Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good-For-Nothing

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Jin Yu-Ri gave a slightly sad smile. I thought I could finally serve our young master who became awesome and cool, but now this happens. Please open my email inbox when you get out of here. Do-Yoon oppa knows the ID and password. If you look through that, you will find a sender named Jenny. Please contact her

Stop. Did you think that I came here to hear your will? Yu-Seong interrupted her with an annoyed voice. Ill figure it out. If you cant think of anything, it cant be helped. Who knows, Do-Yoon might have an idea. Even if he doesnt, its okay. Ill find the answer on my own. So dont give up. Never think about dying. Got it?

Yu-Seong oppa. Yu-Ri shook her head, her hair hanging low.

Jin Yu-Ri. I actually still dont know why people like you and Jin Do-Yoon care so much and follow a drunkard idiot like me. So, you cant be killed until I find out the reason.

What kind of silly

Enough, just remember one thing. Dont give up. Because I wont either. Choi Yu-Seong gritted his teeth and returned to his room.

Yu-Ri watched his back with a strange gaze and smiled. Seriously. What am I going to do if he keeps getting cooler? This will make it difficult for me to choose the right woman for him when he decides to get married

Jin Yu-Ri had simply spoken the best idea that came to mind in the helpless situation. However, her eyes started to fill with a strong will and determination.

I wouldnt trust anyone else, but I trust you, Yu-Seong oppa! You have to save me! Okay? You cant kill me! Jin Yu-Ri gathered all of her strength and shouted. Beyond the slowly closing glass wall, Yu-Seong turned as if he heard her voice. Then, he gazed at Yu-Ri and nodded hard.


After hearing Yu-Ris supportive shout, Yu-Seong returned to his room and contemplated for a short while. He was very flustered by the unexpected situation that was not even in the original novel, but it seemed natural when he thought about it.

Its because Im not Kim Do-Jin but Choi Yu-Seong.

Also, he made completely different decisions from the original Choi Yu-Seong. And since many things were changing, unexpected events would happen more and more frequently in the future. There was nothing more foolish than falling into confusion every time he ran into an unexpected variable.

Yu-Seong believed that he could do well. Wasnt the sand officer he met yesterday a monster that did not appear in the original novel too?

The transparent glass wall is about five meters high. Above it is a stone wall, but there must be some mana barrier covering it. Yu-Seong started talking to himself. In fact, he muttered to himself, convinced that someone was listening to him.

The ground Well, it can't be dug into unless I can summon a real forklift. Yu-Seong intentionally laid on the floor, put his ears on the ground, tapped them with his fingers, and talked to himself. Why is the ceiling so high? Wont it be too much even for a rank S physical type hunter to jump at once?

[You talk a lot. Its foolish to give the enemy a lot of information.]

In any case, its a trap that youve made. Yu-Seong smiled at the returned answer, and looked at the ceiling. Where did you hide the camera? It looks like its beyond the wall, but you cant break through the mana barrier, so there must be a gap.

[I dont deny it.]

After all, you dont mind that as its just a small gap that can only fit a camera and a microphone.

[Are you not going to open the mans room?]

I shall go, open the door. Yu-Seong smirked and headed for the glass wall where Jin Do-Yoon could be seen this time. The ground rumbled before the huge glass wall slowly lifted into the air like a blind.

You are safe as expected, young master! Jin Do-Yoon was looking around with his head up. He uttered a cry of relief.

Huh. But things arent so good. To explain it

I understand roughly. When I listened attentively, I could hear a voice thats been altered.

Yet you didnt hear mine?

No, I didnt.


Obviously, the voice coming out of the microphone was much louder than Yu-Seongs voice. Even so, if Do-Yoon was able to hear the voice, it meant that the person behind the microphone was closer to him.

Although, it may also be because Jin Do-Yoons ears are that much sharper, thought Yu-Seong.

In any case, it was more likely that the eyes and ears of the Physical-transformation type Jin Do-Yoon would be much sharper than the Psychic-implementation type Jin Yu-Ri, even though his rank was lower.

This room is exactly the same as Jin Yu-Ris room. My side is invisible and the stone walls are tall and rectangular. On the ceiling

It is steel. Its quite thick. Ive developed my own special move recently, but honestly I dont have the confidence to jump that far, replied Do-Yoon.

Thats something you should have been a bit more careful to say. Theyre listening from over there.

Jin Do-Yoon looked surprised by Yu-Seongs words, and closed his mouth tightly.

Its okay. As you said, its a height too high to reach. Since its already spilled milk, lets just check the situation. If you can reach it, can you break it?

Instead of answering, Do-Yoon glared intensely at Yu-Seong.

Its worth a try, right? thought Yu-Seong.

However, it would take a considerable lot of energy. It was also an overplaying move when also thinking about rescuing Jin Yu-Ri after a successful escape.

