Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 4: Chapter 20

Book 4: Chapter 20

UmAh, found her. Lieze walked around in front of the World Tree, spotting Yuriga with a cheerful tone.

What do you want? Yuriga clearly saw Lieze as a bother as always.

Im sending you off. Youre going back to the demon territory, right? Lieze smiled like it was obvious.

After everything was said and done, Kyle and the group returned to the World Tree. Irumera helped transport Ghrud back, and Kyles group took care of the rest, so she didnt technically break the law. As Yuriga finished her duty, she most likely would now return to the demon territory and report the events here to the Demon Lord. Knowing Yuriga, she wouldnt even say her goodbyes and just leave immediately, or so Lieze thought. However, a final report to Zeurus was also due, which is why Lieze asked Irumera to contact her if Yuriga came over.

I mean, we may have moved independently, but we were working together, so I want to at least properly say goodbye. Kyle clearly didnt like the idea of that, though.

Of course he wouldnt Yuriga sighed, seeing that Lieze still didnt understand anything. Just as you said, I dont particularly feel anything towards humanfolk. And, the Demon Lord-sama does not wish to fight youHowever, that is only the current situation, and we may end up in total war starting tomorrow. Once that happens, I will kill you without hesitation. Thats what it means to fight a demon.

It would be best if we both didnt get involved too muchfor our boths sakes.

This couldnt be any greater rejection. Lieze was about to open her mouth, but no words came out. As the two went silent, a blessing in disguise appeared.

Huh? You going home? Seran showed his face.

Youhow is your left arm doing?

Just fine, aye. Managed to attach it as if nothing happened. Seran showed the part with the scar on his left arm.

It was so faint you would barely realize if you didnt look for it, but he could perfectly move his arm and every one of his fingers.

The magic medicine really worked wondersSo, you dont have to worry about cutting it off or anything.

I was never worried in the first place.

Oh, rightBy the way, why are you two looking so awkward right now?

He must have felt the weird mood between the two girls, or just subconsciously even, as Seran asked them with a nonchalant voice.

Keep it simple, ladies. When youre saying goodbye, a simple See you again~ is more than enough.

Youre just not thinking about it enough Lieze complained but nodded. Thensee you again, Yuriga. Take care, okay? Lieze said with a smile.

We might have to fight the next time we run into each other, you know?

Well think about it then. Of course, Im not going to hold back at all, so dont worry. Seran grinned with the simplest words as always, once again forcing Yuriga to sigh.

However, this time it was more a relaxed one instead of simple exhaustion.

If I was as simple-minded as you, I bet life would be a lot more enjoyableand, I doubt we will even run into each other again.

Didnt you say the exact same thing before? Lieze tilted her head.

This time for sure! Normally, it would be unthinkable for humans to regularly meet a demonReally, dampens my mood. Yuriga turned her back towards the two and started walking, only to turn towards Lieze one last time. Your cookingwasnt bad, Lieze. She said, smiling for the first time, and walked away.

You seem oddly happy, you know. Seran commented on Liezes grinning face, as she watched Yuriga walk off into the distance.

I mean, she said wasnt bad, right? And she even called me by my name, while she smiledThis is big progress, dont you think. Lieze smiled happily, making Seran remember something.

Oh yeah, there was a time when you were desperately trying to have a stray cat like youLike, youd get excited the more caution the other party showed. He still remembered Liezes smile back then.

Hey! Dont treat Yuriga like some cat.

Its something like thatRight now, youre smiling like back when you hugged that cat.

W-Whats your problem? A long time ago, you and Kyle both

The two threw complaints at each other, reminiscing about the past.

How is Ghrud looking? Shildonia asked.

Zeus, Shildonia, and Kyle were discussing this incident in the special room of the World Tree.

No problems. His consciousness has returned fully. However, he was in a very bad mood. He said he would definitely make that human pay, and all that Remembering Ghruds previous attitude, Zeurus sighed.

