Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 235: Overehelming

Chapter 235: Overehelming

Just like Cricket who uses his basic fighting skills, the other executives also do that. They are still testing the water to check their opponents' strength. But the Red Scabbards also do the same, so this becomes tricky.

No one uses their real power now, so they can't judge each other's strengths. But seeing Cricket punch Ashura & Kin'emon quite hard until they crashed gives the Clowns an idea. They can use this as a chance to hit the Scabbards really hard when the Scabbards still haven't used their real power.

The Clowns do that and in an instant, all the 9 Scabbards get hit really hard and get knocked down at the same time. It makes Oden surprised while Buggy smirks because the executives could think of the same idea without talking to each other.

"Heh, they always know what to do," says Buggy.

"Your crew is really good in battle, Buggyjiro," says Toki.

"We sure are. It will be disappointing if we don't because we've gone through a lot of battles to reach this point," says Buggy.

"That lightning attack and these sudden attacks are really surprising. It's like they always know what to do even when they fight unknown people," says Oden.

"We always fight unknown people with unknown characteristics. Have you forgotten, Oden? On the sea, nothing is unfair. The only thing you need to think about is survival. It's fine to use anything even dirty tricks to stay alive. We've fought people who used such things numerous times. So we always need to know what our opponents are up to and think one step ahead," says Buggy.

Oden smirks and says, "Of course, I remember, I've fought people like that many times too. But I'm really surprised, Buggyjiro. You really have changed since the last time I saw you 5 years ago. I think you are far braver and don't just think about money or treasures now."

"It's been 5 years, after all. People change and I can change too," says Buggy.

"That's right, maybe I've changed too, although I don't realize it," says Oden.

They stop talking and watch the battle again. Now the Clowns executives are attacking the Red Scabbards with more power. The Scabbards who get knocked down are getting pushed back and can't fight back yet.

Then suddenly, the 9 Red Scabbards hit each other's back in the center. The Clowns have pushed them to one spot and now they are gathered. None of them realize that they've been pushed toward each other so they are very surprised.

They want to escape, but suddenly, a green mist covers their feet. It's Brook's soul power. He can create green mist-like energy using his soul power. This energy is the one that he spread on the Red Scabbards' feet.

The Red Scabbards want to get away from it but they can't do it. When the mist disappears, they find their feet have been frozen and stuck to the ground. Brook has used his power to summon the coldness of death to freeze their feet.

After that, Palu suddenly coats his wooden Warhammer with A-Haki. Then he swings it from above to the ground below very strongly. When it hits the ground, a vibration spread on the ground, but it just spread below the Red Scabbards.

He has high mastery over his Hasshoken that Palu can choose where the vibration will move to. Cricket can do it too, but he rarely needs to use that because he usually won his battle without using Hasshoken, he just used his punch like Garp.

The ground beneath the Red Scabbards breaks and a 1-meter deep hole appears. They fall because they can't escape with their feet frozen. But now the ice has broken because of the vibration.

It doesn't mean they can escape though because Jude's ash has filled the hole and held their bodies. It's just like what happened when this battle started. So the 9 look up reflexively and really see a blue light flashes from above.

Enel grins and says, "El Thor!"


A massive lightning beam strikes on the 9 Red Scabbards again. Now Enel uses more power and it causes more destruction to a wider area. But he still holds back because he doesn't want to kill the 9 as they aren't real enemies, just sparring partners.

The lightning stays like that for a moment before disappearing. When the lightning disappears, Cricket suddenly jumps to the scattered dust and smoke. He jumps rather high and then falls on the spot where the 9 Red Scabbards are located.

Cricket cocks his right fist back as he falls and says, "Hasshoken Original: Area Break!"

As he says that, Cricket punches downward, but he just hits the air. Nothing will happen if it's just a normal punch, but it is not. Vibration ripples appear in the air where Cricket punched and the vibration spreads to the ground below.

The vibration pushes the dust & smoke away, showing the ground & the 9 Red Scabbards' sorry states. But they can't get relieved just yet because they can feel a strong vibration in the air. Their bodies also start to vibrate and so is the ground below them.


The ground cracks and suddenly the 9 Red Scabbards get pushed down. They can't resist it because it's too strong and they can only cover their bodies with their Ryuo. Then they get pushed really hard when the ground gets destroyed because of Cricket's vibration punch.

The ground beneath the 9 Red Scabbards gets destroyed even further and caves even deeper. Their sparring battle has destroyed the training ground. It's not a problem though because they can just fix it. The problem is what happened to the Red Scabbards.

The 9 of them are lying on the caved ground and not moving. Their Ryuo also has disappeared from their bodies. Kanjuro, Kiku, Raizo, and Denjiro have their eyes turned completely white, showing that they've fainted.

Only Kin'emon, Ashura, Kawamatsu, Inuarashi, and Nekomamushi are still conscious. The 3 non-humans have naturally strong bodies, so this result is predictable. Kin'emon & Ashura also have the same feat, meaning they are stronger than the others.

The 5 of them stand slowly and with hardship. It is clear that they've received a lot of damage from the Clowns' attack combo. They are trying hard to even stand but they still try nevertheless.

The referee should've stopped this match but he is not. It seems he gets sentimental and still hopes that the Red Scabbards can fight again because he is also a samurai. The Clowns sigh then Cricket gives a signal to Mantis.

She nods and then moves fast toward the 5 who still try to stand. Mantis moves past the 5 with her dance-like movements. She uses her wooden staff to hit the 5's heads and shakes their brain a little.

Her attacks make the 5 of them start to lose consciousness. Then finally, they faint after struggling to stay awake for a moment. Now, the referee doesn't have another choice but to stop the match and declares the Clowns executives as the winner.

The Clowns' normal members cheer while the samurais are in disbelief. They can't believe that even the 9 Red Scabbards have lost too. All of them know that these 9 are very strong, after all.

"It seems I win the bet, Oden," says Buggy while smirking.

"Hmph, it's just luck," says Oden.

"Luck or not, this is the result," says Buggy.

Oden sighs and says, "Fine, I'll tell you my secret later. But I'm still not satisfied. Buggyjiro, let's continue the match. It will be us both who fight now."

Buggy sees that Oden is smirking so he says, "This is what you're after from the beginning, isn't it?"


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 259 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 270 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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