Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 259: Rooftop Battle

Chapter 259: Rooftop Battle

On the rooftop, Buggy is looking at the dragon Kaido who moves around in the sky. He holds his twin Kopis swords tightly while waiting for Kaido to make a move.

"Worororo, you are quite good, brat. But that won't be enough to defeat me. You alone aren't enough," says Kaido.

"You think so? Why don't you try me, big eel?" asks Buggy while smirking.

"As you wish. Bolo Breath!" says Kaido as he shoots a massive fire breath from his mouth.

Buggy grins as he holds Pollux tighter and flows his Haki into it. Then Buggy swings Pollux diagonally from above, creating a big slash attack aimed at the breath's left side. The slash attack hits the fire breath and surprisingly it redirects the breath, making it goes to the sea.

"What?!" says Kaido in surprise.

"You think I've shown my full power? How naive, Kaido-chan," says Buggy while smirking.

"It seems I underestimated you too much before. Well, doesn't matter, that level of power still won't be enough to defeat me," says Kaido.

"Really? I'm doomed then," says Buggy with a mocking tone.

"Don't be too arrogant, brat! KAIFU!" shouts Kaido as he shoots multiple sharp wind blades toward Buggy.

Buggy just grins and stands while holding his twin Kopis swords. Kaido doesn't know what Buggy intends to do and keeps shooting his wind blades. But then he widens his eyes a little as Buggy breaks apart his wind blades with the swings of the twin Kopis Swords.

'I can just let these blades cut me and I won't receive any damage. But that will make the rooftop collapse and I won't have any foothold. This rooftop is tough, but I doubt it will be fine if it receives these blades,' thinks Buggy as he grins.

Buggy keeps breaking the wind blades apart by himself. He detached his hands to defend against the wind blades at the distance. His O-Haki is being used at its max to detect all the incoming wind blades.

"Is this all you've got, Little Kaido? What a disappointment,' says Buggy.

"You damn brat really know how to mock someone," says Kaido before he dives at Buggy.

Buggy just grins and waits while sheathing his swords. Then when Kaido gets right in front of him, Buggy sends a punch to Kaido's dragon face using his right hand. He can use his sword but he feels it will be more satisfying if he uses his fist instead.

Kaido gets pushed to the side and so is Buggy who gets pushed by the recoil. The dragon's scales are too hard and Kaido is strong so his punch doesn't affect Kaido too much. Still, he pushes Kaido with just a punch, so his strength is sufficient to fight Kaido.

'I haven't even used my advanced Armament & Conqueror Haki. But I've managed to push Kaido in his dragon form. Heh, it seems I won't lose in a battle of strength against this beast,' thinks Buggy excitedly.

Kaido hasn't become an Emperor yet because now the ones who are considered as Emperors of the Sea are just Whitebeard and Big Mom. The 4 Emperors system hasn't been established yet. But Kaido already has the qualification to be one.

He can fight Oden on equal footing, showing his immense power. Oden was a Division Captain in Whitebeard Pirates and also the main member of Roger Pirates before the Great Age of Pirates. Now Oden has become stronger and Kaido who can match him must be very strong.

Buggy knows that the current Kaido isn't as strong as the Kaido in the series that Luffy fight. After 20 years, he must have grown considerably stronger and had much more experience. He is also still 59 in the series, meaning that he is still in his prime.

But that doesn't mean that the current Kaido is weak. He is strong and can destroy an island with one attack of his Dragon Breath. It's just that he will be stronger after 20 years but Buggy doesn't know how much stronger Kaido will be.

Before his transmigration to this world, Buggy has read the manga where Kaido & Big Mom clash against Luffy, Zoro, Law, Kid, & Killer. The 5 of them fight 2 Emperors together so it's 2 or 3 of them against 1. But now, Buggy is facing Kaido alone without anyone helping him.

Kaido sends a claw attack at Buggy while moving at a very high speed. Buggy jumps and evades the claws while swinging his swords right after unsheathing them. He creates a cross-slash attack and hits Kaido's dragon body.

'As I thought, it doesn't even scratch him. Only attacks infused with advanced Armament & Conqueror Haki or non-physical attacks can break through those tough dragon scales. But I don't want to be too hasty. I am not stupid enough to go all out from the start and waste my energy. He isn't someone that can be defeated just by that. I will see how he fights first and take every opportunity to win,' thinks Buggy as he evades another Bolo Breath.

Buggy evades some more of Kaido's claw attacks while thinking, 'I am not Luffy so I can't rely on the protagonist's plot armor and luck to survive any situation. The reason I can survive until now even though I almost died many times is because of my own strength. I always train and do everything I could to gain more power. Never in my life will I rely on luck & fate like a protagonist.'

Buggy ends that thought as he pushes Kaido's dragon jaw from below using his strong uppercut. It is still not an attack infused with advanced Haki but it's enough to push Kaido away. Furthermore, thin cracks appear on the scales that Buggy punched.

'They crack. Even if it's thin, I can crack them using my physical power. I crack the scales that have protected Kaido from many kinds of power with my own physical power. This is amazing,' thinks Buggy excitedly.

That is the result of Buggy's effort to gain strength for a few years. He always improves himself every day through many ways. Now, his years of struggle have been paid a little.

'He hurts me. Just a mere punch can hurt and even crack my scales. This brat isn't ordinary. But...,' thinks Kaido.

"Something like this won't be enough to defeat me. You alone aren't enough, you need Oden if you really want to win. Too bad that he won't come here," says Kaido as he lands on the rooftop.

"What do you mean?" asks Buggy.

Kaido smirks and says, "Orochi & his men are attacking Kuri as we speak now. Oden must've been aware of it because Orochi's men that stay here should've told him. He will surely run back to Kuri with all he has. But when he arrives in Kuri, it will be too late."

Kaido grins seeing Buggy look down but then he gets surprised when he sees Buggy's smirk that turns into a giggle.

"What are you laughing at?" asks Kaido.

"Well, do you think I won't predict something like this to happen?" asks Buggy back.

"So you've left people there, huh? But will that be enough? Orochi has many people under him and some of my men also join them. I know most of your troops are here, so maybe there are only some left in Kuri," says Kaido.

"Hahaha, I don't know that you care about numbers that much, Kaido. You of all people should know that number doesn't matter in front of overwhelming strength," says Buggy.

"Do you mean you have someone that can wipe out Orochi's force there?" asks Kaido as he transforms into his hybrid form.

"Didn't you say it yourself? He is on his way there," says Buggy.

"Oden? Hmph, it will be too late when he arrives," says Kaido.

"That's right, he will be late. But what if some people can hold those thousands of men who attack Kuri? I'm sure the story will be different," says Buggy while grinning.

Buggy sees Kaido frowns and says, "You aren't the only one who has planted spies, Little Kaido."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 283 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 294 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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