True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 88 Ivan Meets Velian

Before the battle finished near the walls of the city, Velian was facing the blazing sun group which was aggressively attacking him.

They were ticked off by Velian's way of talking that all of them attacked to defeat him without hesitating. The most aggressive one was the woman who was called old jag by Velian.

She was a high-class adventurer who is proposed to by many people including some nobles, so she had absolute confidence in her beauty, being called an old hag by Velian was the most insulting thing she heard in her entire career in her life.

If someone in her team said the same thing, even they wouldn't have got away easily but when this kid who was a little bit handsome, say such a thing she felt like killing him.

She kept attacking like a mad woman with her magic spells even disregarding her own party members sometimes,

"Sylvie, slow down you're hitting our own members," Their leader was the only one who wasn't angry as them.

Velian was just delaying them without letting them join the fight. If he wanted he could kill everyone here but, he didn't want to kill adventurers who were the same as his mother and aunt.

Another reason was if he establishes his own kingdom in the future, the help of the adventurers is most so make adventurers enemies is not advantageous for him.

Ivan felt that Velian wasn't taking attacks of the blazing sun group seriously, as he just kept dodging and blocking them. He didn't want to accept defeat so he ordered other parties to join them.

Velian saw Ivan getting impatient but, he didn't let down his guard because even the weakest can defeat him if they tried their best. Velian had no idea how powerful he is in this world but still, he was sure that, humans are no longer a threat to him as long as he doesn't let down his guard.

Right after all the parties heard their voice of Ivan they got ready to attack but suddenly, Velian threw a big punch at one of the blazing sun members.

Velian was taking it easy until he heard Luna's voice in his mind,

[Master, your first bloodline partner detected]

It was the voice of Luna but at the same time, it sounded a little more robotic than her usual voice.

[Registering Delviny Bersa as the first bloodline partner]

Velian didn't know what was happening because Luna didn't answer his questions. She just kept giving him these messages but he had a vague idea about what was happening.

[Error detected: Blood relationship identified]

[Re:registering the bloodline]

[Success: Bloodline Bestowal Completed]

[Delviny Bersa renamed as Delviny Keller]

[2x Bloodline bonus as the system detected a blood relationship and a physical relationship]

"Does that mean I used my unique skill? Luna, are you there?" Velian kept constantly avoiding the spells and attacks of the adventurers while thinking about everything.

It took a few seconds for her to answer back,

[Yes, master we don't have time, you should go pick up Delviny, she must be feeling rather weak now]

Luna regained her previous tone but before Velian could celebrate it, she dropped the bomb on him.

His mind went blank hearing it,

"Dammit! She must be on the battlefield right now, It will be my fault if something happened to her," Velian panicked remembering her.

Others were confused by the way he managed to dodge most of their attacks with his reflexes, they were getting so angry with him that almost everyone attacked him without stopping.

If this had been in a normal situation, they wouldn't have gotten hurt but, this time Velian wasn't in a normal situation.

He wanted to go back to his sister but, the constant attacks of these adventurers kept annoying him unlike before.

Ivan noticed his changes and interestedly looked at him but, he didn't expect Velian to be powerful enough to defeat everyone here.

(Fire barrage)

Velian chanted his weakest spell to stop the adventurer's attacks. Fire barrage was a single-element spell, just like its name state fire barrage continuously attacks the enemy with a lot of fire bullets.

They didn't expect such an attack from him as it took them caught off their guards, Velian kept his mana supply to the spell as weakest as possible not to kill anyone.

*Boom *Boom

Adventurers kept getting hit with the fast-fire bullets causing them to get wounded. Some of them managed to dodge a few bullets but, there were so many that even the people who dodge them got hit by them.

Ivan kept his spell up so he won't get hit but, he was surprised by the spell he showed,

"What the hell is that?" Ivan had never seen a such spell even in the most famous spell book in the kingdom.

"To release those things continuously, he must have a vast amount of mana, looks like Norman was right, this kid got to be the same rank as me or at least one rank below me,"

"How terrifying to reach such rank at this age, I must have a friendly relationship with him," He thought for a minute but, at the same time, he felt it was impossible since he already attacked him.

He looked at the injured adventurers but, he didn't get the chance as Velian came to him before going back,

"Old man, this is just a warning, I don't want to have a bad relationship with adventurers but, if you disturb me again, I will definitely kill everyone even if I have to offend adventurers," Velian said.

"Kid, you're too arrogant, there are people far stronger than you in this world," Ivan didn't feel like a kid was talking to him.

The pressure he felt when Velian came near was unreliable for him.

"I'll keep that in mind, Here take these, treat those who are wounded and don't do what you're not supposed to do, Old man" Velian threw some medicine at him before going back.

Adventurers were confused by their conversation. They saw him going back but none of them could stand up after his attack,

After Velian left, Ivan took the bottles and gave them to the wounded people,

"Guild master, Why did you let that kid go?" It was the leader of the blazing sun who questioned him.

"Don't think much about it, he is someone we can be friends with, our work here is over, let's just go back, looks like the kingdom won't have a good ending," Ivan thought while looking in the direction of the gate.

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