Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 10: Chapter 10

Book 10: Chapter 10

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In the center of Rimarze was a large round plaza, acting as a port for the wyverns. Even now, several large cages stood there with wyverns attached to them, heavily guarded. This was prepared to allow a return for the representatives who had participated in yesterdays meeting. Of course, some of those participants remained in Rimarze for various other reasons, but many had to make their way home to their own countries, Rifuaro being one of them. Standing in front of such a wyvern from the Empire, Rifuaro just stood still without uttering a word. Next to him was Urza, not even looking at her father. The other elves stood a bit further away, watching the father and daughter, as well as the unfortunate victim.

Maybe they just dont want to get involved in this mess

Standing between the father and daughter that had not spoken a word to each other this whole time, Kyle was beginning to feel incredibly uncomfortable. After he had discussed his plansor rather his evil plotwith Gazas, he went on his way back home, but on the way there, he ran into Rifuaro and Urza here at the plaza. He had intended on just greeting them and then moving on, but since Kyle practically urged Urza to meet her father, and with him being the reason things got awkward between them, he felt guilty and decided to stay around. That said, this was an utter mistake. The moment Rifuaro spotted him, he seemed only more aggravated, creating a heavier mood in the air. Waiting for his time to depart, Kyle wanted to say something because he couldnt bear the silence any longer, but Rifuaro got the jump.

Ahem! Urza, theres something Id like to give you, Rifuaro said after awkwardly clearing his throat, ordering one of the elves to bring something.

It was a single wand.

This is Urzas opened wide in surprise.

The staff she was given was made from a branch of the World Tree, originally belonging to Urzas mother.

I had originally planned on giving this to you when you set out on your journey, but

This staff of the World Tree greatly strengthened your ability to control the power of spirits, and to any spirit user amongst the elves, this was a vital item, treated like a treasure. Back in Urzas hometown, the forest of Evenro, only one of these existed, mostly locked away to prevent personal use.

Now that weve created another staff using the branch you brought us, I can finally give this to you.

Thank you very much Urza must be remembering her mothers face, gently grasping the staff.

He then used the power of the wind spirit Sylphid to create a wall around them. Now only Rifuaro, Urza, and Kyle were present in this small sphere, and nothing could be heard outside.

My daughter Ekses said Rifuaro, using Urzas true name.

A true name embodied the soul of the elf, and usually, this was hidden from anybody else. The only two people who knew Urzas true name were Rifuaro and Kyle.

You should live the life you want. However, you have a place to return to, and we will be waiting for you. Never forget that.


Rifuaro gently placed his hand on Urzas quivering shoulders, as she pressed her face on his chest. As the only witness of this scene, even Kyle began feeling emotional but also wondered why he was even there. And when he wanted to say something, Rifuaro just glared at him.

If this man ever forgets to treat you right, you can always come back home, okay?

W-Well Urza looked over at Kyle with a complicated expression, but it carried a level of resignation alongside.

Luckily, Rifuaro didnt catch on to that gaze, but considering what Seraia said yesterday, Kyle decided that it was time to make up his mind.


That night, Kyle called Lieze to her room.

What do you want to talk about? Something you cant discuss in front of the others?

Naturally, Lieze was a bit perplexed. Something like this had never happened before, after all.

Wellits something important.

Kyle seemed awfully anxious. Even Lieze, who had been by his side for most of her life, had never seen such an expression on him.

The war with the demons is heating up. I think that itll be over within the next few months to a year.

I seeYeah, of course. Youve worked so hard after all. Having watched this from up-close, Lieze carried deep appreciation for Kyle.

So, once its all overDo you have something you want to do?

Something I want to do? Wellbefore all this happened, I figured Id just be living my life in Rimarze until its my time to go She showed a saddened expression for a moment.

The Rimarze she knew no longer existed. Of course, she knew that this was the best decision to provide protection, but its hard to get your feelings under control.

Of course, its not like Im suffering right now or anything. On the contrary, so many things are happening that its fun, Lieze continued with a beaming smile.

Kyle realized that, if he could see that smile, all his hard work paid off.

And you probably want to take it easy somewhere in the boonies, right?

Well, not doing anything sounds great, but Im going to have to look for some sort of job.

Huh? So, do you plan on working officially with Zilgus or Galgan? Lieze sounded surprised at that.

I havent decided yet, but I think Id prefer a regular job without much influence if you catch my drift.

Lieze understood that Kyle didnt want to have this kind of official work anymore, but didnt understand where that came from.

Ive made up my mind. Because if I didnt do that, I wont be able to be with youor rather, you all I should say.

In other words, Kyle intended to formally be engaged to Lieze, Urza, as well as Minagi. In this day and age, a marriage is established if both parties agree to the terms of being married, and if their surroundings accept this as a fact. For the regular citizen, that was more than enough, and the royals and nobles would go through the middle man of the church and the gods, stating their vows. As for polygamy, if the man was charming enough and could provide for all his wives, there was no problem with it, either. It wasnt something actively recommended, but nobody would judge them for it, either. Except in human society, if it was an average commoner, it could be seen as a way to earn money. And for the nobles, it showed their influence and power, so having more children would be generally better for the high society. Kyle didnt want to bring shame to them, and he wanted their relationship to be officially accepted, so he needed at least that standing going for him.