Do you have any ideas? asked Yu-Seong.

I am afraid not, replied Do-Yoon.

Choi Yu-Seong continued to talk with Jin Do-Yoon while checking the room.

Please save Yu-Ri and not me. She pretends to be strong, but she is a weak-hearted kid.

I heard the same thing in the other room. To put it the same way, I refuse your request. Im gonna save you both.

There is no appropriate way, young master.

If we dont have any appropriate way, we should make one.


Thats enough. Thats why I am here to think about it.

I believe in you.

Yu-Seong smirked and approached Do-Yoon after going around the room. He asked, How are you feeling?

It is not bad.

You cant just break that off by force, right?

Jin Do-Yoon showed a deep smile instead of answering.

Dont overdo it. What are we going to do if you get seriously hurt after doing everything I tell you to? Lower your head a little bit. Yu-Seong scratched his own cheek and whispered something in Jin Do-Yoons ear.

I understand.

Good. Choi Yu-Seong smiled slightly and stepped away from Jin Do-Yoon.

[Know that if you try some useless transparent trick, both of them could be sacrificed.]

How unsympathetic. The rules get tougher as time passes by, Choi Yu-Seong replied gruntingly. He moved farther away from Jin Do-Yoon. Then, he stood on the lower-left corner of the room and muttered quietly, Summon Dimensional Merchant.

Space became distorted and a small pink door was formed.

Wheres the lollipop for this body? Pingpong of the Lion Bear Clan walked out from the door and asked his first question. He was looking at Choi Yu-Seong.


Baek Cheol frowned and looked at the monitor where Choi Yu-Seongs figure had disappeared. It seems the young master, Yu-Seong, has found the cameras blind spot, sir.

It seems like he has noticed that theres no blind spot in his own room. Thats why he chose the room Jin Do-Yoon is in, said Ji-Ho.

How did he know it?

Instinctive sense. Or he might have felt the cameras gaze. After all, Yu-Seong is also a hunter.

He didnt even know it was a trap It is a foolish thought to think that. He doesnt know that you, master, don't see him with eyes.

Choi Ji-Ho nodded at Baek Cheols words, then commented, He summoned a Dimensional Merchant. I think he is buying something, but I dont know what its for.

I heard that it has not been long since he just became a hunter. Even if he received a lot of attention from the gods, what he can do with such karma points would be limited.

Its limited, but he can cut corners.

He should not be permitted to use future seeing eye.

Baek Cheol quickly took the lead. The use of future-seeing eyes was also a big burden for Choi Ji-Ho. Although the test was important, it was Baek Cheols wish for Choi Ji-Ho not to overdo it.

I don't mean to do that much. But Shall we surprise him once? Ji-Ho grinned and took the microphone to his lips.


[I suggest you cancel the summon of Dimensional Merchant right now. Choi Yu-Seong. This is the last warning.]

Yu-Seong had summoned Ping Pong and was quickly buying some items from him. Yu-Seong shuddered. Isnt this a blind spot?

[That could be your misunderstanding. Ill count from three. Three.]

Yu-Seong shed a bitter smile. There wasnt much information about Choi Ji-Ho in the original novel. Its not strange that he has a skill I dont know of.

While he was thinking hard, Ji-Hos voice was heard once again.


Yu-Seong sighed deeply and looked at Ping Pong. Next time you come, Ill give you three lollipops for free. Thank you for helping me when Im in a hurry, Mr. Ping Pong.


What a very touching story. I hope to see you again alive. Choi Yu-Seong, said Ping Pong.


Ping Pong saluted with its short arm, reopened the door, and returned to its original world. Left alone, Yu-Seong shrugged his shoulders. I definitely thought this was a blind spot, but I guess my feeling was wrong.

[What did you buy?]

Instead of answering, Yu-Seong took out a palm-sized square box and waved it upward. He walked naturally to Do-Yoon. Of course, Choi Ji-Ho would not watch him to the end.

[Stay in place. No further move is allowed.]

How cruel.

[Whats in the box?]

I will show you. I will just show you then. Yu-Seong held the bottom of the box with his left hand and slowly opened the lid with his right hand. Inside the box was a strange tree root that resembled a human.

[What is that?]

Before Ji-Ho even asked a question, the tree roots trembled before a hard ringing erupted. Beeeeep-! There was a power outage.

Jin Do-Yoon! Choi Yu-Seong covered his ears tightly and raised his voice.

Do-Yoon turned around, along with the sound of the chains breaking. At the same time, the light in the room began to turn on again, and Do-Yoon clenched his fist and punched the wall where he was initially tied to. A part of the wall collapsed like a lie with great vibration.

Yu-Seong checked on Do-Yoon after rushing to get the key. He shouted, Run!

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