Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 135 A Pertinent Threat

They drove to the experimental fields in the blue city, these fields were very large, covering vast areas of land which was still being sealed off and marked to ensure proper planning of the city. On some fields were workers whose heads were covered by wide hats, to protect them from the hot sun manually planting or checking on seeds. Most of the farming was becoming mechanized but the ancient seeds were handled much more carefully than ordinary ones. They were already scarce, growing them needed patience and care. 

Behind Scarlet were her personal guards, one of them attempted to take Sia from her but the little girl stubbornly refused and pouted. 

"Let her be." She told him. 

"About your question earlier," Bell said, "The seeds in the agricultural bureau belong to the royal family. They saved the seeds and protected them, they actually have more in their storage but they only allocate them to us when we show progress or run out of experimental fields. But the bureau has an agreement with the royal family which allows us to keep fifty percent of whatever we grow, over here." Bell pointed to a green house that was not far. 

"Are the plants affected by the weather conditions like too much heat?" she was curious as to why they were not in an open field. 

"We planted some in a green house and others on the fields, the same seeds were treated differently. Some got a lot of fertilizer, others got none and some got just a little bit. We also regulated heat, light and water differently in different green houses. Under high heat, despite the manure and water growth has been slower as compared to these ones." 

They entered a green house that was partially dim and mostly cold., it was almost as if they were entering a cave "Does the plant thrive best under such conditions?" she asked in wonder. 

"Yes, it thrives in colder temperatures with dim lighting. I think it's the kind of crop that grows under foliage and thick trees in the cold season. The fruits here ripened the earliest." 

She could easily count about sixty trees in here, each of the trees had red fruits hanging from the branches. Some workers in white overalls were plucking the fruits and gently storing them in containers. 

"How many more have burst?" Oak asked one of the workers. 

"Five more." he replied and he pointed to where the liquid had spilled. 

"I hope you did not throw them out, the seeds are within the fruit, it's the liquid which we must take out." she informed the workers. 

In a loud panicked voice, Oak shouted at the workers, "Hurry up, bring them back right now, bring them back. How can you throw out the seeds? Don't you know how precious they are?" 

"You told us to throw the fruits which burst in the manure pit professor Oak." that particular answered. 

"Me!!!" Oak pointed at himself. "I don't think so." he denied. 

"It doesn't matter just bring them back right now." Bell told them. 

In the meantime, Scarlet picked up one fruit from the storage containers, she gently poked the soft area as indicated on the forum and when it open up, she brought the fruit directly to her mouth. 

"What are you doing?" a hand stopped her just as soon as the liquid touched her mouth. 

 "I am tasting the cola of a cola fruit, is something wrong Tion?" she was puzzled. 

"Felix." Tion called. One of the guards, a young man with a head full of curly blonde hair stepped forward. "Drink that first, we should ascertain that our governor will not poison herself to death." 

"Yes sir." Felix looked at Scarlet and he brought his hand forward, requesting for the fruit. 

She scoffed in disbelief, when did they start treating her like a precious gem. "Tion.." she said in her what do you think you are doing voice. 

"It's the general's orders governor, word has reached us that some people in the capital are collaborating with someone here to cause harm to you personally or the fields. We are officially on high alert until the rumor is substantiated or the collaborator is arrested." 

"And when were you planning to tell me about this threat on my life?" she asked unhappily. Did they see her as some weak damsel in distress? Also who was the idiot that dared to take on a grim reaper? They must be so anxious to pay a visit to the underworld. 

"We were not to inform you unless the threat is pertinent. In this situation I believe it is because this is an unknown fruit cultivated by foreign individuals." Tion did not even blink, hold back or think twice to say things the way he thought them. 

"Foreigners!!!" Oak squealed. 

"Yeah, how dare you say that to us?" Bell questioned him. 

"You are not citizens of the blue star, you have no family here or any other ties and in my books that makes you foreigners. You could poison her and fly out without our knowledge. Our duty is first to the governor, we protect her in all circumstances whether she wants it or not." Tion responded. 

Despite Tion's words being correct, Oak and Bell were very unhappy. Of all people to be suspected why did it have to be them? And he called them foreigners!!, they had been working and toiling hard to grow food along with the governor. Did this mean they could be ordered to leave the blue star at any time? What about their experimental fields? 

"They will apply for citizenship when they are ready, I trust them. But even if they don't, they can still stay here as workers on a working permit. Or business men on an investment permit. 

"We do not have any such permits here governor." Tion informed her. 

"We will create them." she said sternly. "These men have worked hard to help me grow and research the food which you all eat. Do not dismiss their efforts casually." 

Oak and Bell nodded, both of them giving Tion daring looks. "Yes, don't dismiss our efforts young man." Oak repeated. 

"Without us you would not be eating rice and meat." Bell declared.

Everyone wondered how the research done by these two was related to rice and meat. Those were things discovered by the governor and her teacher. In the midst of this small disagreement, Scarlet got a chance to drink the contents of the fruit. 

"Governor." Felix said in shock. 

"Do your job right." Tion bellowed at Felix. 

"Relax" Scarlet said, "The fruit is harmless, who else knows about poisonous foods more than me in the Sun star? You should all drink one and tell me what you think." 

She distributed the fruits, showing them how to open them. Even Sia got one, this as natural cola so it was not harmful to children. The only one who did not drink was Tion. She saw him glaring at his men that actually did drink. 

"What do you think?" she asked them. 

"It's sweet." 

"Really tasty." 

"Bell, how much do you think we can sell these for?" Oak asked. 

"Gentlemen," Scarlet stopped them, "We should discuss some business, the fruits may be yours but the land, fertilizers, water and growing techniques came from me. why don't we come to a win-win understanding." 

She did not even know it but with the cunning smile on her face and her tone, she looked and sounded like the old deity. 

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