Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 6 (4/8)

Book 3: Chapter 6 (4/8)

Before flying into the Devil Overlord's Castle, Kain casted a self-created Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spell. A tall figure appeared in front of Kain as he whispered to it, "Buddy, I will count on you."

After seeing the tall figure flying away, Devil-Kain started flying into the Devil Overlord's Castle while the black-hair Kain was convening Ancient Vampires. Black-hair Kain thought to himself, My mana pool will slowly recover thanks to my Soul-Bound Magical Diamond Ice Spear. Not only do I have eight full blood pools, but also have over two hundred Blood Equipment fully charged. I will execute that bitch Evienne today to grant her the wish she always wanted which was no longer being bound to my Conjurer Soul. I will then force the Devil Overlord to either be bound to my Conjurer Soul or repeatedly kill her and revive her until she accepts. If the Devil Overlord is too stubborn, then I will just grant her a painful death and force the next Devil Overlord to be my new Soul-Bound Creature using the same torture method.

Watcher Tykan didnt agree with Kain going to cause chaos in the Hell Realm like that, but having a Devil Overlord killed isnt anything important as he can just pick another Devil to inherit the Overlord position then grant the new Overlord the same power as the old one. However, if Kain succeeded in making the Devil Overlord his Soul-Bound Creature, then it would make his chance of success in destroying the Mages Council better. Kain knew Watcher Tykan needed his help if he wanted to make Toria Continents his new planet, that is why he didn't care when Tykan told him not to cause chaos in the Hell Realm.

Tykans original plan was to make Kain destroy Toria Continents, but after Kain agreed to destroy at least three other planets under Watcher Zorims control in exchange to spare Toria Continents and turn it into a planet controlled by Watcher Tykan instead. To achieve that, Kain must destroy all of Watcher Zorims statues inside this planet and make people worship Watcher Tykan as their new Watcher. Later on, if everything goes well, the Creator will surely take Toria Continents from Watcher Zorim and hand it to Watcher Tykan. If Watcher Zorim somehow can't lose Toria Continents, then Kain will destroy it per his agreement with Watcher Tykan.

The black-hair Kain conjured Imreia, Lazela, Furcas, Fyre, and Aerlix. He then told them to defend him as he started convening more Ancient Vampires as well as conjuring as many Steel Golem Knights, Celestial Angels, and Ethereal Angels as possible. Steel Golem Knights can use [Reconstruction] ability to slowly recover damages caused to their bodies. Having the Celestial Angels to focus casting their [Health Regeneration] and [Mana Regeneration] spells on Kain, he doesn't have to worry about relying too much on his Magical Blood Equipment. He then commanded the Ethereal Angels to focus on healing Lazela, Furcas, Fyre, and Aerlix and recover their mana pools. About Imreia, Kain knew how she was and didnt bother to send an Ethereal Angel to assist her since she can heal herself as well as recover her stamina. If Imreia dies and transports back to her realm, Kain will just have to conjure her back to the battlefield using [Conjure Imreia] spell.

Similar to Celestial Angel, Ethereal Angel is immortal and cant be killed. Ethereal Angel will only fade away after its mana pool reaches depletion or when Kain banishes it forcefully. Unlike Celestial Angel that can only cast [Health Regeneration] and [Mana Regeneration] spells on its Conjurer Mage, the Ethereal Angel can cast those Light Magic spells on the creatures conjured by its Conjurer Mage as well.

Flew inside the castle, Kain looked around and saw ten Devil Warriors perfectly lined from his left. Kain turned his head to the right and saw ten Devil Mages lined up perfectly. Sitting on the Devil Overlords throne, Anwyn Richir angrily asked, Who are you? How dare you fly in a hostile manner like that inside my castle? Where is Sir Thomas? Why didn't he escort you in?

Anwyn quickly realized it was Kain who just flew inside her castle, not some stupid Devil Battlemage dared to stomp into her castle disrespectful like that. She closed her eyes and calmly asked, You killed Sir Thomas, didnt you?

Kain smiled and said, Yeah, I killed him. Oops... Dear almighty Bitch Overlord, do you miss me?

Kain Bersk! You were lucky to leave my castle before. Evienne told me about your Second Soul and told me how it works. I guess you came here today to create a mess then planned to use the same trick to escape again. I have enhanced the barriers protecting my castle to make sure you can't escape again using that stupid trick anymore. You are too stupid to come here today, prepare to die!

Without saying anything else to Anwyn, Kain flew toward her while creating a fiery giant battle-ax, the favorite type of weapon that Kain loved to use while using his Devil form. Anwyn mockingly shook her head and gave the command for her guards to defend her. Not because she needed help in defeating Kain, but because Kain wasn't worth it for her to lay a finger to fight against him. Ten Devil Warriors and ten Devil Mages teamed up and attempted to start attacking Kain from behind. Kain suddenly stopped flying toward Anwyn, turned around, and started attacking the Devils while the black-hair Kain slowly walked into the castle.

Surrounded black-hair Kain were Imreia, Lazela, Furcas, Fyre, and Aerlix. Behind Kain were a hundred Steel Golem Knights, a hundred Celestial Angels, and a hundred Ethereal Angels. Further away, at least twenty thousand Ancient Vampires were flying while he continued chanting to convene more Ancient Vampires and conjure more creatures.

Black-hair Kain stared directly into Anwyns eyes and said, No worry, I wont let you sadly sit there while your pets are having fun. I planned to make you my Soul-Bound Creature and my Conjurer Soul will need to be here for that. Besides, I planned to fight you in a one versus one battle anyway. The outcome that I will be the victor won't change, but I love to see you try the best you can just to realize that you can't defeat me.

Making me as your Soul-Bound Creature? Did you just say that you will win against me and I can't defeat you? Kain, I didn't know you were so funny. Anwyn laughed out loud and couldnt stop until almost six seconds later.

"Attagirl. Keep that confidence up high so I will completely crust it. After this battle is over, your fighting spirit will be torn apart, that is a promise."

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