Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 8 (1/9)

Book 2: Chapter 8 (1/9)

Iris appeared in front of Kain and Peanut. Peanut explained to Iris that he had surrendered, therefore Kain was the winner of their fight.

Not even two hours. Good job, Kain Bersk. Iris praised Kain for completing the quest for the Fifth-tier earlier than expected.

Kain held his head high and said, I am just that awesome. What is my reward for completing the Fifth-tier?

You will know when we enter the Sixth-tier. Are you ready to move to the next tier yet?

Anytime, you can teleport me now. Hey Peanut, it was truly a good duel. Thank you.

Timeless Dungeon, Sixth-tier. Kain opened his eyes after being teleported here by Iris. What is my quest this time, beautiful Iris? Kain asked as he looked around.

This is the realm of the Lycan. They are humans that can transform into Wolf-Men and Wolf-Women in the battle to enhance their physical strength.

Wolf-Men and Wolf-Women? Do you mean like the Wolf-kin Demi-Humans in Toria Continents?

Similar, but not exact. Demi-Humans were born as half-beast, half-human. But the Lycan Race was born fully human and only obtained the ability to transform into Wolf-Human after they turned twelve years old. Like humans, one every ten thousand Lycan was born with an Elemental Soul that allows them to learn and cast magic spells.

Are there any children here that possessed Twin Soul?

No one possesses Twin Soul in this realm.

I got it. Do you want me to kill all of the Lycan?

Nuh-uh. Your quest is to learn how to craft Magical Equipment.

Eh? I thought you wanted me to kill them all. I was overly excited.

Lycan is famous for their Magical Equipment Crafting profession. An opportunity to learn how to craft Magical Equipment from the best of the best. This is the reward the Watchers gave you for completing the Fifth-tier of Timeless Dungeon.

Actually, this is a good reward. I have always been wanting to learn how to craft Magical Equipment.

Take this card. Go to Shorekeep city and speak with Marc Jorudel. He is one of the famous professors that teach Magical Equipment Crafting Arts. Oh, you may want to hide your Vampire Emperors Wings. The Lycan Race doesn't like vampires.

Not a problem. Kain took the card from Iriss hand then quickly thought about his wings disappearing and it disappeared from his back.

Dont you want to know why the Lycan hate vampires?

"Nah, I don't give a shit about that."

Very well then. Good luck with your quest, Kain Bersk. Iris disappeared again after wishing Kain good luck in his quest.

Kain thought to himself, Go to Shorekeep city and speak with Marc Jorudel. First, I needed to find out where the heck I am. Then, I will ask around on how to get to Shorekeep city.

Toria Continents. Forty-eighth Calendar, in the year of 415,857. Jaane Almos, forty-five years old, level 40 Earth Mage. In just fifteen years, Jaane had gained eight levels in the Legend-tier. Jaane was quickly promoted to be the Vice Guild Master of the Angel Six Guild by Dorgan Lanik, the Guild Master.

Jaane was meditating in her room while a guild member was patiently waiting for her to finish. After Jaane finished her meditation, she opened her eyes and asked, Brey, you seem troubled. Is everything okay?

Brey Bolton, female, forty-eight years old, level 30 Master Thunder Mage.

Brey answered in a worrying voice, Vice Guild Master, Faila accepted a quest from the Baron of villages near Vucran city to take care of a Green Goblin tribe that has been bothering them. She went back today to report that she has failed this quest.

Faila Cuttlescar, female, fifty-two years old, level 20 Intermediate Ice Mage.

Jaane closed her eyes and asked, A Green Goblin tribe wont be able to win against Faila. What has happened?

As you have known, a tribe of fewer than two thousand goblins wont be a problem for a skilled Intermediate Mage such as Faila Cuttlescar. But when Faila saw a group of ten Red Goblins amongst them, she immediately escaped without fighting with them.

I understand now, thank you for explaining. Ten Red Goblins can easily kill even a level 30 Master Thunder Mage such as yourself. However, that wasnt a problem. The problem is who or what they are protecting, am I correct?

Yes, dear Vice Guild Master. Guild Master Lanik and other Legend-tier magic casters are on another quest in Timberun city. You are the only Legend-tier Mage that is currently available in our Guild at this time. I wonder if you can go take care of this Green Goblin tribe that kept raiding villages near Vucran city.

I will go handle this quest. Please let Baron know that we will have to increase the invoice for our service since a group of ten Red Goblins appeared. Explain to him that a group of ten Red Goblins normally appears only when they discover a much stronger goblin to serve. They could be guarding a treasure but the Baron doesn't need to know anything about it.

Vucran city and Timberun city belong to the Commonwealth of Krorg. Vucran city is located to the far south near the border of the Commonwealth of Krorg and Commonwealth of Mapmawia. Timberun city is located to the far west of the Commonwealth of Krorg.

Jaane rented a horse cart from Nosh city and rode it nonstop past Dravenward city, Grilenva city, Litme city. Every time Jaane arrived in a city, she immediately rented another horse cart to continue traveling without taking any time to rest. Eighteen days later, Jaane has finally reached Vucran city and started heading toward a village that Brey stated Falia saw a group of ten Red Goblins.

Upon arriving at the village, Jaane saw the village had burned to ashes. Piles of dead bodies were stacking on pikes in the middle of the village. Jaane looked around and she saw corpses of warriors as well. Am I too late? Jaane asked as she saw this horrific scene.

Those goblins, do they have to massacre the entire village? Jaane asked herself as she shed a tear thinking of how evil those goblins must be by executing everyone in the village then stacked their corpses on pikes. Regular goblins normally raid humans villages for food and leave without killing people unless they have to. This is why they normally get driven off to another land or another country when a strong magic caster appears to defeat them.

Also, this is a tactic the Mages' Guilds use to repeatedly collect payment from the Barons every time some goblin tribe raids the villages that they manage. The Mages Council won't send their magic casters to quests that can be completed by the Mages Guilds. It doesn't matter if the Baron ditched one Mages Guild to another Mages Guild, the result would be the same as they sent a Magic Caster to drive off the goblin tribe instead of exterminating them all.

Nonetheless, Red Goblins dont raid villages for food. They enjoyed killing enemies. Red Goblins viewed all non-Goblins as enemies. It doesnt matter whether the enemies are humans or Demi-Humans. The Red Goblins will kill them all for no specific reason. Red Goblins have strength on par comparable with Tenth-tier Warriors. This is why even an army of ten thousand Fifth-tier warriors wont be able to take them down at all.

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