So, Lieze

Ah, wait just a second, Lieze interrupted him. Since this is what I thought it was, you can come in.


At Liezes words, Urza and Minagi, as well as even Shildonia appeared. Urza maintained her calm attitude, as Minagi seemed awkward, trying not to look at Kyle too much. However, both of them were oddly conscious of Kyle.

You said you had something important to talk about, so it had something to do with us, right? But since weve known each other the longest, you just took me with you. So, I figured I might as well get it over with.


Also, Im not going to force the answer out of you. You have to say it with your own words.


As a matter of fact, Kyle was incredibly flustered right now, and if the situation would permit it, he would rely on a roundabout way to express his feelings. But that was now not an option anymore, as he felt the pressure from the three girls. At the same time, this was Lieze trying to be considerate to ensure all three of them would be left on an equal level since especially Minagi had the habit of pulling back when it mattered.

Knowing you, you probably left it on hold and just focused on the upcoming danger, right? Though, thats an admirable thing But anyway, Im just an onlooker, so pretend Im not even here. Shildonia sat down on the nearby bed, munching on some snacks. And no need to worry about me, I have no complaints. My real body has perished a long time ago, yet I get to enjoy food and drinks like this. I guess you could call this like my bonus stage.

The last part might have been a saying back in the days when Zaales still existed because Kyle didnt exactly know what she meant by that, but it was probably something positive.

Just watching you folks is plenty of fun for meBut as my owner, I expect plenty of attention, too. At least make it so that I dont starve.

That sounds expensiveWell, too late to cry about that, Kyle laughed and then faced the three.

I think itd be fine to keep going like this, butIts Kyle were talking about.

Youre spoiling him too much. I know how Kyle ticks, but I want to hear it in his own words.

Urza seemed reluctant, but Lieze would not let this slide.

And Minagi, you should say something, too.

Iwould be fine with the way things are going.

Minagi remained in the backseat. She just came here because she got called here, but she also wouldnt just leave.

Will you say something already? This isnt the time to be acting like a wuss, Shildonia grumbled and glared at Kyle, who took a deep breath.

He couldnt lie to his feelings now, and they were already written in stone. That said, the bashfulness and embarrassment made him feel more nervous than when he was fighting Three-Arms or the Ancient Dragon Juvars, and it needed much more courage.

Well, you knowMy goal is to live until the end of my days in happiness. For that, Im going to try my best, and Ill do whatever it takes, soI want to spend these years with you!

Kyle thought he handled it pretty well, but it apparently didnt land too well.

HmmI feel like there must have been something better. Especially that old age nonsense, said Shildonia with a glimmer of disappointment in her tone.

It was good enough, though, Lieze said and accepted this request.

Though in all fairness, she seemed more like a mother accepting her childs selfishness.

Ive already been through the whole marriage ritual, soI doubt much will change, said Urza with resignation in her voice.

When they had first met, they already went through the [Applied Contract], which was something akin to marriage.

I didnt really get my hopes up, but couldnt you have chosen your words a bit more? Minagi was relatively calm but didnt hide her disappointment.

Although they each had to say something about this way of doing things, they were seemingly accepting Kyles request.

Well, leaving that aside, theres another issue at hand.

Thats true

Kyle tried his best with his confession of a lifetime, yet the three girls already forgot about that and moved on.

I cant tell if thats admirable or reliablebut I feel bad for Kyle.

So thought Shildonia, but she kept that to herself.

Honestly speaking, Im worried about any offers coming from elsewhere, said Urza, to which Lieze and Minagi nodded.

Many were interested in Kyles achievements and influence. Others would try to use that and rise in ranks. As of late, the number of those had dropped, but with the end of the war approaching, the three girls worried that this might reverse. On top of that, the reason the three of them could accept Kyles confession toward all of them was because they had come to grow closer throughout the journey, but they didnt want another girl to come in and shake up trouble.

Especially that Milena-sama is very suspicious, Lieze dropped the name of the princess of Zilgus, to which Urza and Minagi agreed. I dont think shes a bad person, but considering her position and all that

Lieze was raised a regular farm girl, so she still struggled to interact with someone of such status, hence her worried expression.

O-Oh come on, she was just teasing me about that, Kyle tried to argue, but he did realize that the gaze she directed at him had changed as of late, so this was also more about him making excuses.

You know, why not forget about all that social standing stuff? I dont care what other people think, andI-Id be happy just having children, so Lieze blushed as she said that.

And were from different races, so the people will be giving us odd glances either way, added Urza who knew that this would attract attention either way.

Im not one to walk around in the open, so Im fine not caring what others think.

Minagi, as the assassin that she was, didnt think she even deserved this kind of happiness, now showing a faint smile. Met with the three girls trying to cheer up Kyle, he was only more flustered.

No, no! I managed to keep it going so far, I can still go on!

This was an issue of Kyles pride, more than anything. He would at least try his best to make the girls he had fallen for happy.

A-Anyway, theres nothing you guys have to worry about, so just trust me! Kyle protested with all his heart, and although he would be more than reliable when it came to anything else, this once, the girls could only watch over him with a warm gaze.

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