Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 5 (2/8)

Book 2: Chapter 5 (2/8)

General Dasha Marchenko, First Stage Saint Warrior. She had served the Shota Empire for over two hundred thousand years.

Executioner Rose Embers, level 91 Saint Thunder Mage. She is currently serving as the Executioner for Lord Kath Donoghan of the Brown.

From the sky above, Noes Wind Walker observed the entire battlefield using [Wind Detection] spell and reported to him everything she saw. Per Noe's command, The Wind Walker then transmitted the message to everyone about the traps the Demi-Humans have set using the [Whispering Wind] spell.

Ateia, I have just heard a voice that exposed your plan of luring the enemies into the South gate. Who was it!? Emperor Acilianus angrily asked.

Ateia pointed her finger into the sky and answered in a respectful tone, Emperor, I believed that voice belonged to a Wind Walker that is flying next to that man. From my observation, he is a level 50 Legend Conjurer Mage. That explained how he had a Wind Walker with him to help him fly and transmit messages to everybody about the traps we have set in the South gate.

Do you know who that man is?

I do not know, dear Emperor. None of our human slaves reported to us anything about a Legend Conjurer Mage will join the Shota Empire for their assault against us today. That Conjurer Mage hasnt taken any hostile action against us yet except for helping out the enemies by exposing our traps. I propose we should observe him more to find out his true intention.

Helping the Shota Empire is enough reason for me to kill him. That bastard should have never interfered in our warfare!

No! Emperor, please wait!

It was too late. Ateia couldnt stop Lucius from flying toward the Saint Conjurer Mage. She wanted to observe the magic caster a little bit longer to determine his true intention before sending a Great General to take care of him. Also, Ateia didnt know how strong that Conjurer Mage is yet.

Flew in front of the unknown Conjurer Mage, Lucius didnt say anything and immediately slashed his sword at full power toward the magic caster. The magic caster smirked as he raised his left arm to block the sword slash. The magic caster then threw a strong right-hand punch toward Lucius but it was caught by Luciuss left hand. In just less than three seconds, Lucius could feel how strong his opponent is.

Lucius flew back twenty feet to create some distance and asked, A magic caster that can use Monk Warrior specialization, how can this be?

The magic caster shook his head, smiled, and said, You are too stupid to understand even if I carefully explain it to you.

My name is Lucius Flavonius Acilianus, Emperor of the Dryardian Empire. What is your name?

I am afraid that you will get on your knee upon hearing my name. Your people are looking up to observe your performance. That would be very shameful toward them when their Emperor kneels in front of a human, isnt that right Emperor Acilianus?

Nonsense! How can I kneel in front of a mere human?

Hoh, is that so? Very well then. My name is Noe Clerico, Lord of the Gray, the strongest Saint Conjurer Mage to ever live in Toria Continents.

Noe then casted [Conjure Wind Walker] five times and commanded them to team up with the other Wind Walker before activating [Replica] to turn six Wind Walkers into twelve Wind Walkers. After that, Noe commanded twelve Wind Walkers to cast twelve layers of [Gust] spells to create a powerful gust field that could buff all of their Wind Magic spells. He then commanded them to cast twelve layers of [Gravity Manipulation] spells to create a super-powerful wind pressure forcing Lucius to kneeled both knees while flying in mid-air.

What kind of madness power is this? I cant I cant move at all. He is much more powerful compared to the other level 100 magic casters that I have fought. Noe Clerico? I have heard of this name before. Right, Ateia said he lives in Bifjorkian Theocracy. Why is he here? Is he here to help the Shota Empire? How can we fight back someone possessed such dominant magical power as him? Many questions popped up in Luciuss head as he was continuously forced to kneel in front of Lord Clerico.

Sensing what Lucius was thinking, Noe laughed and said, Im not here to help out the Shota Empire. Their military power is strong enough to take care of themselves. Rose Embers also had received permission from the Mages Council to help the Shota Empire in fighting back the Demi-Humans invasion. Therefore I wont need to provide them any kind of assistance. I was just passing through and saw your Prime Minister laid out some dangerous traps. After careful consideration, I couldnt stand idly by without warning other people about it.

On the ground, Ateia and other Demi-Humans saw their Emperor was kneeling in front of a man. This scene was unacceptable as it humiliated them all. Ateia commanded Great General Pierino Palermo, White Dragon-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint Dragon Knight, specialized in fighting using spear and shield, to lead ten thousand Dragon-kin Warriors to assist Emperor Acilianus from the magic caster. Pierino flexed his dragon wings then flew up together with ten thousand Dragon-kin Warriors while activating his [Acceleration] and [Empower] skills.

The twelve Wind Walkers sensing ten thousand hostile subjects were flying toward Lord Clerico. They immediately casted [Sonic Boom] spells without his permission toward the leading subject which was Great General Pierino Palermo. Twelve layers of [Sonic Boom] spells were casted on Pierino but he managed to dodged eight out of twelve. Even so, the other four layers of [Sonic Boom] landed on him and he was slammed from the sky down fifty feet below the ground. Pierino was still alive but he couldnt move due to sixty percent of his bones being broken.

Great General Pierino Palermo was down, but ten thousand Dragon-kin Warriors still had a mission of assisting Emperor Acilianus. They quickly organized their formation and attempted to attack Lord Clerico. Noe waved his hand to stop his twelve Wind Walkers from attacking those Dragon-kin Warriors because he wanted to deal with them himself.

Lord Clerico thought to himself, "Whom should I conjure? Sixteen Wings Angel? Vampire Lord? Twelve Head Hydra? Ancient Fire Dragon? Blue Eye White Phoenix? Four Eyes Giant? Demon Prince? Hmm... any of those creatures would be overpowering against those Demi-Humans. Oh, in the land of Thunder Eagles, there is a giant Thunder Eagle named Rilloc. Perhaps I should call him out to play."

Thinking so, Lord Clerico activated one of his self-created Saint Conjuration Spell [Conjure Rilloc]. A Giant Thunder Eagle standing a thousand feet tall was conjured. Rilloc is just slightly weaker compared to a level 100 Saint Thunder Mage. Noe nodded his head in satisfaction and gave the command for Rilloc to attack the ten thousand Dragon-kin Warriors while he turned back to play with Emperor Acilianus.

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