Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 142: Interaction Start (1)

Chapter 142: Interaction Start (1)

Chapter 142 – Interaction Start (1)

“Bilibili platform, ID China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation.”

After reading out the last ID, Chen Yu looked at the camera and said, “The IDs called out for the bullet comment group and donation group, send me your addresses. You have one minute only. Afterward, think of where you wish to play ball. Now, let’s return to the top of the mountain.”

Picking up the Life Sphere, Chen Yu walked up to Little Peach and said, “Get up. We’re going back to the mountain top.”

“So fun... It’s really fun.” Little Peach was still lying on the ground, drenched. After wiping all the lubricating fluid off her body, she climbed up, took the Life Sphere from Chen Yu, and said, “My body feels slippery and sticky. I want to go wash up.”

“No need to wash up.” Chen Yu pinched a drop of lubricant stuck on his armor and lightly pulled it into a thin, silver strand.

“This lubricant should be specially made. It evaporates very quickly. Most of the lubricant stuck on my protective suit has dried out already. You’re wearing textile, so it should dry out a little slower.”

After explaining, Chen Yu hugged Little Peach, and Little Peach hugged the Life Sphere. With the plasma engine’s thrust, they then rapidly ascended and returned to the top of Phoenix Mountain.


Chen Yu and Little Peach’s “sudden” appearance startled a tourist that was curiously observing the Interstellar Portal. Retreating in horror, the tourist shouted, “A-A-Aliens?!”

After gradually landing together with Little Peach, Chen Yu powered down the engine and directed the camera toward the tourist. “Look what I found? A wild tourist. It just so happens we can kidnap him for our interactive session. If he’s willing to join, we’ll have all three participant groups filled.”

After saying so, Chen Yu looked toward the tourist, and calmly said, “Greetings, Earthling.”


The tourist immediately screamed in horror. He then turned around and fled at a speed that would definitely make Coach Anzai’s[1] eyes shine...

“Hmm...” Shrugging, Chen Yu said, “Obviously, he isn’t willing.”

[Hahaha. That killed me.]

[Wuchang City’s Phoenix Mountain has had rumors of aliens appearing before.]

[The developer that previously pulled this alien stunt has quite the brain there.]

[The rumor is going to be set in stone now...]

“Since the tourist isn’t willing to participate in the game, we’ll proceed according to the original plan and start the interactive session.”

Raising his wrist, Chen Yu swiped his finger across his watch and entered his private message interface.

“First, ID Hahaha and Um from the bullet comment group. What a perfunctory name...”

Approaching the Interstellar Portal, Chen Yu called out the holographic Earth and entered the address the other party sent.


Along with the sound of metal resonating, the spatial link was established. The sight of a basketball court then appeared on the other end of the arch.

Several dozen youngsters were currently gathered on the basketball court, and every one of them was staring at Chen Yu.



After a moment of silence, Chen Yu asked, “Who’s Hahaha? Come in yourself.”

“Me! Me, me, me!”

A young man shouted as he raised his phone. Under the watchful eyes of his surrounding companions, he approached the Interstellar Portal, reached out with his finger, and poked the spatial film separating the two spaces.

“Relax and come in. There’s no danger.”

“Hehe, I-I’m quite cowardly...”

Awkwardly scratching his head, the youth moved one of his feet through the portal. After finding out that there was no danger, he finally decided to completely walk through the portal.

“Awesome!” After giving his body a pat-down and seeing that none of his limbs were missing, he did a big jump and shuddered in excitement. “This is too awesome!”

“Calm yourself.”

Chen Yu gestured for the youth to calm down. Afterward, he established a spatial link with the second address.


As soon as the link was established, a man and a woman came charging through the portal.

“Hahaha! It’s me! It’s me!”

“Host, I love you!”

Stretching his hand, Chen Yu stopped the two crazy fans and asked, “Which one of you owns the selected ID?”

“Me! It’s me!” The young woman waved her hand excitedly. “That’s my boyfriend. Didn’t you say couples can play together?”

“That’s right.” Smirking, Chen Yu asked, “How will you prove that you’re a couple, then?”

“We have a record of our stay in a hotel!” The young woman dauntlessly pulled out her phone. “I’ll find it for-”

“Stop! I believe you. Stand over there.”

“I’m so excited!” The young woman clenched her fists and walked to a side.

The young man, however, remained standing before Chen Yu. Making a heart gesture with his hands, he proclaimed, “Host, I love you!”

The young woman: “??”

“...I love you guys too.”

Disgusted, Chen Yu motioned for the other party to stay further away from him. He then proceeded with connecting to the next address.

The last member of the bullet comment group was an elderly man. The old man wobbled through the portal with the help of a cane. After scanning Chen Yu with his eyes, the old man grew so excited that even his beard started trembling. “My ancestor, not bad!”

“...Old man?”

“Hey! I’m your loyal fan! I’ve watched your show since I was young!”

“You...” Gaping in shock, Che Yu asked, “How old are you this year?”

“I’m 37!” the old man said as he gestured a “3.”


Everyone was flabbergasted.

“I’m a programmer.”


Realization dawned on everyone.

“‘Oh’ my ass! You won’t look so old even if you write web novels!” Chen Yu retorted. “How old are you?”

“Young man, you saw through me?”

“I’m not blind.”

“I’m 77 this year. I’m afraid you’ll say I’m too old, so I mentioned a younger age.”

“...Why are you here?”

Tapping his walking stick on the ground, the old man’s face flushed as he loudly laughed, “Of course, it is to play!”

“Play with your life?”

“To play something exciting! It’s simply exhilarating to roll off from the top of a mountain! Cough, cough, cough...”

“Old man...” Hesitantly, Chen Yu said, “This game...has somewhat high physical requirements. You should pass on this.”

“It’s fine.” Heroically waving his walking stick, the old man said, “I’m only 87. I’m at an age where I’m still-*cough, cough...*young and powerful.”

Pinching his forehead, Chen Yu asked, “Old man, how old are you exactly? Can you speak truthfully?”

“I can’t remember.” The old man insisted on not speaking his actual age. “I’ve had bad luck throughout my entire life. When I cross bridges, they collapse. When I walk across roads, they break. When I was marching across a trench in my brigade during my younger days, I marched at the last of the 400-man group. I was also the only one to step on a nail. After becoming an adult, every place I worked at ended up going out of business. When I grew old, I worked as a security guard, and every place I worked at ended up getting robbed. I never thought that after growing even older, my luck would turn! I actually won a spot against so many people, haha-cough, cough...”

Chen Yu’s expression turned complex when he heard the old man’s words. “Old man, you’ve lived a difficult life, so don’t push yourself any further.”

“No! I must play!”

“Must you play?”

“I must play!” The old man firmly repeated.

“...Fine. I’ll try to find a relatively flat place for you.”

After settling the bullet comment group’s final member, Chen Yu faced the camera and said, “Now, it’s time for the donation group. First, DouYu platform, ID Nintendo, the address is in Tokyo, Japan.”

[Out with the Lucker Group, and in with the Tycoon Group.]

[Is that old man really okay?]

[I’m so damned envious of him...]

[I spammed comments using 10 phones, yet I still failed.]

[Crap! So what if they’re rich?!]


After establishing the spatial link, a wide hall appeared behind the metal arch.

Clap, clap, clap...

Over a hundred people inside the hall started applauding enthusiastically. Amidst the applause, Nintendo’s representative walked through the Interstellar Portal. After arriving before Chen Yu, the representative threw himself to the ground with a “plop” and said, “Sumimasen!”

Chen Yu: “...”

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