Maybe in a hundred years, if possible Kyle said, still exhausted.

The injuries he had suffered from his battle with Ghrud brought him to the brink of death. After drinking a lot of recovery magic medicine, he managed to heal up, but he didnt want to go through the same thing ever again.

From now on, we will keep him confined here, and give him an adequate punishment, Zeurus said with a heavy tone, and yet Shildonia felt a glimmer of happiness deep inside of them.

Even if Ghrud caused a bit of a mess for him and the entire clan of dragons, as he was his grandson, Zeurus must still be happy about his return.

Well, that just shows how much energy he has got himself. Whats left isto not repeat the same mistake again, alright? Shildonia warned Zeurus.

I am well awareNow, Kyle, Ive been in your care, and I want to repay you. Is there anything you desire?

Then, when the Great Invasion happens in two and a half years, I want you to side with humanfolk.

That I cannot do, it crosses my authority. Zeurus rejected Kyles greatest wish.

Authorityyou are the [Dragon King], what are you saying? Shildonia complained.

I told you before, but I merely am the oldest one alive, acting as a representative. I cannot force everyone to follow my decision.

Stubborn bastard Shildonia cursed.

Surely, he could force them, but he didnt want to. This fact made Shildonia even more annoyed.

But, theres nothing else I could wish for Kyle was thinking of just letting this one go, but Zeurus continued.

Instead of Ghrud, I want to repay the favor as myself. I can offer you my skin that I last shed five hundred years ago. It is worlds apart from the lower-grade dragon leather you are wearing.

Shildonia let out an excited Ohh voice.

Your skin, huhJust like the fang part of my sword, its top-class material.

So if we could turn that into armor

Indeed, it would raise your defensive value drastically.

When it came to the equipment you could pay for, this dragon leather armor Kyle used was at the top of the market, but Zeurus skin was material never found before. Using it to create defensive tools would most likely result in armor unprecedented on this entire continent. To Kyle, who almost died because of Ghrud, naturally was more than interested in this.

The problem is how we can even process such material. Back in Zaales, we would have been fine, butis there even anybody who can make worthwhile use of such a material? Shildonia showed a complicated expression.

Kyle realized what she talked about, and instantly lost all his excitement as well.

Well, whatever you do with it is up to youFinally, we will not cooperate with the demons, that is what I promise in my life. Zeurus declared with no shred of hesitation in his voice.

That meant Kyle had accomplished the main goal of coming here.

Then we have to get back to Erina and the others. Cant have them wait forever.

As they had to get Ghrud back to the forest first, the dark elves were waiting in worry. With that in mind, Kyle left the room, and Shildonia was about to follow him when she turned around to ask Zeurus one last question.

Why did you have humanfolk, demons, and dragons work together?

Zeurus crossed his arms, showing a complicated expression.

What I want in this world is harmony. Thats why I couldnt help but dream a bit. Cooperation of demons and humanfolk, with dragons a part of that. Zeurus showed a distant gaze, like he was looking at a place far away, and then up at the ceiling.

A pipe dream, indeed. You, who has seen a war between humanfolk and demons, is saying that?

Having stood at the peak of human folk, fighting the demons, Shildonia knew better than any other how difficult to achieve this would be.

With the current Demon Lord, it may be possible, acting as the triggerNo, its just me dwelling in past emotions, just forget about it.

Arent you in high spirits? Is the current Demon Lord that great of an existence?

Enough to make me dream.

Hearing Zeurus speak this highly of the Demon Lord, Shildonia couldnt help but be curious herself.

I seeId love to meet them myself. Shildonia showed a distant gaze herself.

Having Irumera send them off to the village of the dark elves, they grouped up with Erina. She must have been worried to death, because Erina leaped at Kyle with tears in her eyes, but clapped her hands together in joy when she heard that everything had been resolved. Hearing that the poachers and threat of the dragon were caused by the Mera cult, now all taken care of, the dark elves were relieved as well.

