Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 167: Planning

Chapter 167: Planning

After leaving Water 7 with their new ship, The Clowns go to Sobo Island to pick up their remaining 22 crewmates. There's no way the 11 of them want to take care of this big ship by themselves. They need more crewmates, so they need those 22 now.

Buggy also plans to recruit more members along their journey in Paradise. What they need now are normal members of the crew. There are many positions that they need to fill in the crew, especially the lower ranks.

With the 11 of them and 22 members in Sobo Island, the Clowns now have 33 people. There are still 67 spots to fill because Buggy wants 100 crew members. His requirements are simple, loyalty, hard work, and has humanity

He doesn't need someone strong but not loyal, doesn't want to work hard, and even worse, doesn't have humanity. It's better to have a weak guy but have all those criteria because he can always train the guy.

Buggy believes in his ability to make any of his crewmates stronger. That's why strength isn't his first priority in recruitment. If Enel has become the one like in the series, then Buggy would never recruit him.

"You guys will start leading your own Team based on your jobs from now on. So you will need to start searching members for your Teams based on my criteria," says Buggy.

Cricket is Vice-Captain and will lead 1st Team composed of strongest fighters. Palu leads 2nd Team composed of shipwrights. Enel leads the 3rd Team composed of helmsmen that will take turns with him to control the ship.

Mantis will lead the 4th Team composed of Ship's Cooks. Manba leads the 5th Team composed of medics. Deon leads the 6th Team composed of intelligent personnel.

Brook leads the 7th Team composed of entertainers, especially musicians. They are pirates and always need music to fill their days. Ruff leads the 8th Team composed of scientists, it's needed, after all.

Magnus will also lead a Team even though he is a temporary member. His strength is too big to be put under another team, so Buggy wants him to lead one. He will lead the 9th Team, another team of fighters like the 1st Team.

As for Jude, she won't have any Team as she will work right under Buggy as a navigator. They just need one navigator right now because they only have 1 ship. Buggy hasn't planned to add another ship soon, so 1 navigator is enough.

Then Buggy allocated their Teams' quota including the leaders. The total of all team members plus their leaders is 98 because Buggy and Jude aren't included in any team.

1. 1st Team (Fighters): 25

2. 2nd Team (Shipwrights): 6

3. 3rd Team (Helmsmen): 4

4. 4th Team (Cooks): 8

5. 5th Team (Medics): 10

6. 6th Team (Spies): 10

7. 7th Team (Musicians): 10

8. 8th Team (Scientists): 5

9. 9th Team (Fighters): 20

"Cricket, Magnus, the fighters will also work as chore boys. Battle doesn't happen every day and this ship needs to be taken care of. Only fighter teams that don't have a specific job in the ship, so you guys are responsible for the ship's cleanliness," says Buggy.

"Alright, I don't want my team to just think of fighting without thinking of their ship too," says Cricket.

Magnus also nods because he agrees with the 2 of them.

"And for the other teams, I want you guys to make sure your member can at least protect themselves. It will be even better if they can help in a war and fight to win. But at least they need to be able to prevent themselves from getting killed. So you guys need to make sure of that no matter what," says Buggy.

"Hah, of course, I don't want my team to be made of weaklings," says Enel.

"Yeah, medics also need to be strong or we will get killed when helping our comrades in a war," says Manba.

"I won't recruit weak team members. Strength is necessary to cook for so many people every day," says Mantis.

The others also agree with it because it's a very basic thing. Even though their teams aren't fighter teams, they need to be able to fight. The pirate world isn't that forgiving and those who can't fight for themselves will just get killed or become others' tools.

Even if they can't fight, they need to have the willingness to fight. Unable to fight and not willing to fight are 2 different things. Ruff couldn't fight at first, but he would still fight if needed like when he protected a little girl although he got beaten up very badly.

Buggy can accept someone who can't fight, but he'll never accept someone who doesn't willing to fight at all. He can train the first one, but the 2nd one won't grow no matter what because there's no willingness to grow.

After that, everyone starts to plan their recruitments and sets their own criteria. They need to finish their recruitment before entering New World. The game will change drastically there, so they need to prepare themselves really well.

They sail for 2 weeks before reaching Sobo Island. This island is the 3rd island in its route, so it's very far from Water 7. 2 weeks of sailing is fast enough considering they sail normally using the wind.

"CAPTAIN! DEON! EVERYONE!" shouts the 22 crewmates after Black Pearl docked near their training place.

"HAHAHA, YOU GUYS LOOK WELL," says Deon as he rushes to them.

The ex-Rainbow Pirates reunite and talk to each other happily. Buggy & co then get down from the ship and the 22 guys greet them respectfully. But then they are stunned to see Magnus and Brook. They never see a giant and a living skeleton, after all.

Buggy let them know each other and walk away to approach a running little girl with Ruff. It's Nina, the little girl that Ruff saved until he got beaten very badly. Her grandpa also walks behind her.

"RED NOSE BROTHER! WEAK BROTHER!" shouts Nina excitedly.

Buggy & Ruff suddenly feel some arrows stabbing their hearts when they hear her innocent words. They can only smile bitterly to not hurt her feeling. She hugs Ruff happily before hugging Buggy and gets lifted by him.

"You look great, Nina. They didn't cause any trouble aren't they?" asks Buggy while giving her a lollipop.

"No, those uncles are very nice and always play with me. They also helped grandpa to caught fish every day," says Nina while taking the lollipop happily.

"UGH!" grunts the ex-Rainbow Pirates in pain.

Buggy suddenly hears some pained voices from behind and looks back. He sees the 22 guys are falling on their knees while holding their chests.

"It's very unfair," says a man.

"Why'd she call Captain and Ruff-san as brothers while we are uncles?" asks another man.

"We aren't that much older than them, we are still in our 20's," says another man.

"Late 20's," says Deon, not supporting his friends.

"Still-," says a man who can't finish his word.

They all just slumped down depressedly, making the executives sweatdrop at them.

"This crew really doesn't have any normal member, Yohohoho," says Brook jokingly.

"You don't say," retorts Palu with a sweatdrop.

Anyway, now The Clown Pirates have been completed. So they will start their journey to explore Paradise and recruit more crew members. What has awaits them in the future?


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 191 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 202 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.