Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 240: New Swords Again

Chapter 240: New Swords Again

His battle with Hyogoro is quite exciting for Buggy. But he knows that Hyogoro hasn't used all his power too, just like him. Well, he didn't give the old man a chance to use it because he finished the battle fast.

"He should've been able to use advanced A-Haki because he teaches it to Luffy. Sigh, I should let him use it before so I can see it. Well, Oden can use it too, so I will see it when I spar with him," says Buggy on his way back to his ship.

When he arrives on the beach, Buggy sees his crewmates have returned. They all still challenge the samurais for duels every day. The executives also still do it because the Red Scabbards also want to fight them.

Everything goes well so far without any difficult problems. Now, they just need to focus on getting stronger even just for a little before the final war. They don't know how strong the Beasts Pirates' main force is, so they need to get as strong as possible.

The next day, Buggy finally can fight with Oden because the interrogation has been finished. The Oniwabanshu's ninjas' lips are quite tight but not so tight. Well, nothing can be expected from people who don't have loyalties and switched sides easily in the face of benefit.

Buggy & Oden choose a beach as their battle location. Unsurprisingly, many people come to watch their battle. Everyone knows it will be a high-caliber battle, so they want to see it because it might be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Among the audiences, there are Hyogoro & Yasuie. The 2 of them have talked after Buggy's battle against Hyogoro. They have concluded that they can trust Buggy but they still want to see his full capability, so they come here.

The 9 Red Scabbards are also present, but one of them looks strange. Kanjuro looks very tired and he even dazes off sometimes. The others often ask about it but he just says that he gets tired because he has been training harder lately.

They believe it even though Kanjuro is lying to them. He himself doesn't really know why he has become very tired lately and often lost concentration. The only thing that he can think of is the problem with Orochi, that's why he can never say it to anyone.

But Buggy & his executives know why Kanjuro becomes like that. It's because of his battles with Brook in the last few days. Brook can use his soul power to damage someone's soul.

A damaged soul can make someone get tired easily and lost focus very often. But it's just a side effect of the real effect that a damaged soul caused. The real effect is obviously death because a damaged soul reduces someone's lifespan.

Basically, Brook can reduce someone's lifespan just like Big Mom. But he can't take their lifespan and use it like her. However, his power can hurt them and even make them ill.

Being tired & losing focus are just the first side effects. Kanjuro can be gravely ill if his soul keeps getting damaged by Brook. Big Mom's power gives its victim instant damage, but Brook's power gives its victim long-suffering.

Brook needs to do it slowly on Kanjuro though, so it won't cause any suspicion. The problem with Orochi that Deon created has helped them hide the fact from Kanjuro. It seems working because now Kanjuro still hasn't realized it.

'This won't last long, so I will ask Deon to do something to solve this,' thinks Buggy.

Buggy sets aside the problem about Kanjuro and focuses on his incoming battle with Oden. They won't use dummy weapons or even their real weapons for this battle. Buggy has proposed to use something that no one will ever think of, long grasses.

"You sure have an interesting idea, Buggyjiro," says Oden while holding a long & rather wide grass that is shaped like a 2 bladed sword.

The grass that Oden holds can't even stand straight and always fall to the side. The only thing that can be used to make the grass firm is A-Haki. So they need to keep using their A-Haki if they want the grass to become a sword.

But there is another problem, the grass isn't as sharp as their swords. So now the sharpness of their grass swords will depend on their swordsmanship level. Then to make their attacks more lethal, they need to use Advanced A-Haki.

So this battle will really test their swordsmanship and A-Haki. This is the best method that Buggy can think of to spar against a strong swordsman like Oden. Surely, it will put him at a big disadvantage because he isn't a pure swordsman like Oden.

But Buggy does this because he wants to improve his swordsmanship and A-Haki. To hurt Kaido's tough dragon body, he will need these 2 things. With strong swordsmanship and advanced A-Haki, he will be able to cut those super tough Dragon Scales.

Buggy & Oden pick the grasses that they will use in this battle. Of course, Buggy's grasses are short because he uses shortswords while Oden's grasses are long like his twin katanas. Buggy just takes random grasses while Oden is very picky with his swords.

"Come on, just choose 2 of them! They are all the same," says Buggy.

"Ck ck ck, that's where you are wrong, Buggyjiro. A sword's quality is very important, so you can't just pick any," says Oden very seriously.

"Oi, they are just grasses, not famed swords," says Buggy with a sweatdrop.

"It's the same. Sharper & stronger grasses will be better as weapons. Grasses also have different qualities," says Oden while checking the grasses.

"Really now? You suddenly become a grass master even though you only ever stepped on them?" asks Buggy with an annoyed tone.

"How rude, I've been growing grasses in my garden," says Oden.

"Master Oden, that is Young Lady Hiyori's garden, and it's our gardened who take care of everything including the grasses," says Kawamatsu honestly.

"But that's in my land, so it's still my garden, right?" asks Oden.

"Maybe, but it is not you who take care of it," says Nekomamushi.

Oden can't say anything now and he just laughs to hide his embarrassment. Even so, he still takes his time to pick the grasses that he thinks to be the best. Buggy needs to wait for some minutes before Oden finally picks a pair of grasses.

"I don't see anything special about them," says Buggy.

"Hehe, that means your eyes are still not good enough to see the quality of swords. You are still too green, Buggyjiro. I think Redtaro can tell the difference and see their qualities," says Oden to tease Buggy.

"He sure will. Idiots are similar, after all. They also think the same," says Buggy, undisturbed.

Oden has a strange expression seeing Buggy doesn't get affected by it. If it's the original Buggy, he will get disturbed by being compared with Shanks. But the current Buggy never thinks too much about it.

He just needs to act a little like the original Buggy sometimes. It will make him look like he has changed a lot through these years but he still has some of his old personality. The original's personality will also make those who know Buggy feel more at ease about him.

Anyway, after they choose their grass swords, Buggy & Oden test their grass swords. They make the grasses straight before infusing them with A-Haki, making them hard & firm. They play around with their new swords a little to get used to them.

Then at the same time, Buggy & Oden swing their swords vertically from above toward the water. Each of them makes a pair of vertical flying slash attacks, so there are 4 of them. The 4 flying slash attacks cut through the sand and the water.

Big & wide cuts appear on the sand and the cuts in the water are wide, long, & deep too that the water needs time to fill the gaps. Their strikes don't look like they were made by grasses, but real swords, making the audience dumbfounded.

Buggy grins & says, "Perfect. Now, let's get to the main event."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 264 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 275 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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