And yet, nobodys coming to see us off. Seran said, half-complaining.

Even as Kyles group was about to depart, only Paserane and Roas came to see them off. Most of the dark elves were merely watching from a distance. With Irumera behind them, they probably wished for the group to leave immediately before they would cause a calamity themselves.

Paserane-san, thank you very much for everything. Erina deeply lowered her head.

No, there is no need to thank me. In fact, you were the ones who saved my lifeHey, Erina, do you really have no intention of coming home? After this incident, they surely wont chase you out again. And if I put in a good word for you Paserane sounded almost desperate, but Erina simply shook her head.

My mother is still in Rinecol, see.

Erinas mother, Luctera, is a human. There was no reason for Luctera to return to the village, even more so since she was still sick.

I-I see

Butthe fact that this is my hometown wont change, and I will never forget it either. Erina smiled happily, pulling Paserane along with one of hers, as she looked at Kyle.

Kyle, was it? Im leaving Erina to you.

Paserane seemed oddly passionate about that. In fact, when Kyle would look at Erina, her face turned a bit red, and Paserane didnt miss that. Even if he happened to save her in such a dire time, Paserane fully understood the meaning of that. Basically, she was saying that she would not forgive Kyle if he dared to make her cry.

Yeah, Ill do my best.

However, Kyle had no idea about this and simply responded with the intention of caring for Erinas sick mother Luctera.

This is a promise. Paserane pushed it once more.

After their final farewell was done, Kyles group got on Irumeras back, and departed.

Let us meet again, my maidens. Roas sent off Lieze and the other girls with a loud and teary voice. And there they go.

Yeah Paserane answered with no strength in her voice.

Why did you ask Erina to come back to the village? You were the one who initially pushed the decision of chasing her away.

Paseranes expression showed clear shock at Roas words.

Soyou knew. When Erina is aroundI just cant stop hating myself.

The reason Paserane treated Erina kindly was that she was the child of the person she once admired, calculated to earn extra points with him. And when her father passed away, the reason she told Erina to leave the village wasnt out of goodwill because it might be too much, but rather because she would keep living in self-loathing every time she saw Erina. However, after they had run into each other, and when she saw how thankful Erina was, this feeling of guilt only became stronger.

Then, why did you tell her to come back?

Because this timeI wanted to become something like her older sister. Without any ulterior motivewell, it was also for my own sake. I expected that it would make me feel a bit easierYou must be disappointed with me, right?

However, Roas simply showed a perturbed expression.

What are you saying? Im sure Erina must have realized this to some degree. Even so, she cared for you like thistheres no need to be feeling indebted.

Paserane was surprised at Roas words once more, glancing over at the direction Kyles group had left towards.

Id like to meet her againand then talk about everything. With my honest feelings.

A troubled maiden in love is quite the charming sight. Roas nodded.

I have returned.

Having taken Kyles group to Rinecol, Irumera returned to the [Dragon Nest] and reported to Zeurus, who was back in his dragon shape.

Good workAnd, how did it feel to work together with humanfolk and demons? Zeurus question was filled with a faint bit of anticipation.

He valued Irumera quite highly, and when Ghrud would eventually become the leader of the dragons here, he wanted her to be an aid to him. However, because Irumera was far too diligent for her own sake, sometimes unable to adapt to the situation. And, although this wasnt solely limited to her, she had the tendency of looking down on humans. For Zeurus, who had been in direct contact with the Ancient Magic Kingdom Zaales and Magic King Shildonia, he had greater respect for humanfolk. In order to make Irumera understand this, he gave her the duty as the observer in this incident.

I only got to spend a short time with them, butin the end, they are still barbaric and foolish.

Irumera most likely was pointing towards the Mera followers.

I see Zeurus showed a disappointed nod.

Howeverjust as you said, I learned something from them as well.

Oh, and what is that? Zeurus pushed his body forward, expecting something.

