Noe before she walked out of the Throne Room. Lazela mission was over, she was supposed to transmit a message through the temporary abyss chain linked between Kain and her to let him know. Kain will then banish Lazela and conjure her again so she can instantly be transported back to Benil city. But Lazela didnt do that. As soon as Lazela walked outside of the Temple of the Mages Council, she saw Brandis was still standing there waiting for her and decided to speak to him first.

Brandis was happy to see Lazela again, he walked toward her and asked, Are you done with the business you have at Flumen city yet?

Lazela nodded her head and softly answered, I have completed the tasks my Conjurer Mage gave me.

Good. How about a date with me now?

I Lazela stuttered because she didn't know how to answer his question.

Brandis held Lazelas right hand using his left hand and led her away as he said, Lets go eat. Do you eat human food?

Lazela has never eaten with Kain before so she doesnt know much about human food. In her realm, she ate the plants that she grew in her gardens. Lazela honestly answered, I dont know much about human food as I have never eaten it before.

Ah... I will show you how to eat human food. I know a good restaurant, follow me.

Lazela and Brandis had a fun date that day, but who cares about those side characters. Lets skip all the boring details.

After a fun date together, Brandis and Lazela toured the city together. While Lazela was genuinely having fun, Brandis asked, So the Kain Bersk guy who conjured you, how long have you known him?

Lazela had no reason to lie, she honestly answered, Over a hundred years, but I rarely see him.

Oh, he must only conjure you when he fights the big battles, am I right?

Uh-huh. Why are we suddenly speaking about my Conjurer Mage?

Ah, nothing. I was just being curious about him. A Blood Mage that massacred the entire Benil city in a day and made the Emperor of the Demi-Humans become his pet. That wasnt something anyone could do.

Brandis could sense Lazela hasnt completely trust him yet, he didnt want to ask anything else about Kain to avoid suspicion. Brandiss goal was to persuade Lazela to trust him enough to reveal Kains weaknesses. That was the task his father, Alain Hayward, the Pope of Bifjorkian Theocracy has given him. Unlike Noe Clerico who wanted Kain to have as much fun as possible before turning him into one of his minions, Holy Mage Gwenn Bigham and Pope Alain Hayward wanted to kill Kain as soon as possible before he has a chance to create a real terror in Toria Continents. The Blood Mages, the Rogue Mages, and the Demi-Humans werent the real threats against the Mages Council and Bifjorkian Theocracy because they can easily be dealt with. Kain Bersk on the other hand was the real threat that they couldn't overlook. He alone could have caused so much damage against the capital city of the Demi-Humans nation within a day. They didnt want to take any chances allowing Kain to roam free until Noe wanted to kill him. They wanted to kill Kain as soon as possible to eliminate the threat before it could evolve into something else bigger.

After touring Flumen city until midnight, Lazela said, I have been here long enough. I needed to go.

Brandis held Lazelas hands tightly and asked, How do I find you in the realm of Wind Walkers?

Lazela took out a Magical Scepter embedded with a Large Mana Stone that was hidden inside her Storage Ring and handed it to Brandis then said, Whenever you travel to the realm of the Wind Walkers, I can detect your location through this scepter and come to you.

Brandis examined the scepter and said, I will treasure this with my life

Smiled at Brandis, Lazela warmly said. You will have to give it back to me later when you come to the realm of Wind Walkers.

Of course. And then I will take you back to Toria Continents and treasure you with my life

Arent you afraid that living with a creature such as myself will bring problems to you and your family? Isnt your father the Pope of this nation? What if he forced you to kill me?

Lazela, I am not a kid. I have lived for over a million years. No one in this world including my father shall have control over my life. If my father and the people of Bifjorkian Theocracy cant accept you to be my wife, then you and I will forever leave this place and live happily somewhere else. No one can force me to kill you. Anyone dare to stand in between the love I have for you will be my enemy and shall die by my blade.

You willingly give up everything you have just to be able to live with me?

If I cant live with you, then I have nothing, my beautiful.

Lazela charmingly smiled at Brandis and they continued to talk for at least five more minutes. After saying farewell to Brandis, Lazela signaled Kain through the temporary abyss link chained between them. Receiving the signal from Lazela, Kain immediately banished her back to the realm of Wind Walkers and then conjured her back to in front of him.

Seeing Lazela disappearing in front of him, Brandis expressed like he didn't want to let her go. But after Lazela completely disappeared, Brandis angrily whispered to himself, If it wasnt because my father asked me to, I would have never agreed to go on a date with you. Nasty creature!

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