Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 178: Shandians

Chapter 178: Shandians

After meeting with Gan Fall, the Clowns leave Shandora. Most of them are reluctant to leave the gold there, but Buggy assures them that the gold won't go anywhere. He even orders the giant snake to guard it so they can leave it without any worry.

They return to their ship and then go to the Shandian's place. Buggy tells his crew to prepare themselves because the Shandians will surely attack them. But he tells them to not kill anyone because it will ruin their purpose to come there.

"Captain, why do you want to help them stop this war? It's not like you are affected by it and even Cricket is not affected. If it's for the thing between Noland and Shandians, then shouldn't you help the Shandians to win this war?" asks Deon.

Buggy gets silent for a moment before saying, "It's because of Captain Roger. When we were here a few years ago, Captain Roger wanted to help this place to stop its war. But he didn't have much time, so he couldn't help. What he said was like a promise to me, so I want to fulfill that promise because he can't do it. I see him as a father figure, that's why I will finish his promise and do what he couldn't do while he's still alive. That includes saving Wano."

"That's quite complicated, but I understand it. Well, I will still follow your order even if the reason isn't that deep," says Deon.

Buggy just smiles and looks forward. What he said just now is actually just a small part of his reason. His biggest reason is that he wants to change a lot of things in this world.

He lives years before the series started, so he knows he can change a lot of things. It really excites him knowing he can change history, in a sense. Knowing where the world will go and changing it as he likes is very exciting for him.

But there's another reason too. It's because he has recruited Enel. Without Enel, Skypiea won't enter a very big crisis. That means the Straw Hats and Skypiea won't have the same enemy. If that happens, then the Straw Hats appearance might not stop the war.

Although they might still be able to stop the war even without the main antagonist, Enel. They are the main characters of this world and have the power of Oda behind them. No one in this world can defend against that.

'Hmm, I wonder if Oda is the one who sent me here? Maybe he was just fantasizing about Buggy being different and this happened. I hope he isn't angry that I changed too many things already. Lord Oda, please don't erase my existence,' thinks Buggy idiotically.


Suddenly, he gets shot by a cannon when he thinks about that stupid thing while standing on the front railing. The shot creates a big explosion that engulfs his whole body and he flings a few meters back. It surprises everyone in the crew because it happens so suddenly.

"CAPTAIN!" shouts everyone panicky.

They rush at Buggy but then some people with masks jump onto their ship and attack them with bazookas. The Clowns don't have any choice but to fight these people. But it's not as easy as they thought because these people can make small cloud roads and move around on them.


Buggy has his shirt burnt and his body is bruised with some blood coming out of his mouth. He wasn't ready for the attack because he was daydreaming just now. Even so, his condition isn't so bad and he only gets light injuries.

"Captain, are you okay?" asks Cricket.

"Do I seem okay? I've just got big psychological damage," says Buggy pissedly.

"I don't know that a cannon shot caused psychological damage," says Palu with a sweatdrop.

Buggy is pissed now because he is very shocked by that attack. He almost gets a heart attack even though his heart isn't in his body. His heart is always kept in a safe box and placed in a safe location that is only known by him.

He looks at the one who shot him just now. It's a man who wears a tribal mask and holds a hand cannon. The man has a pair of wings on his back that are shorter than the Birkans and even the Skypieans.

"Was it you, Shandian?" asks Buggy while walking toward the man.

He can't see the man's expression but it's clear that the man is very surprised that he is fine. The man points his hand cannon at Buggy and shoots again. But his shot gets blocked by Buggy's haki-covered hand.

Buggy then rushes at the man and punches him. The man blocks it with his cannon but still gets fling back because Buggy's punch is too strong for him. The punch even breaks his cannon and deforms it.

He falls on the white sea but doesn't sink into it because his shoes make a solid cloud for him to stand. The man looks at Buggy and his cannon before whistling. Then all the masked attackers leave the ship and get away.

The Clowns want to attack them but Buggy stops his crew. It will be more difficult to talk with the Shandians later if they attack those guys and possibly kill some of them. He knows his crew's capability and it is easy for them to kill these Shandians.

"Who are they, Captain?" asks Jude.

"Shandians, the ones we are looking for," says Buggy.

"They don't seem to like us. Can we even talk with them?" asks Manba.

"They don't like anyone outside of their tribe, so it will be the same even if they don't attack us just now. We're actually lucky that they didn't attack us right after we arrived on the White Sea. It would be problematic if they attacked when we were adapting to this environment," says Buggy.

"Isn't that mean they will attack us when we get closer to their place?" asks Magnus.

"That's what that old man told us. Didn't you hear him?" asks Buggy.

The crew shakes their head and makes Buggy sigh.

"Don't worry, I already have a plan," says Buggy.

The Clowns continue their way to the Shandians' place. Now they watch their surroundings more carefully in case those people attack them again. But they don't get attacked again while they search for the village.

The Shandians' village is actually very hard to find because it's hidden between clouds. Gan Fall only gave Buggy the rough estimation of the village's location. So they need to search around the estimated location carefully.

But it is not a problem for Buggy to find it with his Observation Haki. Besides, even if he doesn't use it, the Shandians have shown it themselves. A lot more Shandian warriors appear from the clouds and surround the Black Pearl.

"Blue sea people, leave this place immediately before you regret it!" says the same man who attacked Buggy before.

"Regret it? You are the one who will regret it if you attack us. I know about you, Shandians. And I know what you're searching for," says Buggy.

"Hmph, cut your crap! We won't believe-," says the man before Buggy cuts his words.

"Montblanc Noland," says Cricket.

The man gets surprised and says, "You!? How? Don't tell me!"

"Why don't we talk, Shandians?" asks Buggy.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 202 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 213 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.