There are many different ways to perceive law and resolutions.

That way of learning, is it? Zeurus was a bit worried.

That humanwhen I helped carry Ghrud here, he told me. Dragons dont exist for the law, but the law exists for dragons. You shouldnt experience misfortune because of some law!Its a bit embarrassing to admit it, but I was quite shocked to hear that. I didnt expect humans to feel this way.

That most definitely isnt wrong. That fact in itself is absolutely correct, but

Zeurus was unsure if this change in Irumera was for the better or not. He knew that blindly following the law was most likely not the best course of action, but looking for ways to evade it might not be too great either. On a side note, Kyles words actually werent his own, but he got them from a heroic tale and changed them up a bit. Lieze and the others, who knew about that, showed somewhat bitter smiles, but that apparently worked wonders for Irumera, after they had helped in saving Ghrud.

I decided to give this some more thought.

R-RightWell, that should be fine.

Zeurus still didnt know if this was a positive change or not, but at the very leastsomething changed.

It feels like I was just dancing on someone elses palm.

A few days had passed after the battle with Ghrud. Kyle was resting in an inn room at Rinecol, grumbling to himself. Only Minagi and Kyle were present in that room. Lieze and the others were out shopping and spending their break, whereas Erina was taking care of her mother. Kyle stayed in his room to exchange information with Minagi, but even if he wanted to leave, he couldnt.

Arent you in a bad mood today, Dragon Killer?

Stop with that nameI really dont want to hear that right now. Teased by Minagi, Kyle complained once more.

Why is that? Receiving the title of [Dragon Slayer] is the greatest kind of fame as a warrior, no? Theyll pass down this story for generations.

Its just as Minagi stated. The last dragon-slaying had happened several hundreds of years ago, with heroic tales being left behind even to this time, so surely Kyle would receive the same treatment.

Hows the town looking? Kyle asked.

Its crazy, full of rumors about you. If you set even one foot outside, theyd probably storm you. Minagi was clearly enjoying this.

Even the evaluation towards Kyle amongst the adventurers changed drastically. As adventurers worked on the creed of absolute strength, since Kyle bested a dragon in a one-on-one, they had to accept his skill. According to Minagis report, Getsuga was even willing to treat Kyle to a drink for having saved him. They assumed that the second dragon who had arrived recovered the remains of the one Kyle defeated. Thankfully things were slowly starting to calm down.

Putting all of them together, many of the rumors were fairly positiveso Id say things are going great. Theres even the talk of another dragon having arrived to thank you for subjugating one of their own who had gone rogue.

Does that

Minagis expression turned serious for once.

Yes, thats clearly intentionalMost likely set up by the Mera cult. When it comes to spreading your honor, theyre working in the shadows.

I see

Cant accept that? I thought this was exactly what you wanted.

Youre not entirely wrong, but

To Kyle, becoming a hero wasnt a goal, but a means. He wanted to become a hero no matter the method he had to rely on, but the real deal starts after achieving that.

Still, I didnt expect the Mera followers to be working in the shadows even in a place like this

Minagi showed a somewhat troubled expression.

Honestly, that just shows me being inexperienced and careless, and that theyre one step ahead of us. She bit her lip.

After coming to the country of Eddos, Minagi had begun to look into the Mera cult, but she could barely grasp any leads. And yet, there were supposedly hundreds of cult followers present in this single down. Luckily she found them gathered at one point, but it could have ended up a battlefield with casualties if luck wasnt on her side. She made it sound casual, but deep down, that actually hurt her quite a bit. Especially her pride.

This failure was

I believe in your skill, Minagi. If you really feel responsible, then you just have to make up for it from now on, right? Kyle said, not letting her complain any further than that.

Got it.

Met with this profound goodwill, Minagi swore to never fail again and relied on his kind words this once.

Not to mention that you still helped us a lot this time around. If not for you, Lieze and Urza might have been in deep trouble.

