Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 272: Fatass

Chapter 272: Fatass

Palu's fight against Queen also still goes on intensely. They keep exchanging blows after blows that shook the battlefield. None of them hold back their power and send devastating moves one after another.

A normal person will die just from the impact of their clashes. Palu keeps using his Hasshoken while Queen uses his mechanical gauntlet's power combined with his devil fruit power. Queen's weaponized arm is really troublesome but Palu can handle it.

Palu's warhammer is heavy but he swings it as if it's a stick. He can block and parry Queen's attacks while also attacking Queen with fast and heavy attacks. Queen could suppress Palu in the beginning, but the opposite happened when Queen runs out of ammo in his mechanical gauntlet.



"Skydweller? I am of Birkan lineage but I've lived on Blue Sea since I was a baby you know. So I am a land dweller," says Palu while smirking.

"That's not what I... Damn, whatever, I'll just waste my energy," says Queen.

"Tch, he realizes," says Palu in a low but not really low voice.

Queen who hears it has a big tick mark on his head and attacks Palu angrily again. Palu smirks because this fat guy is really easy to be riled up. Well, maybe it's just that their compatibility is very bad.

Palu is happy that Queen is angry because it will make Queen's attack simpler. But he regrets it soon because Queen still can fight well and is not consumed by rage. It's like Queen has been able to control his anger and use it in a battle.

Now Queen's attack has become stronger and faster while still maintaining his battle skills. The situation changes in Queen's favor in an instant and Palu gets pushed back. Palu has gained a slight advantage but it gets turned over in an instant.

Queen attacks relentlessly as Palu tries to defend his barrage of attacks. He pushes Palu back without giving him any chance to strike back. His Brachiosaurus devil fruit enhances his strength to a high degree so it really gives Palu a hard time.

It's not only Queen's strength that becomes a problem. His mechanical gauntlet has troublesome features as well. It can spew fire and creates shock every once in a while. They still can be used after Queen ran out of ammo.

Those features are quite sloppy and weak but they still cause great damage when combined with Queen's power & skills. Even Palu's hasshoken isn't enough to block every attack completely.

Palu can block & parry many times, but he also gets hit many times. He also can hit Queen but he got hit more than he hit. Even worse, Queen has high defense because of the Brachiosaurus's scales so Palu's attacks didn't deal much damage.

On another hand, Queen's attacks deal a lot of damage to Palu. Bruises can be seen almost everywhere on Palu's body after minutes of battle. But instead of losing hope, Palu grins from ear to ear because he enjoys this battle even more.

"What a madman, to get excited after getting beaten up," says Queen with a surprised expression.

"Haah, it's been a long time since I got beaten up this badly. This means that I am not strong enough and I always know that. But I can feel it, the possibility of surpassing my limit and getting stronger. Sparring with Captain or Cricket wasn't enough so I guessed that I need a real battle and I'm correct," says Palu excitedly.

"Hahaha, is that why you're getting excited? Well, everyone will be happy if they find out they can progress again after being stagnant. But, anyone can only enjoy the reward if they are alive. Will you still be alive after this though?" asks Queen while smirking.

"Let's find out," says Palu before he strikes.

Palu swings his warhammer down but Queen evades it. It hits the floor and destroys it, creating a crater & cracks that spread everywhere. Queen moves forward to attack Palu before he can move again but then Palu smirks and swings his Warhammer up.


Palu almost hits Queen's crotch but Queen guards it on time using his arm. However, Palu's attack hasn't ended because suddenly Queen's bloated stomach gets kicked. The kick is so strong that it flings Queen's big body quite far.

Queen stops his body from getting pushed too far by stomping the floor and sliding on it. He looks at Palu who has arrived in front of him. Palu's warhammer moves horizontally toward Queen's right chest.

Queen blocks it using his haki-coated arm but then he grunts in pain as he gets flung to the side. Palu used hasshoken imbued with haki and it breached Queen's haki defense. His attack was stronger than Queen's haki so it damaged Queen.

Besides, Palu has finally found a way to make his hasshoken's vibration stronger. Vibration is formless so it can pass Haki, if it's strong enough, of course. However, his hasshoken wasn't strong enough to do it before.

As he fights against Queen, his Hasshoken also improves a lot. Now his hasshoken's vibration can pass Queen's haki and shakes Queen's insides. His hasshoken shakes and cracks Queen's bones while ripping the muscle.

Of course, the cracks & rips are small but they'll accumulate as Palu keeps attacking. He aims for Queen's vital spots but it's not easy as Queen keeps blocking his attacks. However, that's not a big problem for Palu because Queen keeps blocking his attacks with both arms.

Palu just keeps attacking even though Queen keeps blocking him. Slowly, the damage to Queen's arms increased. The cracks on Queen's bones and rips on Queen's muscles keep accumulating.

It won't take long for Palu to break Queen's arms. But Queen doesn't just defend, he also keeps attacking Palu with strong attacks. Both of them are accumulating damages from each other.

It's just a matter of time before they collapse from their injuries. The first one to collapse and show weakness will lose. So they need to keep attacking and make their opponent collapse while keeping their adrenaline high by attacking.

Minutes pass by and Palu's footing suddenly staggers. Queen sees his chance and sends a strong punch at Palu's head. But he misses because Palu falls to the floor first.

Queen smirks because he thinks Palu doesn't have any power left. Too bad though, he is very wrong. Palu falls intentionally and then he swings his warhammer from below toward Queen's right arm that doesn't wear the mechanical gauntlet.

The Warhammer hits Queen's arm strongly and shatters his bones & muscles. Queen screams in pain but Palu hasn't stopped yet. As Queen holds his right arm using his left arm, Palu strikes his left arm as well, shattering it just like his right arm.

Now, both of Queen's arms are broken and useless. But he hasn't been defeated yet so Palu sends other attacks while Queen is still in pain. Palu swings his warhammer as he lays on the floor because he is too tired to stand.

He makes sure to hold Queen's foot with his left hand as he swings his warhammer using his right hand. If Queen gets away, then he won't be able to attack again because he can't stand. So he holds Queen's foot tightly as he beats the crap out of the fat guy.

Palu strikes Queen's defenseless body. Queen can't defend Palu's attacks after his arms get shattered. He can't even use Haki because the pain of his broken arms disturbs his concentration, and after some rounds of beating, Queen finally goes down.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 296 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 307 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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