Ever since that incident, the two had been a lot more friendly and amicable towards Minagi. Having their lives saved by her, fighting side by side was a great boost for their relationship.

Yeah, also about the case you asked meits exactly as you expected. That Luctera person was given poison, which made it look like a sickness.

I see

That was the one assumption Kyle didnt want to be spot-on. As far as he knew, in his previous life, Luctera had never been plagued by a sickness that involved life or death, so he had Minagi look into that.

They are both living in a row house, and their neighbor was from the Mera cult, and the doctor also under the patronage of the cult.

And, this cult follower

Yeah, no need to worry about them anymore. I confirmed what kind of poison it is, so Ill be making sure she recovers.

Good Kyle sighed from the bottom of his heart. So, what do you think the reason for that was?

Hmmmshe probably got on their bad side after marrying a dark elf, and giving birth to a childbut, I dont see the reason for making it look like a sickness. Minagi was thinking.

Kyle joined her, but came up with one possibility. If Luctera were to suffer from a sickness, Erina would run around trying to earn money. At that time, if a request with a big reward were to appear, she would immediately jump onto that.

Dont tell me

This dragon subjugation incident which had been plotted by the Mera cult from start to finish needed Erinas participation. Without her, Kyles group would not have made it to the World Tree. Or it would have at least taken a lot longer, and they wouldnt have been able to negotiate with Paserane and the dark elves. But if this was their goal, it was far too roundabout. They managed to make the two parties work together in a natural way, and Erina didnt assume she was being controlled. It was the same with Ghrud. Nobody would have been able to guess this chain of events, and yet Rockfall said that it happened exactly as this Holiness person had predicted.

Is it just a mere coincidence? It worked out for them, but the need for luck is too bigOr maybe it was

I feel like it would all make sense if this Holiness person knew what would happen beforehand.

Minagi seemingly had the same doubt as Kyle, voicing it out loud.

Yeahyoure right.

Normally, Kyle would scoff at this possibility, but after everything he went through, he could not laugh in the slightest.

Also, the Unicorn horns were already transported outside the country.

I see

Kyle would have wished to recover these as well, and return them to the dark elves.

As for anything else, it seems like the entire Mera cult changed its course of action roughly half a year ago. Up to that point, they were scaling down, and yet now theyve suddenly started to become a lot more active.

Any reason you can come up with?

HmmTheir Holiness may have been replaced by somebody else? They say that their orders come from that person after all.

So it really is that Holiness after allI guess I have to meet them at one point.

Thatll be dangerous, you know? Minagi sounded worried.

I dont know why, but they seem oddly fixated with me. Ill bet on that.

Yeah, theyve taken quite the liking to youDid you do something to that Holiness person?

Thats what I want to knowseriously. Kyle sighed.

And, how do you even plan on meeting them?

Thatis something Ill come up with soon enough. Looking at how things went, theyll reach out to me again anyway.

Kyle realized that they were an individual he at some point would have to meet either way. And, another point of interest was that demon Targ. If Yurigas words could be believed, then it was a demon not even the current Demon Lord was aware of. Most important of all is that this could be related to the new Demon Lord who initiated the [Great Invasion]. There was a good chance that, by striking down that demon, the entire invasion could be avoided. But, staying here in the human territory forever wont get them any new information.

I guess Ill have to head there at some pointto the demon territory.

No idea whats plaguing you this much, but arent you forcing yourself? Minagi doubted his sanity after hearing that comment. Say, Kyle, what are you aiming for with all of this? Minagi asked with a serious tone.

His goal wasnt to become a hero, that was merely a step on the way, and she knew that. However, Kyles actions and intentions were far too unclear for her. Thats why she wanted to hear from Kyle what his final goal was. Kyle thought about it for a moment and then answered with a serious expression himself.

Live a happy life and die of old age?

Minagi didnt hesitate a second to ram her fist on Kyles head.

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